Author: DWLP

Our Lady of Sorrows 9/15

ourladyofsorrows2The Seven Dolors of Mary

December 17, 1903 Volume 6
The adoration that the Most Holy Virgin did when She encountered Jesus carrying the Cross.
Continuing in my usual state, for a few instants a saw blessed Jesus with the Cross on His shoulders, in the act of encountering His Most Holy Mother; and I said to Him: ‘Lord, what did your Mother do in this most sorrowful encounter?’
And He: “My daughter, She did nothing but a most profound and simple act of adoration. And since the simpler the act, the more easily it unites with God, Most Simple Spirit, in this act She infused Herself in Me and continued what I Myself was doing in my interior. This was immensely pleasing to Me, more than if She had done any other greater thing. In fact, the true spirit of adoration consists of this: the creature dissolves herself and finds herself in the divine sphere; she adores all that God does, and she unites with Him. Do you think that when the mouth adores but the mind is somewhere else, it is true adoration? That is, the mind adores but the will is far away from Me? Or, one power adores Me, and the others are all disordered? No, I want everything for Me, and everything I have given her, in Me. This is the greatest act of cult, of adoration, that the creature can do for Me.”

December 21, 1903 Volume 6
Effects of the sorrows of the Celestial Mama.
This morning I found myself outside of myself, and looking into the vault of the heavens I saw seven most refulgent suns – but their shape was different from the sun which we see. It started with the shape of a cross and it ended with a pointrosa mystica weeping261, and this point was placed inside a heart. At the beginning it could not be seen clearly, because the light of these suns was so great as to not allow one to see who was inside of them, but the nearer I drew, the more clearly it appeared that the Queen Mama was within them. In my interior I kept saying: ‘How I would like to ask Her whether She wants me try to go out of this sta
te without waiting for the priest.’ In the meantime, I found myself near Her and I told Her; and She answered a curt “No”. I was left mortified by this answer, and the Most Holy Virgin turned to a multitude of people who surrounded Her, and said: “Listen to what she wants to do…” And everyone said: “No, no, she cannot…”
Then, drawing near me, all goodness, She told me: “My daughter, courage along the way of sorrow. See, these seven suns which come out from within my Heart are my seven sorrows which produced much glory and splendor for Me. These suns, the fruits of my sorrows, dart continuously through the throne of the Most Holy Trinity which, feeling wounded, sends Me seven channels of grace continuously, making Me the owner; and I dispense them for the glory of all Heaven, for the relief of purging souls, and for the benefit of pilgrim souls.” While saying this, She disappeared, and I found myself inside myself.

September 17, 1905 Volume 6
How one can participate in the sorrows of the Queen Mama.
Having been in great suffering because of the privation of my most sweet Jesus, this morning, the day of the Sorrows of Mary Most Holy, after I struggled in some way, He came and told me: “My daughter, what do you want that you so much yearn for Me?”
And I: ‘Lord, I yearn to have for myself that which You have for Yourself.’ And He: “My daughter, for Myself I have thorns, nails and cross.” And I: ‘Well then, that is what I want for myself.’ So He gave me His crown of thorns and let me share in the pains of the cross.
Then He added: “Everyone can share in the merits and in the goods produced by the sorrows of my Mother. One who, in advance, places herself in the hands of Providence, offering herself to suffer any kind of pains, miseries, illnesses, calumnies, and everything which the Lord will dispose upon her, comes to share in the first sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon. One who actually finds herself in a state of suffering, and is resigned, clings more tightly to Me, and does not offend Me, it is as if she were saving Me from the hands of Herod, and she keeps Me, safe and sound, within the Egypt of her heart. So she participates in the second sorrow. One who feels gloomy, dry, and deprived of my presence, and remains yet firm and faithful to her usual practices; even more, she takes the opportunity to love Me and to search for Me more, without tiring – comes to share in the merits and goods which my Mother acquired when I was lost. One who, in any circumstance, feels sorry in seeing Me gravely offended, despised, trampled upon, and tries to repair Me, to compassionate Me, and to pray for the very ones who offend Me – it is as if I encountered in that soul my own Mother, who would have freed Me from my enemies, had She been able to do so. So she shares in the fourth sorrow. One who crucifies her senses for love of my Crucifixion, and tries to copy the virtues of my Crucifixion within herself, participates in the fifth one. One who is in a continuous attitude of adoring, of kissing my wounds, of repairing, of thanking etc., in the name of all mankind, it is as if she were holding Me in her arms, just as my Mother held Me when I was deposed from the Cross – and she shares in Her sixth sorrow. One who remains in my grace and corresponds to it, giving a place to no one else but Me within her heart, it is as if she buried Me in the center of her heart – and she shares in the seventh one.”

