Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [1.91 MB] 01 Vol. 8 - June 23, 1907 - The most beautiful act is the abandonment in the Will of God.02 Vol. 8 - June 25, 1907 - Whether still or walking, the soul must always remain in the Divine Will.03 Vol. - July 01, 1907 - In the Divine Will one forgets about sins.04 Vol. 8 - July 04, 1907 - The soul must ruminate within her mind on the truths she has learned.05 Vol. 8 - July 10. 1907 - One begins to really live, when he begins to be a victim.06 Vol. 8 - July 14, 1907 - Everything in the soul must be love.07 Vol. 8 - July 17, 1907 - The true sign to know whether one lives in the Divine Will.08 Vol. 8 - July 19, 1907 - Neither aridities, nor temptations, nor defects enter the Divine Will.09 Vol. 8 - August 06, 1907 - She sees nothing but chastisements.10 Vol. 8 - August 22, 1907 - The soul must be in the world as if there were no one else but God and herself. The cause that most renews the Passion of Jesus is the lack of resolution.11 Vol. 8 - September 1907 - The more the soul is the same in everything, the closer she comes to divine perfection.12 Vol. 8 - October 03, 1907 - How one’s own self renders God a slave.13 Vol. 8 - October 04, 1907 - The exaltation of the cross. The cross grafts Divinity to humanity.14 Vol. 8 - October 12, 1907 - She sees places devastated because of Justice.15 Vol. 8 - October 29, 1907 - True love and sacrifice.16 Vol. 8 - November 03, 1907 - The soul in the Divine Will must concur in everything.17 Vol. 8 - November 18, 1907 - By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.18 Vol. 8 - November 21, 1907 - Love and union between Creator and creature.19 Vol. 8 - November 23, 1907 - If the soul suffers distractions at Communion, it is a sign that she has not given herself completely to God.20 Vol. 8 - December 1907 - In all of her acts, the soul must have the intention of encountering Jesus.21 Vol. 8 January 23, 1908 - Jesus never goes to the soul uselessly. Temporizing gives time and space to the enemies to wage battle.22 Vol. 8 February 06, 1908 - Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.23 Vol. 8 February 07, 1908 - Life is a weight that will turn into a treasure.24 Vol. 8 February 09, 1908 - The way the soul must be with Jesus. Necessity of love for Jesus.25 Vol. 8 February 12, 1908 - In one day a courageous soul does more than a timid one does in one year.26 Vol. 8 February 16, 1908 - How the cross is the surest sign to know whether we love the Lord.27 Vol. 8 March 09, 1908 - The lives of all palpitated in the Heart of Jesus.28 Vol. 8 March 13, 1908 - The warmth of the union with Jesus dispels from the soul the cold of human inclinations.29 Vol. 8 March 15, 1908 - When souls are all filled with God, storms have no strength to agitate them even slightly.30 Vol. 8 March 22, 1908 - The state of Luisa is a state of continuous prayer, of sacrifice and of union with God.31 Vol. 8 March 25, 1908 - Temptations can be conquered easily. Where there is passion, the devil has more strength.32 Vol. 8 March 29, 1908 - Peaceful souls are the delight of God.33 Vol. 8 April 05, 1908 - All that the Queen Mama contains has its origin in the Fiat.34 Vol. 8 April 08, 1908 - The Divine Will is continuous communion. How to know whether a state is Will of God.35 Vol. 8 May 03, 1908 - Effects of the circulation of the Divine Will in the soul.36 Vol. 8 May 12, 1908 - With their bad example, the rich have poisoned the poor.37 Vol. 8 May 15, 1908 - She sees wars and revolutions.38 Vol. 8 June 22, 1908 - The Divine Will triumphs over everything.39 Vol. 8 June 30, 1908 - The true spirit of charity in the rich and in priests.40 Vol. 8 July 26, 1908 - Obedience.41 Vol. 8 August 10, 1908 - The work of Love.42 Vol. 8 August 14, 1908 - The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.43 Vol. 8 August 19, 1908 - The soul must sow good with her whole being.44 Vol. 8 August 23, 1908 - The sign to know whether there is guilt in the soul during the privation.45 Vol. 8 August 26, 1908 - Constancy in good makes Divine Life grow in the soul.46 Vol. 8 September 02, 1908 - True virtue begins in God and ends in Him.47 Vol. 8 September 03, 1908 - Jesus is light, and light is truth.48 Vol. 8 September 05, 1908 - As the creature changes, she feels the different effects of the presence of God.49 Vol. 8 September 06, 1908 - Jesus wanted to suffer in order to reunite everything to Himself.50 Vol. 8 September 07, 1907 - The more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven.51 Vol. 8 October 03, 1908 - As long as the soul is in the continuous attitude of operating good, Grace is with her.52 Vol. 8 October 23, 1908 - How divine science is in upright operating.53 Vol. 8 November 20, 1908 - When the soul makes love her food, this love becomes solid and serious.54 Vol. 8 December 16, 1908 - The privation of Jesus is the greatest of all pains.55 Vol. 8 December 25, 1908 - How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.56 Vol. 8 December 27, 1908 - What passed between Baby Jesus and His sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her breast. The ‘I love You’ of the creature is requited by the ‘I love you’ of the Creator.57 Vol. 8 December 28, 1908 - Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.58 Vol. 8 December 30, 1908 - The infancy of Jesus to divinize the infancy of all.59 Vol. 8 January 02, 1909 - More about earthquakes. The Sacramental lot of Jesus under the rubble is less hard than in many60 Vol. 8 January 08, 1909 - The fruit and the purpose of Communion.61 Vol. 8 January 22, 1909 - When God is debtor of the soul.62 Vol. 8 January 27, 1909 - ‘Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’.63 Vol. 8 January 28, 1909 - What victim means.64 Vol. 8 January 30, 1909 - The story of ‘why’.