Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [612.52 KB] Vol. 35 - August 9, 1937 - Prodigies of love in the Divine Volition. How the Divine Will doubles Its Love in order to make Itself loved with Its own Love. How the Queen of Heaven will form the new Hierarchy within Her inheritance.Vol. 35 - August 15, 1937 - The empire of the acts done in the Divine Will. God is at the head of the acts of the soul who lives in It.Vol. 35 - August 23, 1937 - How the Divine Will wants to grow in the creature and form Its fullness. How the soul who lives in It is kept aware of all the works of her Creator, Who makes of her the possessor of all the divine works.Vol. 35 - August 29, 1937 - How God wants to see His Life in the soul who lives in His Will, and reaches the point of making Himself her Model. Gifts which God gives to the creature. The space of the human will: divine chamber for the marvels of God.Vol. 35 - September 6, 1937 - Purpose of Creation. Speaking and operating Life of God in the creature. God’s word: the Divine Will. How one who does his own will gambles away the Divine.Vol. 35 - September 12, 1937 - How these truths are the greatest gift that God gives to us. Divine birth. Longing and yearning to see us possessors of His gifts. His word is an outpouring of Love. The great good of an act done in the Divine Will.Vol. 35 - September 20, 1937 - How the Divine Will never stops, and seals with Its Eternal Love all the works of the creature. Exchange of imitation and of life between the Creator and the creature.Vol. 35 - September 26, 1937 - How God always gives to the creature, without ever ceasing. Gifts He gives to one who lives in His Will. The palpitating Life of God. The little winner.Vol. 35 - October 3, 1937 - Prodigies of Creation. Dose of Power and of Sanctity that God put out for love of man. The acts done in the Fiat will be always new, and each one more distinct and beautiful than the other. These acts will enclose everything and will form the speaking seas, works and steps of their Creator.Vol. 35 - October 12, 1937 - The prayers of one who lives in the Divine Volition are commands, and her acts are messengers between Heaven and earth. For the soul who lives in the Divine Will all things become Will of God.Vol. 35 - October 19, 1937 - How the Divine Will forms the Most Holy Trinity in the creature who lives in It. Wonders of the acts done in It. How true Love begins from oneself. The Divine Will, fecundator and sower of Divine Life in the souls.Vol. 35 - October 25, 1937 - The Sovereign Queen is the Heiress of the Divine Will, and therefore the Heiress of the Divine Life. How She made of Herself a precious pledge in the creative hands of God. The great good contained in one act done in the Divine Fiat.Vol. 35 - October 31, 1937 - How an act of Divine Will contains such Power and Love that, if God did not make a prodigy, the creature would not be able to contain this infinite act. The passport.Vol. 35 - November 7, 1937 - How all the truths written about the Divine Will will form the day for those who will live in It. The Queen of Heaven languishes with love, for She wants to endow Her children.Vol. 35 - November 12, 1937 - One act done in the Divine Will loves God for everyone, and gives Him that which the creature owes Him. One who lives in the Divine Fiat gives God the occasion to repeat His works in act. God wants to operate one-on-one with the creature. The ‘I love You’: divine jewel.Vol. 35 - November 20, 1937 - Continuing with the same topic: How the Divine Will makes love arise, in such a way that everywhere and in every place It feels loved by the creature. Wherever the Divine Will is, God finds the adaptable material to make divine life be conceived, be born and grow.Vol. 35 - November 29, 1937 - Our pains, united with the pains of Jesus, form His Life within us, and there is no good which does not come from them. How lack of love martyrs the Divine Love.Vol. 35 - December 6, 1937 - As the creature operates in the Divine Volition, so does Jesus ring His little bell to call the inhabitants of Heaven and those of the earth. How the company of the creature is so needed by Divine Love.Vol. 35 - December 8, 1937 - On the Conception of the Queen. Her race of Love; wherever Her Creator was, She was there to love Him. How She remained conceived in each created thing, and was constituted Queen of the heavens, of the sun and of everything.Vol. 35 - December 14, 1937 - Just as the human nature has its day, so does the Divine Will form Its day in the depth of the soul of one who lives in It.Vol. 35 - December 18, 1937 - All that is done in the Divine Will acquires the Divine Life, and these Lives swim and float within the seas of Love of the Divine Volition.Vol. 35 - December 21, 1937 - How the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth has been decreed in the Consistory of the Adorable Trinity. The new breath of God by which the creature will be restored. Difference between lives and works.Vol. 35 - December 25, 1937 - The descent of the Divine Word. How He departed from Heaven, while still remaining in Heaven. Prodigies of the Incarnation. The beginning of the feast of the Divine Will. How in His