Volume 12 – April 8, 1918
Returning to the Point about Living in the Divine Will, I had been told that it was like Living in the State of Union with God; and my always Lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), there is great difference between Living United with Me and Living in My Divine Will.” And as He was saying this, He stretched His Arms toward me and told me: “Come into My Divine Will, even for one instant, and you will see the Great Difference.”
I found myself in Jesus; my little atom was Swimming in the Eternal Volition; and since this Eternal Volition is one Single Act which contains all acts together, past, present and future, I (Luisa), being in the Eternal Volition, took part in that Single Act which contains all acts, as much as it is possible for creature. I took part also in the acts which do not exist, and which must yet exist, until the end of the centuries, and until God will be God; and for these too I Loved Him, I Thanked Him, I Blessed Him, etc. There was not one act that would escape me, and I would now take the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I would make it my own, just as Their Divine Will was my own, and I would give it to Them as mine. How content I was to be able to give Them Their Own Love as mine; and how They found Their Full Contentment and Complete Outpouring in Receiving from me Their Own Love as mine. But who can say everything? I lack the words.
Now, blessed Jesus told me: “Have you (Luisa) seen what it is to Live in My Divine Will? It is to disappear; it is to Enter the Sphere of Eternity; it is to Penetrate into the All-Seeingness of the Eternal One – into the Uncreated Mind, and to take part in Everything, as much as it is possible for creature, and in each Divine Act. It is to Enjoy the use, even while being on earth, of All the Divine Qualities; it is to hate evil in a Divine Way. It is extending oneself to everyone without exhaustion, because the Will that Animates this creature is Divine. It is the Sanctity not yet known, which I (Jesus) will make Known, and which will place the Last Ornament, and the Most Beautiful, the Most Refulgent, among all other Sanctities, and will be Crown and Fulfillment of all other Sanctities.
“Now, to Live United with Me is not to disappear – two beings can be seen together, and one who does not disappear cannot Enter the Sphere of Eternity to take Part in all the Divine Acts. Ponder well, and you will see the great difference.”
Volume 16 – February 20, 1924
“Ah! you do not know what it Means to Live in My Will. It Means to make the Pure Joys of the Purpose of Creation, My Innocent Amusements of the Reason why I Created man (Adam), Return to Me. It Means to Remove from Me all the bitterness that the perfidious human will gave Me almost at the Dawn of Creation. It Means a Continuous Exchange between human will and Divine Will, as the soul, fearing her own human will, Lives of Mine, while Mine keeps Filling the soul with Joys, Love and Infinite Goods. Oh! how Happy I (Jesus) feel in being able to give whatever I want to this soul (Luisa), because My Divine Will contains such Capacity as to be able to Receive Everything. So, there are no longer divisions between Me (Jesus) and her (Luisa), but Stable Union in Operating, in Thinking, in Loving, because My Divine Will makes up for Everything, so we remain in Perfect Accord and in Communion of Goods. This had been the Purpose of the Creation of man (Adam): to have him (Adam) Live as Our own child and to Place All Our Goods in Common with him, so that he (Adam) might be Fully Happy, and We (Triune God) might be Amused with his Happiness.
“Now, to Live in My Divine Will is precisely this: to have the Purpose, the Joys, the Feasts of Creation returned to Us (Triune God). And you (Luisa) say that I (Jesus) should have kept It hidden in My Church, without letting It come out? I (Jesus) would have turned Heaven and earth upside down; I (Jesus) would have Overwhelmed the hearts with an Irresistible Strength, in Order to make Known That which will be the Fulfillment of Creation. Do you (Luisa) see how much I (Jesus) Care for this Living in My Divine Will, which Places the Seal upon All My Works, so that All of Them may be Complete? To you (Luisa), perhaps, this may seem nothing, or that there are similar things in My Church. No, no. To Me (Jesus), on the contrary, It is the All of My Works, and you (Luisa and souls linked to you) must Appreciate It as such, and be more attentive in Fulfilling the Mission I (Jesus) want from you (Luisa).”