Our Lady of Revelation

Broken Crosses

 1. [More than a month ago alleged seer] Mirjana Soldo [of Medjugorje] received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, in the presence of a fairly large crowd. After the apparition, she shared the following message:

“Dear children! My motherly heart desires your true conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread love and peace to all those who surround you. But, my children, do not forget: each of you is a unique world before the Heavenly Father. Therefore, permit the continuous working of the Holy Spirit to work on you. Be my spiritually pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks the bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change. It is only that many of my children have forgotten it. My children, my words are neither old nor new, they are eternal. Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times, to ‘gather the shattered crosses’ and to be apostles of the revelation. Thank you.”

2. Shattered Crosses

Many people have asked us about the meaning of this sentence: “Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times, to ‘gather the shattered crosses’ and to be apostles of the Revelation.” Mirjana asked that the phrase “gather the shattered crosses” be put in quotation marks; this means that the Blessed Moher is referring to something which is already known. An explanation can be found in the messages Bruno Cornacchiola received in 1947 at The Three Fountains, in the outskirts of Rome, where St Paul was beheaded.

A brief flashback is required here: Bruno, who fiercely opposed the Catholic Church, devised a plan to kill Pope Pius XII by stabbing him. On the eve of the crime, Saturday April 12, 1947, he was with his family at The Three Fountains, where his children were playing near a cave. He was working on his book which spoke against “The Immaculate”. When the time came to go home, his youngest daughter remained in the cave, so Bruno said to his son, “Go fetch your sister!” He went, but didn’t come back. Bruno then sent his other son, but he didn’t come back either. Bruno, who was angry, went himself and found all three of his children on their knees, hands joined in prayer and their eyes in ecstasy. They remained deaf to their father’s call.

Bruno was then thrust to the ground on his knees, against his will. When he raised his eyes, Our Lady was there, looking at him. She told him:

“I am she who is in the Divine Trinity. I am the Virgin of Revelation. You have persecuted me, now it is enough! Come back to the holy flock which is the Celestial Court on earth. God’s promise is unchangeable and will remain so. The nine First Fridays in honor of the Sacred Heart, which your faithful wife persuaded you to observe before you walked down the road of lies, has saved you.”

Bruno shared how the Blessed Mother made a gesture with her right arm, pointing at the ground with her index finger. Lying there at her feet, he saw a shattered cross, a piece of black cloth and a cassock.

The cassock thrown to the ground represents the abandonment of the priesthood by so many priests. She said, “this is a sign that my sons will leave their habits…. You, be strong in the faith!” (The “sons” Mary speaks about here are the members of the clergy). The broken cross, near the cassock, represents the martyrdom of priests who remain faithful to Christ in the persecution.The black fabric symbolizes that the Church will become a widow, left to the mercy of the world. Our Lady said to Bruno, “The Church will be persecuted, broken.”

Then the Virgin Mary revealed to Bruno what was going to happen, especially the defection of so many priests, and how much he should love and serve the Church despite all that was happening. She added that, “even when priests are in an infernal whirlwind”, said Mary, “they are dear to me. They will be trampled upon and massacred.”

Bruno converted on the spot. He even became a fervent apostle and a great defender of the Church until his death in June 2001. (His cause for Beatification has been opened in Rome). During all those years, he received words from Our Lady, especially through dreams, like St. John Bosco. These messages are prophetic, they concern the near and distant future of the Church, and the internal tragedies the Church is experiencing, (See PS 2).

Why is Our Lady telling us today about the shattered crosses we need to gather? It looks like she is flashing a warning light to us, who desire to serve Christ and His Church, amidst the great confusion and deep pain in this spiritual battle. Our world is swimming in murky waters. It is no longer just a single shattered Cross (that of 1947) but many shattered crosses (those of 2016)! Mary is expressing to us her immense pain at the defection of so many Christians, priests and lay people, the betrayals within the very heart of the Church herself and the widespread apostasy of our time.

Mary revealed to Bruno the name by which she wants to be invoked in this place: “I am the Virgin of the Revelation”. She held in her hands a little book: the Apocalypse of Saint John, also known as “The Book of Revelation”. The Virgin of the Revelation invites us today to be the “apostles of the Revelation”!

