Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci was born in Corato on 15 June 1935. In 1955, he entered the Novitiate of the Capuchin Friars at Alessano, in the Province of Lecce and completed his philosophical studies at the Studentate in Scorrano. On 14 March 1964, in the Capuchin church of Triggiano, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Nicodemo of Bari. You can send him your Birthday and Anniversery greetings to:
Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci
E-mail: padrebernardinobucci@virgilio.it
Volontà amabile e potentissima,
Volontà immensa da cui tutto esce
E niente sfugge, vengo a portare
Ai tuoi piedi Santissimi l’amore di tutti”.
Luisa Piccarreta
Fra Giuseppe Bernardino Bucci
Frate Minore Cappuccino
Nel 50° Anniversario
Dell’Ordinazione sacerdotale
1964 – 14 marzo – 2014-06-12
Convento Frati Minori Cappuccini
76015 Trinitapoli (BT) – Via Barletta, 2
“Gesù fu il somministratore della Santissima Trinità:
elargì alle genti la potenza, la sapienza, la carità delle Divine Persone. Il sacerdozio ministeriale, essendo la continuazione del sacerdozio di Cristo nel tempo, perpetua la stessa Sua opera presso le anime”.
Serva di Dio Luisa Piccarreta
Loving and powerful Will,
Immense Will from which everything comes out of
And nothing escapes, I come to bring
To your Most Holy feet the love of all.”
Luisa Piccarreta
Friar Giuseppe Bernardino Bucci
Friar Minor Capuchin
On the 50th Anniversary
Of his Priestly Ordination
1964 –March 14 – 06/12/2014
Monastery of Friars Minor Capuchin
76015 Trinitapoli (BT) – Via Barletta, 2
“Jesus was the administrator of the Most Holy Trinity:
He bestowed on people the power, the wisdom, the love of the Divine Persons.
The sacerdotal priesthood, being the continuation of Christ’s priesthood through time, perpetuates His work in souls. “
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta