Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [780.42 KB] Vol. 36 - April 12, 1938 - The Divine Will pronounces Its Fiat in each act of one who lives in It, forming as many divine lives. How It gives Itself prey to the creature and lets her do with It whatever she wants. Difference between living in the Divine Will and being resigned to It.Vol. 36 - April 15, 1938 - The soul who lives in the Divine Volition, by just breathing, moves within the Fiat. The whole Celestial Court feels her breath and motion within Itself, as well as the conquering virtue, bearer of happiness, that she carries. Painful conditions in which the Divine Will finds Itself when It is rejected.Vol. 36 - April 20, 1938 - How Jesus’s word on the Cross – ‘Sitio ’ - still continues to cry out to each heart: ‘I thirst!’ How the true Resurrection consists in rising again in the Divine Will. How nothing is denied to one who lives in It.Vol. 36 - April 25, 1938 - The sign that the Divine Will reigns in the soul is her feeling the need to love It incessantly. The great evil of not doing good in the Divine Will. The little flame nourished by the great Light of God.Vol. 36 - May 02, 1938 - How the Divine Will asks in each instant for the human will, to say to it: ‘You did not deny anything to Me, neither can I deny anything to you.’ How the creature forms her little sea of love within the Divine Sea. The Creation: sweet enchantment of the manifestation of Divine Love toward the creature.Vol. 36 - May 06, 1938 - In order to live in the Divine Will it is necessary to want it and to take the first steps. How the Divine Will possesses the generative virtue, and wherever It reigns It generates endlessly. Inseparability of the works of Our Lord from one who lives in His Will.Vol. 36 - May 10, 1938 - How God, in order to be loved, puts His Love in the heart of the creature and converts It into coins. The vigils of Jesus. Divine Paternity and the daughtership of the soul who lives in the Divine Will. How God inscribes her with indelible characters as ‘My daughter’.Vol. 36 - May 15, 1938 - How the word of God is life and encloses all centuries. How in one creature God looks at all human generations. How Jesus doesn’t know what to do with one who does not love Him. How Jesus always lets Himself be found in the necessities of the creatures.Vol. 36 - May 17, 1938 - How the soul is the voice, the singing, the hands in order to play, while the body is the organ. How the Divine Volition wants the littlest acts in order to make Its Sun rise. The sowing that the sun does to the earth, and the sowing done by the Divine Will. The marriage that God prepares with His truths.Vol. 36 - May 19, 1938 - How the Divine Will forms the paralysis to all evils, while the human will paralyzes what is good. How to love is to possess. How God is formed in the creature and the creature in God. Concerns about the writings.Vol. 36 - May 27, 1938 - Continuous and repeated acts bind God more to the creature and form the strength of the soul. How beautiful it is to live in the Divine Will. How God Himself pleads with the creature. Rain of love that God pours over the creatures and rain of love from one who lives in the Fiat.Vol. 36 - June 5, 1938 - The sign whether the creature lives in the Divine Will is that she feels Its life within her and Its operating act, which is the greatest gift It gives to the creature. Centralization of God in the creature and of the creature in God.Vol. 36 - June 12, 1938 - The truths, bearer of divine seeds. How the knowledges form new Divine Lives. Requital of glory that the soul will receive in Heaven. The creature who lives abandoned in the arms of Jesus is His favorite one.Vol. 36 - June 16, 1938 - How the Divine Will wants to always give to the creature and wants to receive. Mutual delivery. Rights that the creature loses and empires she acquires. How God finds everything in the act done in His Will.Vol. 36 - June 20, 1938 - One who lives in the Divine Volition is in continuous communication with God. New birth and rising love. How the creature who lives in the Divine Will gives happiness and joy to all. How Jesus Himself will be the vigilant custodian of these writings, and the interest will be all His.Vol. 36 - June 26, 1938 - The human will, united to the Divine Will, can also do prodigies, but without the Divine Will it is like a poor cripple. One who lives of Divine Will acquires the conquering act.Vol. 36 - June 30, 1938 - How true Love wants to find Itself in the beloved. How Our Lord formed many ways to let Himself be found. God’s field. How knowledge opens all doors between God and the creature.Vol. 36 - July 06, 1938 - How in the Divine Will everything is triumph, joys and conquests. The office of Mother of the Divine Volition. Example of the Sea.Vol. 36 - July 11, 1938 - How, with true love, whatever one wants the beloved wants as well. Each act of Divine Will is a way that opens between Heaven and earth. The Breath of God in the creature.Vol. 36 - July 18, 1938 - How beautiful it is to see the creature in the Divine Will. How created things await her in order to love their Creator. The exuberant love of God for one who lives in It.Vol. 36 - July 24, 1938 - Difference between Divine Will and Love. How one who lives in the Divine Will receives the deposit of love of all created things and forms the support for the acts of Our Lord. Appeal to all.Vol. 36 - July 30, 1938 - How in Heaven there are innumerable assignments. Each