She clearly indicates the characteristics of these apostles who will remain loyal in the midst of tribulation. “They do not complain, they keep quiet and they do not rebel.” Didn’t she herself experience these characteristics during her earthly life?

The Book of Revelation is a partly sealed sacred text. It announces the fate of humanity and the victory of God over the Dragon and the Beast, after a terrible fight. How can we not open our eyes and see that indeed, today as never before, the fight against the Beast is violent and decisive? Satan knows that his days are numbered, and he is playing his last few cards with the energy of desperation. Does Our Lady want to tell us that we are in a key moment, a significant turning point in the life of the Church? A time when the realization of the Apocalypse is near and when everyone will have to take a stand, to be with Christ or against Christ? I believe so, because in her messages she never alluded to another apparition, (apart in August 25, 1991 when she referred to her apparition in Fatima). Why, this month, is she bringing up the key points of her apparition at Three Fountains?

On this occasion, it is important for us all to re-read the Book of Revelation, especially chapter 12, where “The Woman” (Mary!) is present. She said to Bruno: “Before I withdraw, I say this to you: The Revelation is the Word of God and this Revelation talks about me. This is why I took this title, the Virgin of the Revelation.” (Let me point out that it is the only Book of the Bible where a Beatitude is offered: “Blessed is he who reads these prophetic words.” Rev. 1:3)

It is also important to realize during a heart to heart fervent prayer, how much Our Lady is expecting us to make reparation for all the offenses against Jesus in the Eucharist and the Priesthood that He entrusted to men. “My Immaculate heart bleeds,” she said on April 25. She is not asking us to “gather the broken Crosses” in order to criticize and make negative comments against certain priests and prelates, or to become discouraged. No, she is inviting us to do everything in our power to help them and to support them through our prayers and sacrifices. What a consolation we can bring her by uniting our hearts to her broken heart! Yes, her heart is bleeding, but it is also confident in the final victory and in her triumph that is drawing closer each day!

That is why she is seeking souls that are willing to be at one with her soul!

3. Jolanda Cornacchiola

The wife of Bruno Cornacchiola, Jolanda, is an admirable example that will be a path to Holiness for many spouses experiencing hardship in their marriage. Despite Bruno’s repeated betrayals prior to his conversion, Jolanda remained faithful to him, fervently praying, to the point that Our Lady herself praised her! “God’s promises are and will remain unchanged” she said to Bruno. “The Nine first Fridays in honor of the Sacred Heart which your faithful wife persuaded you to observe before you walked down the road of lies, has saved you!” Isn’t this beautiful? This simple devotion saved Bruno from perdition! (See PS3) The Blessed Mother never experienced this type of problem with her husband Joseph, thank God! But she came to the defense of Jolanda, asserting to Bruno that she had remained faithful to him and had never committed the sins of which he accused her. In fact he would beat her, probably unloading on her the remorse for his own infidelities, until the night that preceded the apparition. (One could suggest to the Holy See to beatify Jolanda at the same time as her husband!) And Our Lady continues saying, “The Ave Maria’s that you pray with faith and love are like many golden arrows that reach out to the Heart of Jesus.”

P.S. 3. At Paray-le-Monial (France), in 1675, Christ gave Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque 12 promises for those who venerate his Sacred Heart especially during 9 first Fridays of 9 consecutive months. These are as follows:

I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.

I will establish peace in their families.

I will console them in all their troubles.

They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.

I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.

Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.

Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.

Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.

I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.

I will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.

Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be removed.

The all-powerful love of my Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of 9 consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; my Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.

Conditions. In order to be worthy of these promises, it is necessary to:

1. To receive Communion in the state of grace: If you are in mortal sin, then confession is required.

2. Devotion must be continued for nine consecutive months. For those who leave out even one communion must start over.

3. The pious practice can begin on the first Friday of every month.

Each Kingdom Requires a Lord — Whose Will Reign?

Each Kingdom Requires a Lord – Whose Will Reign? 

By Genevieve Kineke on

A few pages of Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration, by Pope Benedict XVI, has highlighted for me some troubling trends in the Church. He sifts carefully through Catholic thought as it differed historically from extra-ecclesial trajectories, but what must concern today’s reader is that many influential leaders in the Church have accepted non-Catholic premises in their views of the world.

In his explanation of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, Benedict reminds us that Origen had two basic thoughts on the topic. First was that Jesus himself is the “autobasileia, that is the Kingdom in person … the Kingdom is not a thing, it is not a geographical dominion like worldly kingdoms” (p. 49). In this way, those who come to know Christ Jesus come to know God who dwells among them, and who wishes his divine will to prevail.

Origen didn’t stop there, though. He insisted that not only does God dwell with his creatures, but He dwells in them. In a mystical way, it is understood that “man’s interiority [is] the essential location of the Kingdom of God”. And Benedict quotes from Origen’s On Prayer:

Those who pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God pray without any doubt for the Kingdom of God that they contain in themselves, and they pray that this Kingdom might bear fruit and attain its fullness. For every holy man it is God who reigns … So if we want God to reign in us, then sin must not be allowed in any way to reign in our mortal body … Then let God stroll at leisure in us as in a spiritual paradise and rule in us alone with his Christ” (p. 50).

The two images are not contradictory, but layered, so that Jesus is the kingdom, and Jesus is in the man of virtue, so as that man grasps the grace offered through the passion of Christ, he is both more Christlike and the garden where Christ can reign.

Subsequently, Benedict shows that traditionally there is a third image of the Kingdom, which is the Church:

To be sure, neither the interpretation in terms of man’s interiority nor the connection with Christ ever completely disappeared from sight. But nineteenth- and early twentieth-century theology did tend to speak of the Church as the Kingdom of God on earth; the Church was regarded as the actual presence of the Kingdom within history (p. 50).

Then Benedict explains that the Enlightenment sparked specific trends that proved antithetical to this traditional understanding. There was the radical individualism championed by Adolf von Harnack, and the corollary belief that morality was more important than ritual. Others preferred to see the kingdom in more communitarian terms, pitting ethics against sheer grace, and all of these efforts were upended by Albert Schweitzer’s book, Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. His thesis was still tied firmly to the notion of God and the saving work of Christ, but it was far more eschatological in the sense that it was “a proclamation of the imminent end of the world, of the inbreaking of a new world where, as the term kingdom suggests, God would reign” (p. 52).

Surely the trauma of the First World War led many believers to wonder what place such massive blood-letting among Christians meant in the unfolding of world history, but the accompanying trains of thought went wildly off-course from that point.

Since that time, a secularist reinterpretation of the idea of the Kingdom has gained considerable ground, particularly, though not exclusively, in Catholic theology. This reinterpretation propounds a new view of Christianity, religions, and history in general, and it claims that such radical refashioning will enable people to reappropriate Jesus’ supposed message (p. 53).

Previous shifts of emphasis were not nearly as dangerous theologically as that final lie, which carries the sympathetic soul from a generic theocentrism to regnocentrism without God. And yet that is where we are today in much of the world, ‘where peace, justice, and respect for creation are the dominant values” (p. 54). How many times have we bit our tongues not to “proselytise” (the name of Jesus being so “divisive,” or the boundaries of the Church appearing so threatening)? Benedict acknowledges the temptation:

This sounds good; it seems like a way of finally enabling the whole world to appropriate Jesus’ message, but without requiring missionary evangelisation of other religions. It looks as if now, at long last, Jesus’ works have gained some practical content, because the establishment of the “Kingdom” has become a common task and is drawing nigh (p. 54).

But Benedict ultimately decries this utopian approach which removes God from the mission. The politicisation of the kingdom has marginalised religion, which already must genuflect to the state in so many settings. “This post-Christian vision of faith and religion is disturbingly close to Jesus’ third temptation [in the desert]” (p. 55).

We must keep this in mind as we consider how we approach all government promises in the near future. We see clearly the dangers of hoping that “princes” will advance our pet causes, for those power-brokers can turn on a dime and leave the Christian empty-handed. We must also recognise the dangers of ecumenical endeavors that rejoice in works that are mute about the faith that motivates them. We’ve attempted to baptise so much in the name of tolerance and compassion that we run the risk of losing the meaning of the very names in which we baptise.

