November 10, 1927
The soul (Luisa) alone with Jesus, and Jesus alone with her (Luisa); how He (Jesus) alone enjoys her (Luisa). Order and harmony of Creation. How each created thing was to receive the action of ADAM. God, first model of Creation; ADAM, the second; the third, (Luisa) the one who Must Make the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat Return.
…I was following my Round in the Divine Volition, and as I arrived at Eden, I was Glorifying my Creator in the Act in which, with His Omnipotent Breath, He Infused Life in the body of my first father ADAM. And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “Daughter (Luisa), with what Order and Harmony was man created! ADAM was created by Us (Triune God) as King of all Creation, and, as King, he (Adam) held Supremacy over all things; and if he had not rejected Our Fiat, Possessing the Unity of It, during his whole life he would have Filled all created things with his Acts. As King and Owner, he (Adam) had the Right that each created thing undergo his Action and be Invested by its Light, since each one of his Actions was a sun, one more Beautiful than the other. So, he (Adam) was to Form the Crown for all Creation. He (Adam) would not have been True King had he not Known all of his Dominions and Possessed the Right to place his Acts in all the things created by Us (Triune God). It happened as when someone is the owner of a land: as the owner, he has the right to stroll within it, to plant flowers, plants, trees – in sum, anything he wants. So ADAM was: with the Power of Our Divine Fiat he (Adam) did whatever he wanted; he Bilocated in all created things, and if he Spoke, if he Loved, if he Adored and Operated, his Voice resounded throughout the whole Creation, and It was invested by his Love, Adoration and Work. Therefore, the Divinity felt the Love, the Adoration, the Work of His First Son in all of His (God’s) Works.
Now, the whole work of ADAM would have remained in all Creation as the First Model for all of his descendants, who would have Modeled all their acts in the Reflections of the Light of his Acts, which, as First Father, he would have given as Inheritance to all his descendants, who would have had, not only their Model, but the Possession of his (Adm’s) very Acts. What would Our Glory and his have been – to see the Works of Our Dear Son, of Our Precious Treasure who had been given birth by Our Love, Fused with Our Works. What Happiness for him (Adam) and for Us (Triune God)! Now, if this was Our Purpose for which all Creation was created, as well as Our Dear Jewel, which is man, is it not right that, even though ADAM started but did not finish – or rather, he finished in sorrow and in confusion because he rejected Our Divine Will which served him as First Act and made him Operate in the Works of his Creator – We Fulfill this, Our Purpose, in his descendants? This is why I (Jesus) call you (Luisa) into the midst of My Works in all Creation – to Form the Model within which the other creatures Must Model themselves in order to Return into My Fiat.
You must knowthat The First Model in Creation was the Supreme Being, within which was man to model all his acts with his Creator. The Second was to be Adam, within which all his descendants were to Model themselves. But because he withdrew from My Divine Will, since My Divine Will and Its Unity were missing in him (Adam), he lacked the brushes, the colors and the raw material to be able to make the Models in the Likeness of his Creator. Poor one, how could he (Adam) Form models with the very divine form, if he was no longer in possession of that Will which administered to him the ability to do it, as well as everything that was needed to be able to form the very Models of God? By rejecting My Divine Fiat, he (Adam) rejected the Power which can do everything and Knows how to do everything. It happened to Adam as would happen to you, if you (Luisa) had neither paper nor pens nor ink with which to write. If these were lacking to you (Luisa), you would not be able to write a single word. In the same way, he (Adam) was no longer able to Form the Models on the Divine Mold. The Third model must be formed by (Luisa) the one who must make the Kingdom of My Divine Will Return. Therefore, (Luisa) your duties are Great; on your Models will all those of others be Modeled. So, let the Life of My Divine Will flow in all your Acts, that It (The Divine Will) may administer to you (Luisa) everything that is needed. In this way, everything will go well,and your Jesus will be together with you (Luisa), to make you (Luisa) execute His Divine Models Well.”