From The Writings Of Luisa Piccarreta
“The Little Daughter Of The Divine Will”
Jesus says in the below passage, that in order to receive the truths we first need to receive Divine Love and Divine Light in our soul in order to have a support to receive the truths.
VOL. 30 – January 30, 1932
“We do not want human love, and therefore Our Divine Will uses Its loving Stratagems, It spies the dispositions, and It breathes. Its Breath, like a light breeze, puts to flight the ash that the human will has produced; the particle of Our infinite Love revives and ignites. My Divine Volition continues to breathe, and It adds more Divine Love. The soul feels herself emptied, re-warmed. She experiences loving Refreshments. And from inside the particle of the infinite Love that she possesses, she loves Us, and gives Us Our Divine Love as hers. You must know that so much is the Love of this Divine Will of Mine, that It uses all the Artifices. It acts as Spy, and It breathes on her; It acts as Mother and cradles her in Its Arms; It acts as Sentinel and watches over her; It acts as Queen and dominates her; It acts as Sun and illuminates her, and lends Itself even to serving her. And when It wants to deposit in you Its Knowledges, Its Truths, even one of Its Words, what does It do? It breathes on you so much that It forms in you, first Its Support of Love, of Light, in order to enclose Its Truths inside of the Support of Its Love and Light that It has formed in you, so that It entrusts Its Truths to Its own Love, to Its Light, knowing that only Its Love could have the true Interest of conserving them, of spurring you on, so that they do not remain hidden.
“O! if it were not for this Support of Love of Mine that encloses all the Knowledges of My Fiat, how many things would have been buried in your soul, without anyone knowing anything about it. This is the reason why before It manifests Its Truths to you, It acts like the All-Doer around you, in order to prepare you, to place New Love in you, so as to form the New Support for Its Truths, and place them in the secure bank of Its Divine Love. And if I await you in Its Acts with so much Love, they are Our usual Pretexts, occasions that We seek in order to find the comma, the period, of the creature so as to give her New Love, New Graces. But even more than wanting her company, We do not know how to be without the one who wants to do Our Will. Already It carries her in Its Arms in Our Acts, so that she is with Us, and with everything that We do.”
Jesus Says below that when we read the Hours of the Passion We receive Divine light in our souls.
VOL. 11 – April 23, 1916
Every thought on the Passion of Jesus is a light drawn from His Most Holy Humanity in order to be like Him.
Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen all surrounded with Light, which came out from His Most Holy Humanity, and which embellished Him in such a way as to form an enchanting and enrapturing sight. I remained surprised, and He told me: “My daughter, each pain that I suffered, every drop of Blood, every wound, prayer, word, action, step, etc., produced a Light within my Humanity, to embellish Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, for every thought that the creature has about my Passion, for every act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw Light from my Humanity, and be embellished to my likeness. Therefore, every additional thought about my Passion will be an additional Light which will bring her eternal joy.”
Jesus says below that when we read the Hours of the Passion Our souls receive Divine Love.
VOL. 11 – September 6, 1913
Value, effects and divine nobility of doing the “Hours of the Passion.”
I was thinking about the Hours of the Passion which have now been written, and how they are without any indulgence. So, those who do them do not gain anything, while there are many prayers enriched with many indulgences. While I was thinking of this, my always adorable Jesus, all kindness, told me: “My daughter, one gains something through the prayers with indulgences. But the Hours of my Passion, which are my own prayers, my reparations and all my love, came really from the depth of my Heart. Did you perhaps forget how many times I united Myself with you to do them together, and I turned chastisements into graces over the entire earth? So, my satisfaction is such that, instead of the indulgence, I give the soul a handful of love, which contains infinite love of incalculable price. Further, when things are done for pure love, my Love finds Its outpouring – and it is not inconsiderable that the creature can give relief and expression to the Love of her Creator.”
Therefore, by reading the Hours of the Passion your soul receives Divine light and Divine love which acts as a support for the truths.
Therefore reading the Hours of the Passion Disposes you to receive the Divine Truths.