Benedict summarises:
When Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God, he is quite simply proclaiming God, and proclaiming him to be the living God, who is able to act concretely in the world and in history and is even now so acting. He is telling us: “God exists” and “God is really God,” which means that he holds in his hands the threads of the world … “Kingdom of God” is therefore an inadequate translation. It would be better to speak of God’s being Lord, of his lordship (pp. 56-57).

In an upside world where androgyny is to be preferred to man and woman, and “toxic masculinity” is thought to be at the heart of all our woes, we would do well to remember that Lordship has its place–both in the Son of God and those particularly called to live in persona Christi. Kingship carries within it many layered meanings, but primarily the understanding that hierarchy is preferred to mob rule, that sin corrodes the community, and a material kingdom is not what we seek. We cannot allow either the language to be diluted or the mission to be derailed, for Christ must be Lord, now and forever. Amen!

Archbishop John Corrolls’ – Prayer for Government

JohnCarrollGilbertStuart-1An Independence Day Prayer

We pray, O almighty and eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of your name.

We pray Thee, who alone are good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal and sanctity of life, our chief bishop, the pope, the vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the government of his Church; our own bishop, all other bishops, prelates and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct your people into the ways of salvation.

We pray O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the president of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness and be eminently useful to your people over whom he presides; by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality.

Let the light of your divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge; and may perpetuate to us the blessing of equal liberty.

We pray for his excellency, the governor of this state, for the members of the assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare, that they may be enabled, by your powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability.

We recommend likewise, to your unbounded mercy, all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of your most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal.

Finally, we pray to you, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of your servants departed, who are gone before us with the sign of faith and repose in the sleep of peace; the souls of our parents, relatives and friends; of those who, when living, were members of this congregation, and particularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors who, by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech you, a place of refreshment, light and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.



St. Joseph and Our Lady of America

St Joseph MuralFrom the article by Dr M Marivalle  www.markmiravalle.com

The revelation from Joseph, if authentic, could well be the most important associated with this hidden saint and may indicate an era in which he will take a much larger role. It is the first time we know of that he too is described as a “co-redemptor” and seems to place that title in a new context.

“My heart suffered with the hearts of Jesus and Mary,” said Joseph in 1956. “Mine was a silent suffering, for it was my special vocation to hide and shield, as long as God willed, the Virgin Mother and Son from the malice and hatred of men. The most painful of my sorrows was that I knew beforehand of their passion, yet would not be there to console them. Their future suffering was ever present to me and became my daily cross. I became, in union with my holy spouse, co-redemptor of the human race. Through compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and Mary I cooperated, as no other, in the salvation of the world.”

Joseph allegedly added that “immediately after my conception, I was, through the future merits of Jesus and because of my exceptional role of future virgin-father, cleansed from the stain of original sin. I was from that moment confirmed in grace and never had the slightest stain on my soul. This is my unique privilege among men.

“Mine was perfect obedience to the Divine Will, as it was shown and made known to me by me by the Jewish law and religion,” Joseph allegedly said. “To be careless in this is most displeasing to God and will be severely punished in the next world. Let fathers also imitate my great purity of life and deep respect I held for my Immaculate spouse. Let them be an example to their children and fellow men, never willfully doing anything that would cause scandal among God’s people.

“I desire souls to come to my heart that they may learn true union with the Divine Will,” said Joseph.

The saint was said to have also appeared above a globe with clouds swirling about it, his hands similar to those of a priest during Mass, his eyes looking up as if in ecstasy. “Jesus and Mary desire that my pure heart, so long hidden and unknown, be now honored in a special way,” said Joseph, who told Sister Mildred that he had been appointed the Pope’s special protector and asked for a new devotion. “Let my children honor my most pure heart in a special manner on the First Wednesday of the month by reciting the joyful mysteries of the Rosary in memory of my life with Jesus and Mary and the love I bore them, the sorrow I suffered with them. Let them receive holy Communion in union with the love with which I received the Savior for the first time and each time I held Him in my arms.”

This Wednesday the 1st Wednesday of the month!


