Storm “Luisa La Santa” with your prayers.

If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, Luisa Piccarreta ascent to the glory of the altar, let us give “Luisa La Santa” a chance to perform first class miracles.

“Luisa La Santa’s” holiness and the favors already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.

It is certainly permissible to pray to Luisa Piccarreta in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from “Luisa La Santa”.

Let us invoke Luisa Piccarreta or have “Luisa La Santa” invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.

That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of “Luisa La Santa’s” intercession!


For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy


NOVENA for LUISA PICCARRETA’S intercession for miracles


Day One

PRAYER to implore the Beatification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

My Lord Jesus Christ, who yearned so much that Your Divine Will have Its Kingdom on earth as It is in Heaven, deign, I pray You, to glorify Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, she who glorified You so much on earth with her extraordinary virtues, with her ardent zeal, with her writings, with her whole life for the salvation and sanctification of souls redeemed by Your Most Precious Blood.

So be it.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Day Two


O Most Sacred Heart of my Jesus, who in Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA have chosen the herald of the Kingdom of Your Divine Will and the angel of reparation for the innumerable blows that grieve Your Divine Heart, humbly I pray You to concede to me the grace that I implore from Your Mercy through her intercession, so that she may be glorified on earth as You have already rewarded her in Heaven.

So be it.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Day Three


O Divine Heart of my Jesus, who to Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA, as victim of Your love, You have given the strength to suffer for all her long life the agonies of Your sorrowful Passion, for Your greater glory may it be that the halo of the Blessed shines soon upon her head.  And through her intercession grant me the grace that I humbly ask of You

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Day Four


O merciful Heart of my Jesus, who for the salvation and sanctification of many souls have deigned to keep for numerous years on earth Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA Your Little Daughter of the Divine Will, grant my prayer:  that she be glorified soon by Your Holy Church.  And through her intercession may You grant me the grace that I humble ask of You …..

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Trani, November 28, 1948


Day Five

PRAYER to Obtain the Beatification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

O Most Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that as we pray, we should ask that our Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth, and that His Kingdom should come to reign among us.

In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice, and peace, we humbly ask that You glorify Your Servant, LUISA PICCARRETA, the little daughter of the Divine Will, who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for the salvation of souls and the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.

Following her example, we pray to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to help us joyously embrace the crosses of this world, so that we may also glorify Your Name and enter into the Kingdom of Your Will.  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Curia of the Archdiocese

            +Carmelo Cassati – Archbishop Emeritus

Day Six

PRAYER to the Most Holy Trinity For the glorification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

Oh Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness You granted to Your faithful servant LUISA PICCARRETA.

She lived, dear Father, in Your Divine Will and became, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, similar to Your Son, who died on the cross due to His obedience.

She was a victim and a host welcome to You, thus contributing to the Redemption of mankind.

Her virtues of obedience, humility, love of Christ and to the Church urge us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine, and Your kingdom of truth, justice and love may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of:

“Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra.”

We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Holy Trinity, the particular grace for which we pray to You in Your Divine Will.  Amen.

Three Glory be’s …                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Trani, Italy  October 29th 2005

Our Father …                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         +Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri

Our Lady, Queen of Saints, pray for us.     

Day Seven


I enclose myself in your Will

My Jesus, I enclose myself in your Will so that I may breathe with Your breath to breathe with the breath of all and turn them into so many affectionate kisses.

I make my heartbeat beat in Your Will, to tell You in its every pulsation, “I love You, I love You”, and moving within Your Will, I offer to You everyone’s embrace, so that in clasping You, embraced by Your arms, no one will ever offend You again and everyone will love You, adore You, bless You and do Your Holy Will.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Day Eight


Be my guide

My sweet Jesus, immure me in Your Will so that I see nothing, feel nothing, touch nothing but Your Holy Will, and with Your power, make me holy, Jesus, in my acts to fill Heaven and earth with the Divine life.

O Queen, my Mother, be my teacher and my guide, and do not let me draw a single breath without the Divine Will.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Day Nine


Take my will

My Jesus, give me Your Will and take my own, so that I may be sanctified with Your holiness, love with Your love, beat with Your heart, walk with Your footsteps, repair with Your reparation, and form a Jesus with my words in the hearts of all who hear me.

Queen, my Mother, hide me beneath your mantle, to keep me safe from all things and all people.

Oh my Jesus, not one act escapes You which does not keep me present and which does not have the intention of doing me a special good. So I pray You that Your passion be always in my mind, in my heart, in my gazes, in my steps, and in my pains, so that, wherever I turn, inside and outside of myself, I may always find You present in me. And You, give me the grace never to forget what You have borne and suffered for me. May this be the magnet which, drawing my whole being into You, will never again allow me to go far away from You. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be


Now I die with greater contentment, because the Divine Will has consoled me more than usual with Its presence in these last few moments of my life.

“Now I see a long, beautiful and spacious road, all illuminated by an infinite number of resplendent suns – Oh, yes, I recognize them! They are all my acts done in the Divine Will!

“This is the road that I must now take; it is the road that the Divine Will has prepared for me. It’s the road of my victory: it’s the way of my glory, which will unite me with the immense happiness of the Divine Will.

“It’s my road; it’s the road that I have prepared for you. It’s the road that I will keep reserved for all the souls who will ever want to Live in the Divine Will.”

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be


For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy