To the priests, our Lady’s beloved Sons
MMP &The Divine Will ( 41 citations) and a couple teachings of importance on the 2nd Pentecost! :
#169 [Excerpt]: The Second Sign: Lack of Discipline – February 2, 1979
169 e
Beloved sons, when I appeal to you to become littler, in my arms, it is to make you like my Child, Jesus, through docile and perfect obedience to the Divine Will.
#173 [Excerpt]: Your Interior Equilibrium – March 25, 1979
173 h
When the Father decided to place his Word in my virginal womb, He found your Mother ready to welcome Him with love and joy, being only intent upon the perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will.
#177 [Excerpt]: In My Immaculate Heart – June 23, 1979
177 c
Here, you will be formed by me according to the plan which the Heart of my Son Jesus has entrusted to me. Thus each one of you will be helped by me to carry out in a perfect manner the Divine Will alone.
#185 [Excerpt]: In the Temple of My Heart – November 21, 1979
185 e
In the temple, my Heart opened itself to an act of pure and uninterrupted love of the Lord, while detachment from the world and creatures prepared me, each day more and more, to pronounce my perfect yes to his Divine Will.
#185 [Excerpt]: In the Temple of My Heart – November 21, 1979
185 m
In the temple of my Immaculate Heart, your heart too will be purified, to be formed by me to a pure and incessant act of love for the Lord. I am leading you on the road of perfect love, that you too may follow your Mother in saying your yes to the Divine Will.
#213 [Excerpt]: The Way of Unity – October 27, 1980
213 i
And who, better than your heavenly Mother, can help you to love, understand and have compassion for each other, to know and esteem each other? For this reason a true reunion of Christians is not possible without an effort towards interior conversion and purification, in order to attain solely the fulfillment of the Divine Will.
#213 [Excerpt]: The Way of Unity – October 27, 1980
213 j (excerpt)
This is the Divine Will for you: that all may be one. And who better than I can help her children travel along this difficult road?
#223 [Excerpt]: “Yes, Father” – March 25, 1981
223 c (excerpt)
Your heavenly Mother wants today to help you fulfill well — and only — the Divine Will. This is the Will of God: your sanctification!
#223 [Excerpt]: “Yes, Father” – March 25, 1981
223 k
Yes, Father, to the gift of your immense mercy which shines forth in your Son whom, through the yes of the Virgin Mother, you have once for all given us, Jesus-salvation, Jesus-life, Jesus-truth, Jesus-fount of divine mercy, Jesus-perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will.
#260 [Excerpt]: The Path of Penance – March 5, 1983
260 h
This cross is made up of the difficulties one encounters when one desires to fulfill solely the Will of God, because this involves the task of daily fidelity to the duties of one’s state in life. It is a fidelity in which even the very smallest tasks are performed with perfection. Everything is done in the fullness of love; every moment of the day is lived in fulfilling the Divine Will.
#261 [Excerpt]: Open Wide the Gates to Christ – March 25, 1983
261 g
His yes of the Son to the Father, my yes of the Mother to the Son, united us wholly and forever after, in the perfect realization of the Divine Will.
#299 [Excerpt]: The Will of God – December 8, 1984
299 b
The exemption from every stain of sin, even from the original one, has made my life a pure reflection of the life of God. Thus my soul was filled with grace, and its powers were always directed to carrying out the divine plan in a perfect way. My mind was opened to seek and love the Will of God, and my Heart was impelled, with joy and complete abandonment, to fulfill only the Divine Will.
#299 [Excerpt]: The Will of God – December 8, 1984
299 g
When discouragement takes hold of you, the bond with Him which is established in prayer and especially in the Eucharist will give you strength and infuse you with new energy for good. When aridity threatens you, communion with Him will open you up to new and profound experiences of love and joy. Then you too will carry out the Divine Will, which is that of living to know, love and serve the Father, in a profound intimacy of life with the Son, whose mystery will become ever increasingly revealed to you in its fullness by the Holy Spirit.