Our Lady of America’s final message to Sr. Mary – In the winter of 1984

Sister Mildred Neuzil

Our Lady of America’s final message to Sr. Mary
In the winter of 1984 Our Lady came to Sr. Mary Ephrem with this final message:
“What happens to the world depends upon those who are living in it. There must be much more good than evil prevailing in order to prevent the holocaust that is so near approaching. Yet I tell you, My daughter, that even should such a destruction happen because there were not enough souls who took My warnings seriously, there will remain a remnant untouched by the chaos who, having been faithful in following Me and spreading My warnings, will gradually inhabit the earth again with their dedicated and holy lives. These souls will renew the earth in the power and light of the Holy Spirit, and these faithful children of Mine will be under My protection, and that of the Holy Angels, and they will partake of the life of the Divine Trinity in a most remarkable way. Let my dear children know this, precious daughter, so that they will have no excuse if they fail to heed my warnings.”

Another new testimony of healing

Another new testimony of healing

From the Luisa Piccarreta
Official Website


The Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will, received a new testimony of healing overseas, obtained probably through the  intercession of Luisa “The Saint”. The recent case, which is shown below, is described by an acquaintance of the protagonist and his wife J.

G. P. is a 76 year old retired teacher who was born on Aprii 25, 1939. In July of 2015, G. was diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer.

He and his wife J. began to ask servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta to intercede for him to obtain a healing.

The following timeline sets forth the details of G’s journey from the discovery of his cancer to the most recent diagnostic test confirming he was radiographically free of tumors.

June 25, 2015 – G. faints at a Walmart store

* July 9, 2015 – Primary Care Physician orders diagnostic tests to rule out cardiac disease

* July 21, 2015 – CT scan of chest shows 4.2 X 3.2cm mass in lower right lobe of lung and a 5mm nodule in right upper lung

* August 5, 2015 – Whole body pet scan done to evaluate lung mass

* August 17, 2015 – biopsy of lung tissue and final diagnosis of right lung mass, Poorly differentiated pulmonary adeno carcinoma

Originally G’s oncologist intended to remove the portion of his lung occupied by the tumor, however, it was determined that the cancer had metastasized to the lymph nodes located near the vocal cords requiring removal of the affected lymph nodes, which all lymph nodes had cancer.

* August 26, 2015 – Surgeon removes all lymph nodes and informs G. that he had stage 3b cancer and that his survival rate is 15% for 5 years.

Following surgery, treatment consisted of a daily chemo pill. G’s oncologist said that G would undergo another CT scan in six months to check progress and hopefully find that the tumor was decreasing in size or at least was not increasing.

G lost his voice as a result of the removal of his lymph nodes and was told that his left vocal chord was either stretched or damaged. Surgery was recommended but would be a Band-Aid effect ad would need to be repeated in six months. G was not ready for another surgery so nothing was done.

G. and J. and many others continued to ask Luisa to intercede for G and to obtain a total healing. During this time, a priest also prayed aver G with a relic of Luisa.

Not months, but weeks after G lost his voice, it suddenly returned along with his appetite and increased energy. G began to gain the weight he had lost and return to his former activities. Many people noticed how much better he looked.

On March 30, 2016, six months after being diagnosed with cancer, G underwent another CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The results: Radiographically–no cancer.

The above information is an abbreviated account of G’s experience. His doctors and the medical treatment he received were through the H. C. C. Pennsylvania, one of the top cancer treatment centers in the United States and was transferred to UPMC  C. C  P A. as it was closer to home.

This testimony was published by will of G. himself and his wife J.


Meditations of Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benidict“Eucharist as Blending One’s Existence.

The most profound content of Christian Eucharistic Piety is formulated as a standard of conduct.

According to 1 Corinthians 6:12-19, receiving the Eucharist means: blending one’s existence closely, analogical, spiritually, to what happens when man and wife become one on the physical, mental, spiritual plane. The dream of blending Divinity with humanity, a breaking out of the limitations of a creature is here fulfilled.

Man’s promethean attempts to break out of his limitations himself, to build with his own capacities the tower by which he may mount up to Divinity, always necessarily end in collapse and disappointment, indeed in despair.  This blending, this union has become possible because God came down in Christ, took upon Himself the limitations of human existence, suffering them to the end and in the Infinite Love of the Crucified One opened up the door to Infinity.  The real end of Creation, its underlying purpose, and conversely that of human existence as Willed by the Creator is this very Union that ‘God may be All in all.’