Day Twenty-Seven
The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Here sounds the Hour of Sorrow. The Passion.
A Deicide.
The Crying of all Nature.

The soul to her Sorrowful Mother:
My dear Sorrowful Mother, today, more than ever, I feel the irresistible need to be close to You. No, I will not move from your side, to be spectator of your bitter sorrows and to ask You, as your child, for the grace to place in me your sorrows and those of your Son Jesus, and also His very death; so that His death and your sorrows may give me the grace to make my will die continually, and make rise again, upon it, the life of the Divine Will.

Lesson of the Queen of Sorrows:
Dearest child, do not deny Me your company in so much bitterness. The Divinity has already decreed the last day of my Son down here. An Apostle has already betrayed Him, giving Him up into the hands of the Jews, to make Him die. My dear Son, taken by excess of love and not wanting to leave His children, whom He came to search for upon earth with so much love, has already left Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that whoever wants Him, may possess Him. So, the life of my Son is about to end, and He is about to take flight to His Celestial Fatherland.
Ah! dear child, the Divine Fiat gave Him to Me, and in the Divine Fiat I received Him; and now, in the same Fiat, I give Him back. My Heart is torn; imm
ense seas of sorrows inundate Me; I feel life leaving Me because of the atrocious spasm. But nothing could I deny to the Divine Fiat; on the contrary, I felt disposed to sacrifice Him with my own hands, had It wanted it so. The strength of the Divine Will is omnipotent, and I felt such strength by virtue of It, that I would have contented Myself with dying rather than deny anything to the Divine Will.
Now, my child, listen to Me: my maternal Heart is drowned with pains; just thinking that my Son, my God, my Life, must die, is more than death for your Mama. Yet, I know I must live. What torment, what deep gashes form in my Heart, piercing It all the way through with sharp swords. Yet, dear child, I grieve in saying this, but I must say this to you: in these pains and deep gashes, and in the pains of my beloved Son, there was your soul – your human will. Since it would not let itself be dominated by the Will of God, We covered it with pains, We embalmed it, We fortified it with our pains, so that it would dispose itself to receive the life of the Divine Will.
Ah! if the Divine Fiat had not My child, what a blow to my pierced Heart. Yet, I had to say it, because there were no forced pains in Us, but all voluntary. So We blessed each other, and exchanging that gaze which is not able to detach any more from the beloved, my dear Son, my sweet Life, departed; and I, your sorrowful Mama, stayed. But the eye of my soul never lost sight of Him. I followed Him into the Garden, in His terrible agony, and – oh! how my Heart bled in seeing Him abandoned by all, even by His most faithful and dear Apostles.
Dear child, the abandonment of dear ones is one of the greatest sorrows for a human heart in the stormy hours of life; especially for my Son, who had loved them so much and done so much good to them, and who was in the act of giving His life for the very ones who had just abandoned Him in the extreme hours of His life – even more, they had run away. What sorrow! What sorrow! And I, in seeing Him agonize and sweat Blood, agonized together with Him and sustained Him in my maternal arms. I was insepsorrowfulmaryarable from my Son; His pains were reflected in my Heart, liquefied by sorrow and by love, and I felt them more than if they were my own. So I followed Him the whole night; there was not one pain or accusation they gave Him, which did not resound in my Heart. But, at the dawn of the morning, unable to endure any longer, accompanied by the disciple John, by Magdalene and other pious women, I wanted to follow Him step by step, also corporally, from one tribunal to another.
My dearest child, I heard the roaring of the lashes that fell upon the naked body of my Son; I heard the mockeries, the satanic laughter, and the blows they gave Him on His head when they crowned Him with thorns. I saw Him when Pilate showed Him to the people – disfigured and unrecognizable. I felt deafened by the “Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” I saw Him take the Cross upon His shoulders, exhausted, panting. And I, unable to refrain, hastened my step to give Him my last embrace and to dry His face, all wet with Blood. But – no! there was no pity for Us. The cruel soldiers pulled Him by the ropes and made Him fall. Dear child, what harrowing pain, not being able to help my dear Jesus in so many pains. Every pain opened a sea of sorrow in my pierced Heart. Finally, I followed Him to Calvary, where, amid unheard-of pains and horrible contortions, He was crucified and lifted up on the Cross. Only then was it conceded to Me to be at the foot of the Cross, to receive from His dying lips the gift of all my children, and the right and seal of my Maternity over all creatures. Shortly after, amid unheard-of spasms, He breathed His last.
All nature wore mourning, and cried over the death of its Creator. The sun cried, obscuring itself and withdrawing, horrified, from the face of the earth. The earth cried with a strong tremor, ripping open in various places, for the sorrow of the death of its Creator. All cried: the sepulchers by opening, the dead by rising; and even the veil of the Temple cried with sorrow by ripping open. All lost joy, and felt terror and fright. My child, your Mama remained petrified with sorrow, waiting to receive Him into my arms, to close Him in the sepulcher.
Now, listen to Me in my intense sorrow; with the pains of my Son I want to speak to you of the great evils of your human will. Look at Him in my sorrowful arms, how disfigured He is. He is the true portrait of the evils that the human will does to the poor creatures. My dear Son wanted to suffer so many pains in order to raise this will again – fallen into the abyss of all miseries; each pain of Jesus and each one of my sorrows called it to rise again in the Divine Will. Our love was so great that in order to place this human will in safety, We filled it with our pains, up to the point of drowning it and enclosing it inside the immense seas of my sorrows, and of those of my beloved Son.
Therefore, on this day of sorrows for your sorrowful Mother – and all for you – in return give Me your will, into my hands, that I may enclose it in the bleeding wounds of Jesus, as the most beautiful victory of His Passion and death, and as the triumph of my most bitter sorrows.

