- In Voluntate Dei
Most esteemed Francesca,
I don’t know how to thank you for your goodness and charity toward me, the poorest of all creatures. May Heaven reward you, and may the Queen Mama hold you in her arms to keep you and to make you good and holy, as sweet Jesus wants.
My good daughter, it is necessary to die to everything in order to rise again to all goods and to true sanctity. But it is so sweet to be able to say: “Crucified You, O my Jesus – crucified I. Slandered, despised, abandoned by all, You – slandered, despised and abandoned I. So, O Jesus, we look alike.”
You are right in what you say to me, and I add: what we should care about is to live dissolved in the Holy Will. In each one of our acts done in the Divine Will, also natural, in the most tiny things, even in one breath, we can form a martyrdom, not human, but divine – more noble, more holy than the martyrdom of shedding our blood, to offer to Jesus His infinite Love, His Sanctity which has no beginning and no end. And Jesus will see His Most Holy Will operating in our tiny act. In His operating Will, He will find in us infinite material in order to form His Life. What joy, what happiness! Therefore, let us never move away from His Will, even at the cost of our lives… It is true that sometimes the storms are such that we feel like succumbing – and even from people we did not expect; but dear Jesus helps us and sustains us, in such a way that everything ends up in His Holy Will. Therefore, in every circumstance, let us never lose peace, and let us run into the arms of Jesus as our refuge. In this way we will be safe.
I like to hear that you always receive Communion. Never leave it, either out of disturbance, or distress, or fears. Nothing which is not peace ever comes from God, but always from our enemy, who gains a lot when he sees us disturbed. And we lose true trust; we lose our arms to take refuge in Jesus. Therefore, in order to become saints, nothing is needed but courage, trust and peace, in order to live in the immense sea of the Divine Will.
Thanking you again, I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a saint. Pray for me, for I so much need it, and from the heart I will do it for you. Greeting you with the affection of the Holy Divine Will, I say,
Most affectionately yours,
The little daughter of the Divine Will.
Corato, August 10, 1941