Volume 18 – November 12, 1925

In order for a creature to receive some good, it is established how many acts she must do. The true living in the Divine Will must embrace everything and everyone.

…”My daughter, be attentive in doing your acts in My Divine Will. You must know (that is a command from the Lord to us who are reading the writings) that for one (Luisa) who has been called to be the head of a Mission, the more good she (Luisa) encloses which belong to this Mission, the more good she (Luisa) will be able to communicate to others. Those goods will be as many seeds which you (Luisa) will lend to others (who will read these writings), so that, whoever will have the fortune of wanting to acquire those seeds, may become the Possessor of the harvest of those very seeds. This happened with ADAM, who, being the first man, was constituted head of all generations; and being the head, by necessity he had to possess the seeds of all that is necessary for the development of human life, so that these might be given to others. It is true that these seeds have been enlarged, clarified, known more, according to the goodwill of the following generations, to their capabilities, and to the applications they made of these very seeds; but ADAM had them all within himself, and one can say that everything comes from him. Therefore, it can be said that, in being created by God, he was provided with all the sciences. All that the others learn with so many efforts, he possessed as a gift in a surprising way. So, he possessed the Knowledge of all the things of the earth; he had Knowledge of all the plants, of all the herbs and of the virtue which each of them contained. He had Knowledge of all the species of animals and of how to use them; he had Knowledge of music, of chant, of writing, of medicine – in sum, of everything. And if the generations possessed each one its special science, ADAM Possessed them all.

The same with you (Luisa), My daughter. Since I (Jesus) have called you (Luisa) as the Head of a Special Mission, more than a new ADAM– and here it is not about human sciences, but about the Science of sciences, which is My Divine Will, a science all of Heaven – I want you (Luisa) to enclose within you (Luisa) all the seeds which My Divine Will contains. And the more Acts you (Luisa) do in It (The Divine Will), and the more Knowledges you (Luisa) acquire, the more Rays of Light  you (Luisa) will give to the Sun of My Divine Will, so that, with Greater Fullness of Light, It will be able to diffuse more for the Good of the Generations, in such a way that, struck by the Fullness of Light, they will be able to know with greater clarity the Good which My Divine Will contains, what it means to Live in It, and the Great Good with which they would be Enriched.

Just as I chose ADAM as the head, so did I choose a point of Heaven in which to fix the center of the Sun which was to illuminate the earth; and so did I (Jesus)choose you (Luisa) as the Center of the Sun of My Divine Will, and the fullness of its light must be such that all may be able to enjoy it and be invested by this light, each one making it his own.

Now, My daughter (Luisa), just as it was with Redemption, so will it be with My Divine Will. The Fulfillment of the human acts is needed in order to make It (The Divine Will) Known and to make It (The Divine Will) Reign as Prime Act of Life in the creature (Luisa).

You (Luisa) too, on the example of My Celestial Mama (Mary), must embrace in My Divine Will all the acts done in the Old Testament, those of the Queen of Heaven, those done by Me, those which are done and will be done by all the good and the Saints, up to the last day; and in each one of them, you (Luisa) will place your Seal of Return of Love, of Blessing, of Adoration, with the Sanctity and the Power of My Divine Will.

Nothing must escape you (Luisa). My Divine Will embraces everything; so you (Luisa) too must embrace everything and everyone, and place My Divine Will – My Divine Will alone – in its Prime Place of Honor upon all the acts of the creatures. It will be your Imprint, with which you (Luisa) will Impress the Image of My Divine Will in all the acts of the creatures.Therefore, your field is vast; I (Jesus) want to see you (Luisa) flow in My Divine Will upon all the Graces and the Prodigies which I did in the Old Testament, in order to give Me your Return of Love and of Thanksgiving; and in the acts of the Patriarchs and the Prophets, in order to compensate for their love.

There is not one act in which I do not want to find you (Luisa). I (Jesus) would not be satisfied nor content if I did not find you (Luisa) in all the acts of the creatures which have been done and will be done. Nor would you (Luisa) be able to say that you (Luisa) have completed everything in My Divine Will; you would lack something of the True Living in My Divine Will.Therefore, be attentive, if you (Luisa) want the Fullness of Light to be enough as to be able to Illuminate all peoples with the Sun of My Divine Will. One (Luisa) who wants to give Light to all must embrace everyone as in one single embrace, by becoming Life and Supplement of everything and of everyone.