Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [585.86 KB] Vol. 34 - December 2, 1935 - How the Divine Will darts through the creature and forms in her the divine nobility; and performing the role of Actor, It renders God and the creature inseparable. Example: the sun.Vol. 34 - December 8, 1935 - Prodigies of the Immaculate Conception. Communication of divine rights. How God does not want to do anything without His Celestial Mother.Vol. 34 - December 15, 1935 - How true love wants to make itself known, it expands and flies in search of the beloved, because it feels the need to be loved in return. Power of the creating act that one receives when going around in the Creation.Vol. 34 - December 29, 1935 - The royal place of the creature in the union of the Divine Unity. How she remains enclosed in It, and how she can form the rarest beauties and the enchantment for her very Creator.Vol. 34 - January 5, 1936 - One who lives in the Divine Will forms the little Life of the Divine Will in the creature. How she is loved with new and doubled love by God.Vol. 34 - January 22, 1936 - One who lives in the Divine Will forms the theatre of the works of her Creator, and repeats within herself the moving scene of Redemption.Vol. 34 - March 1, 1936 - Prodigies of the Incarnation of the Divine Word. How the Heavens were stupefied and the Angels remained mute. Prodigies when the Divine Will operates in the creature. The Divine Trinity, called into Council. How God, in creating us, places a dose of His love in the creature.Vol. 34 - April 21, 1936 - Divine display for one who lives in His Will. How God renders her participant in His works. How He has always something to give and to operate together with the creature.Vol. 34 - May 20, 1936 - Difference that passes between one who calls the Divine Will into her acts, and one who does good works without It. The Ascension; how Jesus departed for Heaven, still remaining on earth.Vol. 34 - May 31, 1936 - How the Divine Will encloses all the acts of the life of Jesus as though in act of repeating them always for love of creatures. The life of Jesus symbolizes the calling of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.Vol. 34 - June 14, 1936 - God and His Will; His Will in relationship with Creation; His Will in relationship with the Celestial Beings. His Will in disaccord with the human family.Vol. 34 - July 4, 1936 - How an act of the human will can spoil the Divine Order and Its most beautiful works. The first thing that God wants is absolute freedom. How the Divine Will will form many Jesuses wherever It reigns.Vol. 34 - August 23, 1936 - The little field assigned to the creature within the immensity of the Divine Will. Jesus places His life at the creatures’ disposal, as long as He obtains that they live in the Divine Will. The greatest prodigy of Creation is the Virgin.Vol. 34 - November 3, 1936 - Reflections between Creator and creature. Inseparability from each other. How in each instant God asks the creature to receive the Life of His Will. How with one who decides to live of It, God covers everything she has done with His Divine Will.Vol. 43 - December 8, 1936 - How the Queen of Heaven, in Her Conception, was conceived in the merits, in the life, in the love and pains of the future Redeemer, to then be able to conceive the Divine Word within Her, for Him to come and save the creatures.Vol. 34 - December 20, 1936 - The Divine Fiat made the Virgin to be conceived in each creature, so that each one might have a Mother for himself. Endowment that God gave to the Virgin. Triumphs and victories of God; triumphs and victories of the Virgin, with which all creatures are endowed.Vol. 34 - December 24, 1936 - The Celestial and Divine Mother, and the human Mother. Fast race of love of God, in which He makes this Mother, by virtue of the Fiat, generate Her Jesus in each creature.Vol. 34 - December 28, 1936 - The Celestial Heiress. How She calls Her children to inherit Her goods. How She reaches the point of endowing souls with Her Maternal Love in order to form more mamas to Jesus.Vol. 34 - January 1, 1937 - The feast that the Queen of Heaven prepared for Her Son Jesus at His birth. How love is a magnet that transforms and embellishes.Vol. 34 - January 4, 1937 - How each creature, from the beginning of his existence, holds an act of Divine Will, wanted and decided, which creates him, nurtures him, forms him. Feast of Jesus in each act of the creature that does His Will.Vol. 34 - January 10, 1937 - Intertwinement between the Divine Will and the human. Tenderness of Jesus for one who lives in His Will, unto feeling happy for having cried and suffered. The refuge of the works of God.Vol. 34 - January 24, 1937 - For one who lives in It, the Divine Will forms the repeater of Its Life and of Its Love, and forms and extends in her the whole Creation and everything that Jesus did. How It will give her a new name, calling her: ‘My Fiat’.Vol. 34 - February 10, 1937 - The Kingdom of the Divine Will will be the Kingdom of the Queen of Heaven. Her ardent desires and incessant prayers. Assaults of love that She makes upon the Divinity in order to obtain It. How