I come as a King to live among His people, but not for the purpose of levying taxes and heaping burdens upon you. No, no! I come because I want your will, your miseries, your weaknesses, all your evils.

My sovereignty is really this: I want everything that distresses you and causes you to be unhappy and restless so that I can hide it within My Love and burn it all away. As the beneficent, pacific, and magnanimous King that I am, I want to exchange My Will for yours, filling you with My most tender Love, with My riches and happiness,

with My peace and most pure joy.

If you will give Me your will, all will be done just as I have said; and you will make Me happy, and you will be happy too.
I long for nothing else than for My Will to reign among you.
Heaven and earth will be smiling at you. My Heavenly Mama will be sure to be a
Mother and Queen to you…

( from the writings of Luisa Piccarreta )
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