To invoke the Holy Spirit over our wounded world the Lady of all Nations gave a new, short and beautiful prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now your Spirit over the world. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all Nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disasters and war. May the Lady of all Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen” (1). She explains that time is pressing: “This time is Our time. Now the Father and the Son wants to be asked to send the Spirit. I recited to you the simple prayer and let you see how I wish to have it spread over the whole world…This simple prayer has been given for all peoples… All of you, no matter who or what you are, ask that the true Holy Spirit may come. This you shall ask the Father and the Son. The Divine Trinity will again reign over the world. The Lady stands here as the Advocate. The issue here is the Creator, not the Lady. Tell this to your theologians….” In the last 70 years the prayer has progressively been spread throughout the whole world. It has been translated in almost all languages, and has received the imprimatur from more then 60 bishops and cardinals.
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