This day in Corato, Italy 1948, Archbishop Addazi granted the Title “Servant of God” to Luisa Piccarreta – one year after her transit into Heaven. Simultaneously, he granted prayer cards with relics for public use for the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.
V20 – 11.27.26 – I was all abandoned in the Arms of the Adorable Will, and I prayed my Sweet Jesus to make use of an Act of His Power so that the Supreme Volition might Invest the human generations, and binding them to Itself, It might Form Its first children, so Longed for by It.
“…Now, My daughter, in order to be daughter of My Will, you have been generated in It; in It you have been formed, and, in forming you, the Light, the Love of My Will, more than blood, has grafted in you Its Ways, Its Attitude, Its Operating, making you embrace everyone and everything. This is So True that, you being a birth from It, It calls you now ‘ n ewborn of My Will,’ now Its “ little daughter.’ Now, only one who has been generated by It can generate the children of My Will; therefore, you will be the mother of the generation of Its children.”
And I: “My Jesus, what are You saying? I am not good at being daughter—how can I be mother?”
And Jesus: “Yet, from you Must come the generation of these children. What mother has suffered so much? Who has been confined in a bed for forty years and more, for the love of forming a birth from herself, and of giving birth to the generation of her children? No one. What mother, as good as she might be, has sacrificed her whole entire existence to the point of enclosing within herself the thoughts, the heartbeats, the works, so that everything might be reordered in the birth that she carried, wanting to give life to it—not once, but as many times for as many acts as her child does? No one.
“Do you yourself not feel within yourself the generations of these children, by following their thoughts, words, works, steps, to reorder them all in My Will? Do you not feel yourself wanting to give life to each one, as long as they know My Will and be regenerated in It? Everything that you do in your interior, and that you suffer, is nothing other than the formation and the maturation of this birth, all of Heaven . This is why I have told you many times: your Mission is Great, there is no one who can equal it, and highest attention is needed.”
Please see the attached document – “Feed My Lambs”
“These little lambs that you see in My Arms are the Children of My Divine Will” – V14 – 11.5.22
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