Participating in the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Participating in the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
through Luisa Piccarreta in the Most Holy Divine Will

Luisa, Who Takes Everything as Though in her Power (V28 – 3.5.30)

A Light on Your Journey: “Each thought of yourself is a Void of Love
that you form; you deny Jesus an Act of Love, and keep Jesus Sighing
for your little Love. Think about it, and be Attentive.”

V6 – 9.17.05
1. “One who, in advance, places herself in the Hands of Providence, offering herself to suffer …Comes to Participate in the First Sorrow of the Prophecy of Simeon.

2. One who actually finds herself amid sufferings, and is Resigned, Clings more tightly to Me and does not offend Me, it is as if she were Saving Me from the hands of Herod – and she Participates in the Second Sorrow.

3. One who feels downhearted, dry and deprived of My Presence, and remains yet Firm and Faithful to her usual Practices – even more, she takes the opportunity to Love Me and to Search for Me More, without tiring – Comes to Participate in the Merits and Goods which My Mother Acquired when I was lost (Third Sorrow).

4. One who, in any circumstance she encounters, especially in seeing Me gravely Offended, despised, trampled upon, tries to Repair Me, to Compassionate Me, and to Pray for the very ones who offend Me – it is as if I Encountered in that soul My Own Mother – and she Participates in the Fourth Sorrow.

5. One who Crucifies her senses for Love of My Crucifixion, and tries to Copy the Virtues of My Crucifixion within herself – and she Participates in the Fifth Sorrow.

6. One who is in a Continuous Attitude of Adoring, of Kissing My Wounds, of Repairing, of Thanking etc., In the Name of All Mankind, it is as if she were Holding Me in her arms, just as My Mother Held Me when I was Deposed from the Cross – and she Participates in the Sixth Sorrow.

7. One who Remains In My Grace and Corresponds to It, giving a place to no one else but Me Within her heart, it is as if she Buried Me in the Center of her heart – and she Participates in the Seventh Sorrow.”



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Portiuncola (Porziuncola) Indulgence

The Portiuncola, Assisi

Portiuncola (Porziuncola) Indulgence

According to a legend, the existence of which can be traced back with certainty only to 1645, the little chapel of the Portiuncola was erected under Pope Liberius (352-66) by hermits from the Valley of Josaphat, who had brought thither relics from the grave of the Blessed Virgin. The same legend relates that the chapel passed into the possession of St. Benedict in 516. It was known as Our Lady of the Valley of Josaphat or of the Angels — the latter title referring, according to some, to Our Lady’s ascent into heaven accompanied by angels on the Solemnity of the Assumption. However, a better founded opinion attributes the name to the singing of angels which had been frequently heard there.

The Portiuncola today is in the “frazione” of Santa Maria degli Angeli in the city of Assisi, located about three-quarters of a mile from the center of the city. The frazione, numbering about 2000 inhabitants, has grown up around the basilica of Our Lady of the Angels and the adjoining Franciscan monastery.

In the early 1200’s, when St. Francis was repairing the small Portiuncola chapel, the basilica which now encloses the chapel was non-existent.  The humble Portiuncola was surrounded by the dense woods which covered the plain of Assisi.


Francis, who had previously repaired the chapels of San Damiano and San Pietro della Spina, was enraptured by the Portiuncola, a nick name which means “the little portion.”  He loved its formal name–Santa Maria degli Angeli (Our Lady of the Angels), its poverty reflective in its nick name, its isolation and silence, and its proximity to the leper hospitals where he tended the pitiable residents.

On February 24, 1208, the Feast of St. Matthias, while hearing Mass at the Portiuncola, St. Francis of Assisi recognized his vocation in the day’s Gospel.  Preach the Gospel. Take nothing for the journey.  Stay with those who are worthy in the towns you visit.

Francis made the Portiuncola the headquarters of his Order while refusing to accept ownership of it from the Benedictines.  Francis settled on presenting the Benedictines a yearly rent of a basket of fish, thereby feeling comfortable about using the chapel and the huts the friars built around it.

On October 3, 1226, after blessing his friars and asking to be laid naked on the ground so as to come to the Father in utter destitution, Francis died at the Portiuncola after recommending the chapel to the faithful protection and care of his brethren.


The Portiuncola Indulgence is a special favor granted by the Pope to St. Francis at his request.

One night in 1216, Francis awoke and felt a strong impulse to enter the chapel of the Portiuncola and pray.  While at prayer, Our Lord and Our Lady appeared to Francis and asked him what he desired.  Thinking of others and recognizing his own sinfulness, Francis spoke.  “0 God, although I am a great sinner, I beseech You to grant a full pardon of all sins to all who, having repented and confessed their sins, shall visit this church.”

Our Lord answered, “Francis, you ask much, but you are worthy of greater things, and greater things you shall have.”

The Lord granted the Indulgence and Pope Honorius III ratified it.  Originally the Indulgence was attached only to the Porticuncola.  However, subsequent Popes expanded the churches in which the Indulgence can be gained.



a.  Intend to gain the Indulgence

b. Be detached from all sin

c. While in the church pray one Our Father, one Apostle’s Creed, and one other prayer of the individual’s choice

d. Pray for the intentions of the Pope (prayerfully saying an Our Father and a Hail Mary will suffice although other prayers may be said)

e. Receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist within one week either before or after August 2.