#303 [Excerpt]: I See Your Littleness – February 2, 1985
303 f (excerpt)
With these same sentiments I am leading you, dear children, each day to the altar of the Lord, to help you fulfill well his Divine Will. ‘Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you have prepared for me; I have come to do your Will, O God.’ (cf. Heb 10:5-7)
#303 [Excerpt]: I See Your Littleness – February 2, 1985
303 k (excerpt)
For this reason, beloved children, each day, on my grateful Heart, happy and at the same time sorrowful, I carry you to the temple of the Lord and place you upon his altar, so that you may be offered to the perfect fulfillment of his Divine Will.”
#308 [Excerpt]: Your Sorrowful Passion – April 5, 1985
308 b
Carry your cross each day, and never depart from the Divine Will. Your wounds are the misunderstandings, the doubts, the perplexities and the numerous abandonments. These are the real wounds of the soul, which no one sees, more precious than gold, the blood from which I am always gathering up to water the garden of the dried up and thirsty souls of your brother-priests.
#315 [Excerpt]: My Path – November 12, 1985
315 b
Upon it you experience the love of the Father, who loves you very much and leads you, who prepares everything for you through his divine providence, and who calls you to an ever greater happiness. Allow yourselves to be carried at every moment by this fatherly love, like little children who entrust themselves completely to his Divine Will.
#321 [Excerpt]: The Way to the Divine Will – February 2, 1986
321 d
I am the way to the Divine Will.
#321 [Excerpt]: The Way to the Divine Will – February 2, 1986
321 k (excerpt)
For this I am leading you each day along the way of the perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will so that, in the holy temple of your priestly life, the Most Holy Trinity may receive from you today its greatest glory.”
#377 [Excerpt]: The Johns of the Eucharistic Jesus – March 31, 1988
377 j (excerpt)
The power of the will sets you on the way of always doing his Divine Will. As a compass points toward the north pole, so also your will becomes irresistibly attracted to his Will.
When sometimes you turn from it, almost without you noticing it, there is some force within you which turns you in the right direction, because your will becomes absorbed by his Divine Will. Thus your mind becomes ever more and more enlightened, because you are thinking as He thinks, you want what He wants, and thus you live in an intimacy of life with Jesus who, in your priestly life, fulfills again today his divine mission of doing the Will of the Father: ‘I have come, O God, to do your Will. Not my Will but yours be done.’ (cf. Lk 22:42)
#398 [Excerpt]: I Am Bringing You to Jesus – February 2, 1989
398 r
If Jesus becomes your way, you come into the arms of his, and your, Heavenly Father. If you walk with Jesus, you carry out the Divine Will in your life, with that love and that docility with which Jesus has always done the Will of the Father. And thus you live with the confidence and the abandonment of little children who expect and receive everything as a gift of love from their Father who is in heaven.
#405 [Excerpt]: The Beast Like a Leopard – June 3, 1989
405 f
For this reason, God communicated his Will to his people by means of ten horns which made his Law known: the Ten Commandments. The one who accepts them and observes them walks in life along the road of the Divine Will, of joy and of peace. The one who does the Will of the Father accepts the word of his Son and shares in the redemption accomplished by Him. Jesus gives to souls the very divine life, through grace, that He won for us through his Sacrifice carried out on Calvary.
#413 [Excerpt]: The New Jerusalem – November 1, 1989
413 f
Against the difficulties, the acts of derision, and the marginalization which the beast like a lamb uses against you, my beloved children, have recourse to a perpetual communion of prayer with the holy souls in purgatory. This communion of prayer, with the souls who are being purified, gives to them the light and the comfort of shortening the time of their purification and grants to you the security and the courage to carry out my plan in your life, which is that of helping you to fulfill at each moment the Divine Will of the Lord.
#436 [Excerpt]: Paradise Will Be Joined to Earth – November 1, 1990
436 e (excerpt)
In the hour of the great trial, paradise will be joined to earth, until the moment when the luminous door will be opened, to cause to descend upon the world the glorious presence of Christ, who will restore his reign in which the Divine Will shall be accomplished in a perfect manner, as in heaven, so also on earth.”
#441 [Excerpt]: The Announcement of the New Era – January 1, 1991
441 c
— As Mother, I am close to each one of you to help you carry out, in the time which has been granted you, the plan of your Heavenly Father. This plan is that his Divine Will be accomplished by you.
And the Divine Will is that you become holy.