The soul:
Sorrowful Mama, your words wound my heart, and I feel myself dying in hearing that it was my rebellious will that made You suffer so much. Therefore I pray You to enclose it in the wounds of Jesus, that I may live of His pains and of your bitter sorrows.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will kiss the wounds of Jesus, speaking five acts of love, and praying to Me that my sorrows may seal your will in the opening of His sacred side.

Ejaculatory Prayer:
May the wounds of Jesus and the sorrows of my Mama give me the grace to make my will rise again in the Will of God.

July The Month Of The Precious Blood – Prayer For Protection Through The Precious Blood Of Jesus

Lord JESUS, by faith in your merits, I now take your precious blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family right from the crown of my head to the very soles of my feet. I claim total and complete protection for my life and my family. Lord JESUS, keep me free today from evil, sin, temptation, Satan’s attacks and afflictions, fear of darkness, fear of man, sickness, diseases, doubts, anger, all calamities and from all that is not of thy Kingdom.

Fill me Lord JESUS with gift of your Holy SPIRIT and grant me the gift of wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment so that I will live today in your glory by doing that which is right.

I praise you, Jesus

I Thank you, Jesus

I Love you, Jesus

I Adore you, Jesus

Holy Spirit, you make me see everything, and show me the way to reach my ideals, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me, and you who are in all instances of my life with me, I in this short dialogue want to thank you for everything an affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your Perpetual Glory.


Thank you, Holy Spirit for your love towards me and my loved ones.


Happy Birthday Luisa – 158 Years 4/23




 “We Repeat to her: ‘We Love you, oh! daughter.’  As she repairs Us, so do We Press her to Our Heart; as she thanks Us, praises Us, blesses Us, so do We Keep Repeating:  ‘We Thank you that you are thanking Us’, ‘We Praise you for you are praising Us’, ‘We Bless you for you are blessing Us.’  We can Say that We Put Ourselves in a Contest with her.  Heaven and earth are Astounded that their Creator Engages in a Contest with His beloved creature.” V30 – 4.23.32

Happy Birthday to Our Little mama Luisa,
Happy Celebration to All of Heaven and Earth!!!

