577 September 2, 1996 Prague (Czech Republic);
The Evil of Your Century
a “Once again you find yourself here, my little son, to conduct cenacles with bishops, priests and faithful of my Movement, in these countries of eastern Europe, which have lived for many years in the terrible bondage imposed by communism and who have obtained their liberation by one special intervention of my Immaculate Heart.
b How many persecutions, acts of oppression and sufferings have these children of mine had to bear! My Church here has also been oppressed and persecuted, despoiled of its goods, crucified and led to martyrdom.
c But now you are being menaced with an even more serious and insidious danger. It is practical atheism, the evil of your century.
d — Practical atheism spreads by false ideologies, by the sects, by the errors which are spreading more and more, even within the Church.
e — Practical atheism has led humanity to build a civilization without God, characterized by a feverish search for material goods, for pleasures, for entertainments, and by the worship given to money and to its great power.
f — Practical atheism has destroyed in many the thirst for God, has impiously led to withdraw from Him the worship due Him, to give it to creatures, even to Satan, and to live as though God did not exist.
g — Practical atheism has spread everywhere the wound of unbridled egoism, of violence, of hatred and of impurity. Impurity is proposed as a value and a good, and it is propagated throughout all the mass media. Sins of impurity are presented as a way of exercising one’s personal freedom, and so impure sins against nature, which cry for vengeance in the sight of God, become justified and even exalted. The world has now been reduced to an immense desert, completely covered with filth.
h You are living under the yoke of this terrible slavery. For this reason, only the pain of the merciful chastisement will be able to free this poor humanity from the great evil of practical atheism, which has spread everywhere.
i It is my motherly duty to help you in the hours of the great purifying trial. As Mother, I am close to you to protect and assist you. And I am close to you also because my work, which I have begun in these countries, must be brought by me to its complete fulfillment.
j And this will be done when, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world, you will be completely liberated from every form of practical atheism, which has been the greatest evil of your century.”
578 September 8, 1996 Bratislava (Slovakia) Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
With the Strength of the Little Ones
a “Gather together, like fragrant flowers of love and purity, about the cradle in which I am placed at the moment of my birth. Because I am little, I am pleasing to the Lord. Because I am little, I have been destined by my God to guide the cohort of his children against the terrible army of Satan, of the rebellious spirits and of their powerful followers. With my little children, I will in the end achieve my greatest victory.
b — With the strength of the little ones, I will conquer the great power of Satan, who has set up his reign in the world and has seduced, with the cup of pleasure and lust, all the nations of the earth. For this reason, with my Marian Movement of Priests, I am gathering together, from everywhere, my little children, and with joy I see that they are responding to me with generosity and in ever increasing numbers.
c — With the strength of the little ones, I will bring back to God this poor humanity, deceived and seduced by false ideologies and particularly ensnared by the great error of atheism. With it, Lucifer, the ancient serpent, Satan, has wanted to renew before God his proud challenge, bringing humanity to repeat his gesture of rebellion against the Lord: ‘Non serviam: I will not serve Him.’ And so, I gather in the garden of my Immaculate Heart the great cohort of my little children, and I offer them to the perfect fulfillment of the Will of the Heavenly Father.
d Thus, in them and by means of them, I repeat my gesture of humble and perfect availability to his Will, repeating again my Fiat: let your holy and divine Will be done.
e — With the strength of the little ones, I will heal this humanity, ill and wounded by sin, by pride, by violence and by impurity. For this, I lead with gentle firmness all my little children along the road of holiness, of humility, of love and of purity.
f And then this world will go back to being the garden, in which the Lord can once again be loved, enjoyed, served and perfectly glorified. Thus will be achieved the great victory foretold and sung in the Sacred Scriptures: ‘Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, You have asserted your power against your adversaries, to silence the enemy and the rebel.’ (cf. Ps 8:3)
g I bless this little country which, in these days, has given such joy and comfort to my Immaculate Heart.
h You have seen, my little son, with what enthusiasm the priests and faithful have responded to my invitation to take part in the cenacles: how many graces have come down upon so many children in this country, where the heavenly Mother has received one of the greatest responses to her invitation to belong to the Marian Movement of Priests, in order to form part of the victorious cohort of my little children.”
579 September 15, 1996 Debrecen (Hungary) Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Share in My Sorrow
a “Share in my sorrow, beloved sons. A sword continues to pierce the soul of your heavenly Mother. To the little children to whom I appeared at Fatima, I have wished to show my Immaculate Heart surrounded with a crown of thorns, in order to make them understand how numerous and painful the wounds are which cause my motherly Heart to bleed.
b — Share in my sorrow, you who, through your act of consecration, are called to enter more and more into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
c — Share in my sorrow, for the great spread of materialism and hedonism in these countries, which have lived for decades under the painful yoke of atheistic communism. My Immaculate Heart has obtained the great grace of their liberation. But the diabolic and masonic forces are being unleashed, causing to enter, into them also, the evil which now contaminates the whole world, such as materialism, the mad quest for pleasure and money, the dissolute and obscene entertainment, the pornography and prostitution. And thus these poor children of mine are again even more threatened and are running a greater danger of being lost.
d — Share in my sorrow, for the spread of a subtle and insidious anticlericalism. The Church here has, for years, been persecuted, imprisoned, crucified and brought to martyrdom. I wish to recall, among all others, my beloved son, Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, who has been a symbol and the precious victim of this bloody persecution.
e Now the Church is apparently free, but she is still being obstructed in her mission by the flood of practical atheism, by the sects, by indifferentism and nihilism among the youth, because of which many of them flee from religion and thus new vocations to the priestly and religious life are far too scarce.
f — Share in my sorrow, because here Freemasonry, with its hidden power, is in control, which leads to dissoluteness, to a loss of the sense of morality, to the exaltation of sexual liberty, to the destruction of the family through divorces, birth control and these abortions which are becoming more and more widespread and legitimized.
g And so then you understand how the fall of communism, which took place here in 1989 through a special intervention of my Immaculate Heart, becomes only a sign and anticipation of my one complete and greater victory.
h This victory will take place with the fall of practical atheism throughout all the world, with the defeat of the masonic and satanic forces, with the destruction of the great power of evil, and with the full triumph of God in a world, then completely purified by the great merciful chastisement.
i For this reason, I exhort you to filial abandonment, to confidence and to a great hope. My Immaculate Heart is your safe refuge, in which by me you are consoled and defended, protected and prepared to live out the longed-for and awaited hours of the triumph of divine mercy upon the world.”