I, therefore, help you to walk along the road of holiness, so that the Divine Will may be accomplished by you in a perfect way, and thus you may give, in your life, the greatest glory to the Most Holy Trinity.
#444 [Excerpt]: The Pasch of Love and of Sorrow – March 28, 1991
444 o
Beloved sons, do not seek human consolations or superficial comforts. It is my motherly task to give you that chalice of comfort which the Heavenly Father has prepared for you. In this way, you are assisted by me to carry out today only the Will of the Father. Entrust yourselves, all, to my Immaculate Heart, that I may be able to lead you along the road of the Divine Will.
#453 [Excerpt]: The New Era – August 15, 1991
453 d
The new era, which I announce to you, coincides with the complete fulfillment of the Divine Will, so that at last there is coming about that which Jesus taught you to ask for, from the Heavenly Father: ‘Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ (Mt 6:10)
This is the time when the Divine Will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is being accomplished by the creatures.
From the perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will, the whole world is becoming renewed, because God finds there, as it were, his new garden of Eden, where He can dwell in loving companionship with his creatures.
#460 [Excerpt]: In the Temple of My Immaculate Heart – November 21, 1991
460 f
— In the temple of my Immaculate Heart, I am preparing you for your priestly immolation. There is a spiritual immolation which I am asking of everyone. It is made up of the acceptance, with love, of every circumstance of your life as a fulfillment of the Will of the Heavenly Father. Do always and at every moment only the Divine Will. Then the Father will be pleased with you, who are giving to the Son the joy of doing, in you, only the Will of the Father. There is also a physical immolation for which I am preparing you gently, as Mother, who is making of her Immaculate Heart, in which you are enclosed, the altar upon which you will be immolated for the salvation of the world.
#472 [Excerpt]: The Victory Which Conquers the World – April 19, 1992
472 j (excerpt)
Christ Risen is now bringing the Will of the Father to perfect fulfillment, through his second coming in glory, to restore his reign, in which the Divine Will may be accomplished by all on earth.”
#482 [Excerpt]: An Oracle of the Lord – November 22, 1992
482 n
The Holy Spirit will open hearts and minds, in such a way that all will be able to carry out the Will of the Father and the Son, so that, as in heaven so also on earth, the Divine Will may be perfectly accomplished.
#487 [Excerpt]: In the Temple of My Immaculate Heart – February 2, 1993
487 c
I offer you to the glory of the Father, who takes delight in you, and I lead you, at each moment of your life, to do his Divine Will with love, docility and filial abandonment. Thus as in heaven, so also on this earth, the Heavenly Father is glorified, and his name is adored and sanctified.
#500 [Excerpt]: Along the Way of Humility – September 8, 1993
500 f
Be obedient to the Pope and the bishops united with him. Obey all the norms which regulate your priestly life. Obey the Will of God, which becomes more and more manifest to you, so that your Father who is in heaven may be glorified in you, each day, in the perfect fulfillment of his Divine Will.
#505 [Excerpt]: The Glorious Reign of Christ – November 21, 1993
505 g (excerpt)
… – The glorious reign of Christ will also be reflected in a new form of life in everyone, because you will be drawn to live only for the glory of the Lord. And the Lord will be glorified when his Divine Will will be perfectly accomplished by each one of you. The glorious reign of Christ will coincide, then, with the perfect accomplishment of the Will of God on the part of every one of his creatures, in such a way that, as it is in heaven, so it will also be on this earth.
#511 [Excerpt]: The Gift of My Trust – February 2, 1994
511 c
In you, the Father must be glorified in the perfect fulfillment of his Divine Will. In you, the Son wants to be relived in such a way that you become the instruments of his divine mercy. In you, the Holy Spirit is at work, with the force of his love, in order to make you capable of transforming hearts and souls.
#522 [Excerpt]: Your Refuge – June 11, 1994
522 d
In my Immaculate Heart you will be formed to the perfect glory of the Lord, through your promise of a life offered to Him, in the fulfillment of the Divine Will and in the observance of his Law.
#578 [Excerpt]: With the Strength of the Little Ones – September 8, 1996
578 d
Thus, in them and by means of them, I repeat my gesture of humble and perfect availability to his Will, repeating again my Fiat: let your holy and Divine Will be done.