To get a glimpse of where things are,  please read  the document attached.

After four thousand years, after the fall of Adam and Eve, Our Triune God gave everything to Our Blessed Mother to finish the prayers of the prophets, kings and judges to complete the prayer for the Messiah to come and Redemption. Now, Our Triune God, after two thousand years, has given everything needed for the Sanctification of Mankind to Luisa Piccarreta. Everything of the Divine Will and of the Kingdom must be given to the man who has the Keys to the Kingdom, the Holy Father. Men of good will for two thousand years in the Holy Church have prayed the Our Father and the little children of Luisa pray in the Most Holy Divine Will for the Holy Father, to come out and make the Divine Will known to his priest-sons and then through them to the whole world. Mankind shall Enter into the Fullness of this Life in the Kingdom of the Divine Will which is Sanctification.

Thursday, June 11 is the Traditional Feast of Corpus Christi

The Eucharistic procession has taken place on this traditional Feast day since 1246. The Feast and the procession signify God’s Presence in our world and in our lives, reminding us of our common pilgrimage to Heaven. As the Church and the world continue to suffer the current lock-down, may the little children of the Divine Will honor Our Lord this day by offering a private procession in our homes, in our yards, in the communities where we live. Carry an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and if not possible, hold your hand over your heart clutching to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, honor, honoring Our Lord within, imploring His Divine Protection over the places we live, our communities, our country, our Church and throughout the world as we process. Let us do this invoking the Powerful Intercession of Our Mother and Queen, of our little mama Luisa, of St. Joseph and all the Saints and Angels.

May Our Lord Bless our little processions in the Fiat.

May He have our Holy Father come out to hasten the Coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://luisapiccarreta.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/June-13-2020-Our-Lady-of-Fatima.pdf” title=”June 13, 2020 Our Lady of Fatima”]