May we all take advantage of the graces afforded by this Indulgence.

Financial support for the restoration of Luisa Piccarreta’s house

Below is an appeal by Mr. Michele Colonna, president of the Luisa Piccarreta Association, to raise the funds necessary to carry out the restoration and adaptation works of the Association, that for many years was the house of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and today it is the custodian of her memory and a destination for thousands of visitors from all over the world.

Link: Financial support for the restoration of Luisa Piccarreta’s house


Please share it.


Novena to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament – May 4th – 12th

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, Mother of Jesus and our tender Mother, we invoke thee under the title of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, because thou art the Mother of the Savior who lives in the Eucharist, and because it was from thee that He took the Flesh and Blood with which He there feeds us! We invoke thee under that title because, again, thou art the sovereign dispensatrix of all graces and, consequently, of those contained in the august Eucharist, also, because thou didst first fulfill the duties of the Eucharistic life, teaching us by thy example how to assist properly at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, how to communicate worthily, and how to visit frequently and piously the Most Blessed Sacrament.

V. Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. 
That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ may come among us!

Lord Jesus Christ, our King and our God, who having become Man to make us sharers in Thy Divinity, art truly our Bread in the adorable Eucharist, grant, we beseech Thee, that in venerating so great a Mystery, we may be mindful of the most sweet Virgin Mary, of whom Thou didst will to be conceived by the operation of the Holy Ghost! Grant, also that we may imitate the worship that she rendered while on earth to this most august Sacrament, so we may behold Thy Eucharistic Kingdom spread and flourish throughout the whole world! O Thou who livest and reignest forever and ever! Amen.

O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the glory of Christians, the joy of the universal Church, and the hope of the world, pray for us. Kindle in all the faithful a lively devotion to the most Holy Eucharist, so that they may be worthy to receive Holy Communion every day. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. Let us with Mary Immaculate adore, thank, supplicate, and console the most sacred and beloved Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, after having been present at the death of thy Divine Son on Calvary, where thou didst unite thy immense sorrow to the Redeemer’s sacrifice, thou didst frequently assist at the real, though mysterious, renewal of that adorable sacrifice in the celebration of the Holy Mass. Teach us by thy example to esteem as it deserves the divine action performed at the altar, and obtain for us the grace to be able often, and even daily, to assist piously at the Holy Sacrifice.

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, thy Communions were the most fervent, the most holy that were ever made! When thou didst possess thy Divine Son in thy breast, thou didst love Him with a love exceeding that of any other creature so ever for his God. Teach us to make Holy Communion the center of our life, and may that life be spent in preparing us for so great an action and in thanking God for so inappreciable a benefit!

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, who after the ascension of thy Divine Son, didst console thy exile on earth by thy Real Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament, and didst spend before the tabernacle the greater part of thy days and even thy nights, make us comprehend the treasure we possess on the altar. Inspire us to visit often the God of Love in the Sacrament in which He abides to receive the homage that He deserves by so many titles, and to guide, protect, and console us in this exile!

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, thou art our perfect Model in the service of the Divine Eucharist. With the most lively faith and the most profound respect thou didst adore Jesus hidden under the sacramental veils. After thy example, we desire to render to the Sacred Host all the honor due the Divinity and the glorified Humanity of the Son of God made Man. We wish to maintain at all times in the holy place the modesty and recollection becoming true adorers.

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, who didst return to Jesus so perfect Thanksgiving for the institution of the Divine Eucharist and the ineffable Gift in which the Savior exhausted His power and the treasures of His Heart, teach us to thank thy Divine Son for this great benefit, and especially to make our thanksgiving well when we have had the happiness of receiving Him in Holy Communion.

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, thou didst adore thy Divine Son in His state of perpetual Victim, always immolated on our altars, incessantly demanding, by His death, grace and mercy for sinners. We unite with thy dolors and thy perfect reparation. We desire to accept our daily trials for love of Him, and with thee to console Jesus for the ingratitude of men and the outrages He daily receives in the Blessed Sacrament.

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, while the Apostles went to preach the Gospel, thou didst remain close to the tabernacle, supplicating for them the goodness of the Savior, and thy prayer obtained for them the grace to convert the world! Teach us to pray, above all, to pray near the tabernacle, where Jesus wills to abide continually in order to hear our petitions. Teach us to pray for the extension of the Eucharistic kingdom, for the salvation of the whole world, for the exaltation of the Holy Church, and most especially for the sanctification of the clergy and the conversion of sinners.

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!

O Virgin Immaculate, Mother most loving and admirable Model of adorers of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, thou art also the dispensatrix of the graces necessary to fulfill that great duty! Grant us, then, we beseech thee, as the fruit of this novena, the virtues that will render our adoration less unworthy of thy Divine Son. Teach us to honor so well this Mystery of mysteries that we may receive here below the graces it contains, in order to enjoy in heaven the eternal life of which it is the pledge!

Versicle, Response, and Prayer as on the first day.