What Jesus Said About Luisa on April 23:

  • Luisa, Daughter Who Lays her will Within Jesus’ Will and With her Acts Extends a Second Heaven over the Heads of All (12 – 4.23.1921)
  • Luisa, Through her Divine Acts Jesus Looks at the Acts of the Creatures (12 – 4.23.1921)
  • Luisa, Who will Force Jesus’ Eternal Volition to Descend Below the Spheres, so as to Triumph Over the Evil of the Human Will (12 – 4.23.1921)
  • Luisa, Who Together with Jesus Assails the Creatures with His Volition and with His Love and Confuses Them so They Cannot Resist Them (12 – 4.23.1921)
  • Luisa, the Littlest of All, Just Newborn (16 – 4.23.1924)
  • Luisa, Who the Enemy Cannot Approach (16 – 4.23.1924)
  • Luisa, Pilgrim Soul Whose Kiss All Heaven and All Created Things Await (17 – 4.23.1925)
  • Luisa, Who has the Eyes, Hearing, Mouth, Hands and Feet of Jesus’ Will (17 – 4.23.1925)
  • Luisa, Who Never Departs from the Origin from which she Came (17 – 4.23.1925)
  • Luisa, Who Remains Always in Jesus’ Arms and Easily Feels Jesus’ Breath (17 – 4.23.1925)
  • Luisa, Whose will Serves as the Dwelling for Jesus’ Will (17 – 4.23.1925)
  • Luisa, Daughter of Jesus’ Divine Will to Who He Made Known All the Peculiarities with which Man was Created (28 – 4.23.1930)
  • Luisa, Who Comprehended the Excess of the Supreme Being’s Love and the Right of Their Fiat to Reign in Man (28 – 4.23.1930)
  • Luisa, Blessed Daughter of Jesus’ Volition (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, One Who Hears the Call of the Divine Will (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, One Who Possesses the Divine Will as Life (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, the Soul Who Possesses the Divine Will and Its Echo Forms the Same Echo in her (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, in Whose Power are the Heavens and Earth (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Whose Work the Divine Omnipotence and True Power Enter into (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Diffuses herself in Everything and Everyone (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who with her Empire, Makes herself Heard by Everyone (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, The Soul Who is in the Continuous Act of Being Reborn in the Acts that She does in the Divine Will (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Reborn in Divine Love (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, the Triune God’s Beloved Creature (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Reborn in Divine Reparation (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Holds the Disarming Power (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Converts Scourges into Graces (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Acquires Lives that are Nourished by Divine Sources (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Forms an Entire Life of Thanksgivings toward her Creator (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Forms an Entire Life of Praises and of Blessings toward her Creator (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who Forms the Fullness of Life (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Fortunate Creature Who had the Good of Acquiring Rebirths and Lives that Form in her the Most Beautiful Harmony (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Gaze of the Triune God is Always Fixed on (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Ears of the Triune God are Intent on Listening to (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Triune God Loves (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Triune God Clasp to Their Heart (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Triune God Thanks, Praises, Blesses as she did to Them (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Who the Triune God Place Themselves in Contest with (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, the Creator’s Beloved Creature (30 – 4.23.1932)
  • Luisa, Jesus’ Blessed Daughter (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, Jesus’ Little Daughter of His Volition (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, Who Can do no Less Than Always Keep Present All the Acts Done by the Divine Will (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, in Who the Divine Will has All Its Acts with All the Order It had in Creating Them (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, Who Follows the Divine Acts in Order to Unite herself to Them to do what the Divine Will Itself has Done (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, to Who the Divine Will Gives the Cord to Take All the Triune God’s Works (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, God’s Clock Who, Winding the Cord, Marks the Minutes and Hours of God’s Works (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, Who has the Good of Knowing All the Hours of the Day of God’s Divine Will (32 – 4.23.1933)
  • Luisa, to Who the Divine Will Gives Itself Completely Whole with the Fullness of Its Light, Sanctity, Power, and Its Works (32 – 4.23.1933)


Thank you Lord! for Our Little mama Luisa!
Thank you Luisa! for your Fiat Voluntas Tua!


The Promises of Jesus for Whoever Meditates on The Hours of the Passion

The Promises of Jesus for Whoever Meditates on
The Hours of the Passion

From the writings of Luisa Piccarreta

Volume 10 – 10th April, 1913
“Tell me, my Good Lord, what will You grant in return to those who will make the Hours of your Passion on which You had instructed me?”

