Conference on the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
We would like to give you some essential and important communications and information and gather through dialogue the experiences relative to the spirituality of the Divine Will. This is the main reason for our gathering. I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation, arisen from a decision made by the diocesan Committee and the Postulation for the cause of beatification of the Servant of God.
My communication on the Will of God on the Bible has a biblical-pastoral profile. While drafting it up I kept in mind the course found on the pastoral-biblical schedules, published by the Dehonians of Bologna, vol. 8, page 4225-4237, signed by initials A.B. I am going to go into the distinct exposition of two passages:
The Old Testament
The New Testament
Throught out I wanted to appropriately insert some passages relative to the mystical experiences of the Servant of God “Luisa Piccarreta”. These were taken again and enriched with quotations of Luisa’s writings. I could not do it on this communication because of lack of time.
God’s Will in the Bible
Old Testament
In the Old Testament God revel as His creative will, will of forgiveness, will of love. will of complete satisfaction. Here are some bible references:
Gn 1,26: Will of Creativity
Mi 7,18: Will of Forgiveness
iRe 10,9; 2Cron 9,8 Will of Love
(3,12) Will of Complete Satisfaction
“By God’s will, therefore, the exile prophets intend to carry out the God’s effective project of reconstructing a community surrounded by peace and well-being, a community who will live according to God’s laws for the good of men. It is within this project of God that each Israeli looked to find out which was God’s will for himself’.( A.B. in pastoral biblical Schedules, E.D., v. 8, p.4230)
In the New Testament God revel as Himself in Jesus Christ
New Testament Synoptical Gospel
Jesus reveals and brings about God’s will. (Mc 3,31-35)
(Mt 11,25-26)
Luisa Piccarreta is between his children, to whom the Father revealed His will, and she is in the new, family created by Jesus Christ, the Church.
(Mt 3,17; Mc 1,11) In order to understand God’s will we have to look at Jesus: whatever He does, whatever He says and wishes is what God does, says and wishes. The realization of God’s will begins with Jesus.
Luisa, called by Jesus “Soul, help me!” fully belongs to Jesus in her life within Him and with Him in her daily state of celibacy immerse in suffering.
(Mt 26,39.42; Mc 14,36; Lc 22,42)
The agony and death, for Jesus are part of God’s misterious plan. Jesus does not accept it passively, on the contrary, he reacts before it (“Father, ..), but accepts the Father’s will also through it (not my will, but Your will______________”).
(cfr.Mt 26,39.42; Mc 14,36; Lc 22,42 )
Jesus does not surrender before pain and death, but He surrenders to God’s will which is able to take good from bad also from pain and death. There is no fatalism nor passive resignation. Under no circumstance we should think that God’s will had intended Jesus passion and death.
Luisa is not passive in facing her illness which lasted more than 50 years. She offers herself to God as holocaust, in Jesus, victim and host (?).
When Jesus teaches us to say in the “Our Father” prayer FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA, He does not ask us to renounce to be active and creative, nor to stop fighting against evil and death. We, in fact, request with Jesus: “Father, Fiat Voluntas Tua of good for us”. Also in pain and in front of death, we believe that God’s will is only life, happiness and the good, and therefore we ask God to act according to His will. (id., p.4231)
Luisa looks at Jesus, she allows Him to posess her, and lives within Him and with Him what the Father asks of her as her collaborator for the construction of the Kingdom, which is the Family of God, the Church.
Jesus program is comprised in his speech on “the mountain”, in which He says: “The Kingdom is in living according to the Will of my Father who is in Heaven”. (Mt 7,21).
To act according to God’s will is nothing else other than living your life the way Jesus lived his. In the Gospel, that of John is the one that better than the others explains the life of Jesus Christ living totally according to His Father’s will.
In John’s Gospel
According to John’s Gospel God’s will fuses itself with the love of the Father for Jesus and his disciples.
(Gv 4,34)
(Gv 6,28-29)
(Gv 6,37-17)
The only road to God’s will is Jesus Christ.
Luisa walks on Jesus Christ’s steps, by which she complies with God’s will.
How does Jesus learn to live according to God’s will? (Mt 6,10)
(Gv 15,15)
Luisa, taken by Jesus Christ, allowed him to seize her becoming his bride (?).
The Christian in history is called to try to distinguish God’s will in the midst of the vicissitudes of the world: “Do not be satisfied with this century’s mentality, but transform yourself, renovating your mind in order to be able to distinguish God’s will, what is good, what he He likes and what is perfect” (Rm 12,2) (Col 1,9-10).
A Christian life is a progressive discovery’, knowledge and fulfillment of God’s will until “God is all within us” (1 2Cor 15, 28). In the end the result will be that God’s will is only love, life, forgiveness and happiness.
Paul traces a complete program of Christian life which we can consider as a synthesis of God’s will for us, here and now:
“Be always merry, pray incessantly, thank God for everything; this, in fact, is God’s will in Christ for us. Do not extinguish the Spirit, do not despise the prophecies, examine everything, keep what’s good. Abstain from any type of wrong doing.” (1 Ts 5,16-22).
Luisa at that time, lived this program from her bed of suffering, with happiness, prayer, giving thanks, listening to the Spirit, with respect for the word of God, with obedience towards the Church, with good conduct. She navigated the Divine will allowing the Holy Spirit to fully conform her in Christ according to her spiritual stature.
it is with this auspice that I open the Conference. Thank you. Trani, October 10, 2002
Giovan Battista Picchieri, Archbishop