Please Support the Cause for Beatification


We inform all those whoWorking The Tombolo are interested in supporting the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta that the credit card service online is operating on the web site of the cause of beatification:


Sure that Our Lord will reward you with His spiritual graces we thank you for your generosity.

Association Luisa Piccarreta

The Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will, as the Actor of the Cause of Canonization, sustains what Mons. Paolo Rizzi expressed, highlighting that the positive outcome of the Cause lies first of all in the fulfillment of God’s plan for His Little Daughter of the Divine Will and is related to the charity and generosity of all those who love her.

Anyone who wishes can support the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will and the Cause of Canonization by donating his  financial contribution through a bank transfer with the following coordinates or through the official website of the Association

In order to rigorously respect the intention of those who make the offerings, the reason for donation should be specified.