Blessed will have God all for himself. How Jesus loved us in all created things. Spontaneity of Jesus in the pains.Vol. 36 - August 06, 1938 - Exchange of Life between the Divine Will and the human. Victory of Jesus. There is no greater offense than subtracting oneself from the Divine Will. The speaking Creation. Divine heartbeat and breath. Necessity for God to speak to the creature.Vol. 36 - August 12, 1938 - When the creature enters into the Divine Will, Heaven lowers Itself and the earth rises to exchange the kiss of peace. Love of God in manifesting the truths. How all things become life. How all created things are members of Jesus. Varieties of Love.Vol. 36 - August 15, 1938 - The feast of the Assumption is the most beautiful feast, the most sublime: the feast of the Divine Will operating in the Celestial Queen.Vol. 36 - August 21, 1938 - Difference between the Lives that Jesus forms in the Sacramental Hosts and those formed in one who lives in His Will.Vol. 36 - August 28, 1938 - How an act in the Divine Will contains everything and can love for all. How everyone runs in this act. Each act done in the Divine Will is a day that one acquires.Vol. 36 - September 05, 1938 - The human will, cross of the Divine; the Divine, cross of the human. How in the Divine Will things change, dissimilarities do not exist. How Jesus makes up for all that may be lacking to one who lives in His Will.Vol. 36 - September 11, 1938 - One fulfilled act of Divine Will is everything. Jesus grows His Life in the creature who lives in It. Horrible state of God in those who live of human will. Every time a creature enters into the Divine Will, God renews His works.Vol. 36 - September 18, 1938 - How Jesus feels His pains being repeated in our pains. How He never moves in His works and in His love for us. Example of the flower for those who do not live in the Divine Will.Vol. 36 - September 27, 1938 - The sea, symbol of the Divine Will. How seas of joys flowed beside the pains of Jesus. The power of innocent pains. The truths manifested are a new Creation.Vol. 36 - October 02, 1938 - How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is a decree that must come upon the earth. How It must sweep the earth clean. The Queen of Heaven cries and prays. The Divine Will is like lymph for the plants.Vol. 36 - October 10, 1938 - The Creation, first field of action of God. Field of action in one who lives in His Will. How God cannot deny anything to one who lives in It.Vol. 36 - October 19, 1938 - One who lives abandoned in God finds in Him the Paternity, the refuge, the hiding place. The Fiat, support and life of all Creation. How God winds, like a clock, the soul who wants to live in It.Vol. 36 - October 26, 1938 - The sad effects of disturbance. The little infirm one in the Divine Volition. One who lives in the Divine Will forms the prop for her Creator and secures His interests.Vol. 36 - October 30, 1938 - As the creature loves in the Divine Will, God redoubles His new Love for her. Astonishment of Heaven. How the creature acquires the right to judge.Vol. 36 - November 06, 1938 - One act in the Divine Will encloses and embraces everything. All that the creature must do is present in God. How the human acts find the Divine acts.Vol. 36 - November 13, 1938 - How the truths on the Divine Will will form the regimen, the laws, the fierce army. The knowledges will give the eyes to possess so great a good. The distinctive mark of the Most Holy Trinity. Sign to know whether we live in the Divine Will.Vol. 36 - Novembre 20, 1938 - The Divine Will becomes the awaiter of the soul who wants to live in It. The Divine Will forms the adaptable materials for the works of God. The little divine field.Vol. 36 - November 26, 1938 - The disposition calls for the divine work. The Divine Will places the divine motion in one who lives in It. How the creature can give everything to her Creator. Enchantment for the pupils of divine eyes. The Blessed and the pilgrim soul.Vol. 36 - November 30, 1938 - One who goes around in the Divine Volition and recognizes Its works, receives the dowry that God has given her and forms the length of her days. She becomes the messenger of peace between Heaven and earth. The Divine Generation. The bearer.Vol. 36 - December 05, 1938 - Longing of God for creatures to live in His Will. How He has established that He will form as many Divine Lives for as many things as He created and for as many acts as the creature will do in His Will. How His Sanctity and His Love will be formed in them.Vol. 36 - December 08, 1938 - How the Humanity of Our Lord served as veil for His Divinity and for the prodigies of the Divine Will. How all created things and the very creatures are veils which hide the Divinity. The Immaculate Conception, rebirth of all.Vol. 36 - December 18, 1938 - God does not give if the creature does not want to receive. Painful condition when one does not live in the Divine Will. The depository of all Creation. Love, divine nourishment. Condition of God when creatures do not live in the Divine Will. How they degenerate from His Likeness.Vol. 36 - December 25, 1938 - The descent of the Word. How easy it is to make Jesus be born, as long as we live in His Will. The Paradise that the Queen of Heaven made little Jesus find on earth.Vol. 36 - December 28, 1938 - How the echo is formed between Creator and creature. How an act in the Divine Will is present everywhere. The King and the army. The Maternity of the Queen of Heaven.