Unifying Statement to Divine Will Groups by the late ARCHBISHOP GIOVANNI BATTISTA PICHIERRI

Unifying Statement to Divine Will Groups by the late ARCHBISHOP GIOVANNI BATTISTA PICHIERRI on reading all 36 Volumes of The Book of Heaven

Statement to Divine Will Groups (excerpt)


“Necessary prudence cannot deaden the ardor of those who feel COMPELLED TO SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE of the sanctity of life of the Servant of God, to RECOMMEND READING THE WRITINGS, (and) to inspire the making of trusting prayer for her beatification.

All this is not only NOT FORBIDDEN but IT IS DESIRABLE.

As well as, an invitation to strengthen the unity and communion among sister dioceses in which are found individuals, groups and associations inspired by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and know her writings”.

(Final Communiqué, 28 October 2005)