She will place Her life at the creatures’ disposal, to give them the grace of making them live of Divine Will.Vol. 34 - February 26, 1937 - What one more act is, which the creature does in the Divine Will: it is harmony and music; it is to overwhelm Heaven and earth; it is for her to settle in God, and God in her.Vol. 34 - March 6, 1937 - Creation, first means of help in order to form the Life of the Divine Will in us. Second: God Himself directly. Third: the circumstances of life.Vol. 34 - March 14, 1937 - The Divine Will is life and, as life, It forms the generation of Its Life in the acts of the creature who will live in It, forming the long generation of the children of Its Divine Fiat.Vol. 34 - March 18, 1937 - The Divine Will gives all Its works as gift to one who lives in It. The breath of God in His works and in all the holy works of creatures. The Divine Will acts as the supplier of all that the creature lacks.vol. 34 - March 22, 1937 - Need of love that the Divine Fiat feels of being loved back. How to one who lives in It the Divine Will gives so much love as to make her love in all hearts and in all Creation, in order to be requited with the love of all. How the soul without the Fiat is like soil without water. Evils of disturbance.Vol. 34 - March 26, 1937 - The Creation and the Humanity of Our Lord are the fields in which one who lives in the Divine Will carries out her acts. How the Divine Will forms the Humanity of Our Lord and Paradise on earth for Jesus.Vol. 34 - April 4, 1937 - As the creature gives her will to God, so does God acquire His divine rights over it. How three walls of fortitude are formed so as not to let her get out from within the Fiat.Vol. 34 - April 8, 1937 - Everything that is done in the Divine Will constitutes a right for all, and all can do that good. These rights were given by Adam, by the Queen of Heaven, by Our Lord, who prepared for us the royal garment.Vol. 34 - April 18, 1937 - Continuous encounters between the Divine Volition and the creature. How one who lives in It has formed the tiny little sea of the Fiat. How It runs always in each thing in order to give new graces and new love.Vol. 34 - April 25, 1937 - Prodigy of the operating act of the Divine Will in the creature. How one who lets It operate within herself is the longed-for creature, the welcome one, the beloved of all Celestial Court. Everything that is done in It acquires the virtue of producing Divine Life.Vol. 34 - May 6, 1937 - How Jesus doesn’t know what to do with a soul who does not possess peace. To one who lives in the Divine Volition God gives all His works as gift, and even His very Life, to show her how much and in what way He wants to be loved.Vol. 34 - May 10, 1937 - How God makes Himself food for the creature. Their mutual exchange, their harmonizing, their speaking to each other, form the most beautiful works. How the Queen of Heaven continues Her office of Mother and raises Her Son in the creatures.Vol. 34 - May 16, 1937 - The truths: divine birth, the greatest miracle that God can make, and the good it brings to creatures.Vol. 34 - May 23, 1937 - How the Divine Will is order and peace, and this is the sign wherever It reigns. One who lives in the Divine Volition is constantly renewed in the divine sanctity, love and freshness, and in her act runs the creating and growing act of the divine goods.Vol. 34 - May 28, 1937 - The Queen, bearer of Jesus. The great gift that was delivered to Her. Task that She received from the Supreme Being.Vol. 34 - June 6, 1937 - Interest that God has for the creature to live in His Will. Dowry that He will give. The sentry of Jesus to make up for what the creature lacks; and if needed He will even make miracles. Example of a king.Vol. 34 - June 18, 1937 - What one obtains and what it means to submit oneself to the Divine Will. Exchange of abandonments between the Divine Will and the soul; merit that she acquires. Outpouring of love. How in each created thing there is the deposit of love for us.Vol. 34 - June 28, 1937 - What God does to the creature when she decides to live in His Will. As she decides to live in It, her name is written in Heaven, she remains confirmed in the divine good, love and sanctity, and she is enlisted in the Celestial Militia. Example.Vol. 34 - July 4 1937 - How God wants to form many of His Divine Lives in each creature. How one who lives in the Divine Volition becomes the bearer of all and of everything to her Creator.Vol. 34 - July 12, 1937 - How human reflections take away the place of the divine, and are the little pebbles that render the fount of the soul turbid. How the Divine Will converts Its Love into her nature, and whatever It does at the moment of death It anticipates in one who lives in It.Vol. 34 - July 25, 1937 - How an act in the Divine Will can be a mighty wind, a celestial air and atmosphere Three circles. If God loves, He operates; if He speaks, He gives.Vol. 34 - August 2, 1937 - How Creation possesses the perfect happiness, such as to be able to give terrestrial happiness to the creatures. How sin stopped the happiness. The great evil of one who moves away from his origin. Example.