Divine works God puts aside the human ingratitude. The graft. How the Love of Jesus paid for all and ransomed us.Vol. 35 - December 28, 1937 - Just as Redemption served to rescue the dwellings, the Kingdom of the Divine Will will serve to place in safety the One Who had created them, and to return the dwellings to Him. How in each act done in the Divine Will God creates His Divine Life.Vol. 35 - January 2, 1938 - In the Divine Will, miseries and weaknesses turn into the most beautiful conquests. All that is done in the Divine Volition is first formed in Heaven; the whole Celestial Court takes part in it, and it descends for the good of the earth.Vol. 35 - January 7, 1938 - One who lives in the Divine Volition forms the refuge for the Life of the Divine Will. The ‘I love You’ as refreshment for the Divine Love. How God feels obliged towards the soul who lives in His Will.Vol. 35 - January 10, 1938 - The first sermon that the little King Jesus gave to the children of Egypt. How each of them had their Celestial Father in their heart, Who loved them and wanted to be loved.Vol. 35 - January 16, 1938 - How the Divine Will calls the creature in Its acts in order to give her the gift of Its works. If the creature responds, she calls God and receives the gift. Exchange of wills between the creatures and God.Vol. 35 - January 24, 1938 - How Our Lord departed for Heaven and remained on earth in the Tabernacles in order to accomplish the Kingdom of the Divine Will. One who lives in the Divine Will can say with Jesus: ‘I leave and I stay.’Vol. 35 - January 30, 1938 - Everything that one who lives in the Divine Will does acquires the Divine Nature. Its prodigies in creating Divine Life in the human act. Feast for the whole of Heaven. The true requital of all Creation.Vol. 35 - February 7, 1938 - How God does not love force but spontaneity. Display of opulence, lavishness and sumptuousness that the Divine Volition will make in those who live in It. How Creation is not finished.Vol. 35 - February 14, 1938 - How the acts of one who lives in the Divine Will extend over all, and become the narrators of the Supreme Being. Display of Love. How, in creating the Virgin, God created forgiveness.Vol. 35 - February 20, 1938 - How Jesus, in incarnating Himself, formed from Himself as many Jesuses for as many creatures as would exist, so that each of them might have a Jesus at her disposal.Vol. 35 - February 26, 1938 - How God recognizes Himself in one who tries to recognize God in His works. Happiness that God receives from the love of the creature. The place that man has in the Creation and in the very Divinity. How Creation forms the members of one who lives in the Divine Will.Vol. 35 - March 6, 1938 - Oppressions and melancholies have no reason to exist in the Divine Will. They form the clouds, the bitter little drops, which embitter God and the creature. Prodigies of abandonment in the Divine Volition. How all created things remain animated by one who lives in the Fiat.Vol. 35 - March 12, 1938 - How God loves and prays Himself, to give the Kingdom of the Divine Will. The life of one who lives in It is formed in God. How she is constantly reborn. Sowing of Divine Lives. How she is welcomed and loved by all.Vol. 35 - March 16, 1938 - How the Divine Fiat reaches the point of counting the breaths and the minutes to make the creatures return to live in It. How the creature knocks on all created things. How God wants to be in continuous act of giving and of receiving. The pains of Jesus kiss the pains of the creature.Vol. 35 - March, 20 1938 - Love devices of the creature who lives in the Divine Will. Example of a teacher who possesses the sciences, but does not find anyone to whom to teach them; or of a rich man who does not find anyone to whom to give his riches.Vol. 35 - March 22, 1938 - As the creature decides to live in the Divine Will, all things change for her, and she is placed in the same divine conditions. The function of the children of the Divine Fiat, and how they will carry within them the Life of their Celestial Father. The last sign of Love at the moment of death.Vol. 35 - March 28, 1938 - How for those who live in the Divine Will the Creation serves as many cities where the creature can repatriate. How the human act must begin and end in the Divine Volition in order to be complete. Rain of Light. The greatest sorrow of Jesus is to see that creatures do not live in His Will.Vol. 35 - March 30, 1938 - When sacrifices are made willingly, dear Jesus places in them His divine flavors, rendering them pleasant and lovable. How God created in the creatures the passion for loving.Vol. 35 - April 4, 1938 - How God created the necessity for the Divine Will in the creature, and how she could not live without It. Example: how He created the necessity of water and sun for the earth. How one who does not live in the Divine Will wants to confine God into Heaven. Each additional word on the Divine Will gives a new and distinct Life.Vol. 35 - April 10, 1938 - How Jesus wants to find everything in the creature who lives in the Divine Will, and wants to find her in everyone. How God wants to find in our love the shelf for His works and the hiding place of His Life.