And He“My daughter, I shall not regard these Hours as ‘your things,  but as things done by Me, and I shall grant to you my very own merits, as if I, Myself, were, in actuality, suffering my Passion.  I shall, thereby, make you obtain the effects of my Passion, according to the soul’s disposition.  This, I shall accomplish on earth:  Of Myself, I could not have offered you more; and in Heaven:  I shall place these souls at the front, shooting them with arrows of love and of happiness for the many hours they spent in making the Hours of my Passion.  And they shall shoot Me with arrows as well.  What a sweet enchantment for all the blessed this shall be!”

Volume 11 – 6th September, 1913
I was thinking about the Hours of the written Passion. how they have no indulgences; and therefore, whoever does them cannot gain any indulgences, as they can with so many other prayers enriched with so many indulgences.  While I was thinking of this, my always amiable Jesus, all mildness, said to me:
“My daughter, with indulgenced prayers, one can gain something.  Instead, the Hours of my Passion, which are my very own prayers, my reparations, and complete love, have truly issued from my Heart.  Have you, perhaps, forgotten how many times I united Myself with you, in order to make these Hours together, and how I changed scourges into graces for the entire earth?  Therefore, my enjoyment is so great, that instead of indulgences, I give you a handful of love which contains inestimable coins of infinite value.  Then, when things are [able to be] accomplished [by the soul] with pure love, my Love discovers for you the vent, for my Love desires that the creature give relief and vent to the Creator’s Love.”

Volume 11- October 1914
As I was writing the Hours of the Passion, I thought to myself: “How many sacrifices their are in writing these blessed Hours of his Passion, especially when having to write down certain interior acts that passed only between Jesus and myself! What will be the recompense that Jesus shall offer me for them? And Jesus, making me hear his sweet and tender voice, said to me: “My daughter, as a recompense for having written the Hours of my Passion, for every word that you have written, I will give you a kiss, a soul.”
And I: “My Love, this is for me. What will you give, instead, to those who shall make them?” And He: “If they shall make them together with Me and with my own Will, for every word that they make, I shall give them a soul, because the greater or lesser efficacy of these Hours of my Passion is determined by the greater or lesser union they have with Me. And by making these Hours with my Will, the creature therein hides himself, whereby, my Will doing the acting, I am thus able to do all the good I want, even through the use of a single word. And I shall do this every time they make them.”
On another occasion, I was complaining to Jesus, that after so many sacrifices in writing these Hours of the Passion, there were so few souls who made them.
And He: “My daughter, do not complain. Even if there were but only one soul, you should be happy. Would I not have suffered my entire Passion for the sake of saving only one soul? The same applies to you; good must never be omitted simply because there are few who make use of it. All evil, however, is reserved for him who does not take advantage of so much good.  And so, just as my Passion applied to my Humanity the merit of saving all, which was what I desired and merited according to my desires, and not according to the desires of such creatures who would make poor use of It, therefore impeding my design of saving all,  so it should likewise be with you: According to the measure in which your will is assimilated to Mine in desiring to do good to all, in that measure will you be rewarded. All evil is reserved for those, who while being able to do good, do not do so.
These Hours are the most precious of all, for they are none other than the repetition of what I did in the course of my mortal Life and of what I continue to do in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
When I hear these Hours of my Passion [recited], I hear my own voice and my own prayers. I see my Will in that soul who desires the good of all and who wants to make reparation for all, and I feel transported; whence, I take up my dwelling within her, so as to do within her that which she herself does. Oh, how I would love it if only one soul in every town were to make these Hours of my Passion! I would feel my own presence in each town, and my Justice, greatly disdained in these times, would be placated in part.”
Also, one day while I was making the Hour (4 PM) in which our Heavenly Mother gave Jesus over to be buried, I followed Her closely in order to keep Her company throughout Her bitter desolation, so as to offer Her my compassion. It was not my custom to always act in this way, but only sometimes. And so, as I was undecided as to whether or not I should continue to act in this manner, Blessed Jesus appeared in all of his Love, and as if beseeching me, He said:

“My daughter, I bid you not to leave Her; you shall accompany Her for my Love’s sake, in honor of my Mother. Know, that every time you accompany Her, my Mother feels as if She Herself were on earth in person, repeating Her life and experiencing the glory and love which She had offered Me while on earth. Wherefore, I,  feeling as if my Mother were on the earth again, experience Her Motherly tenderness, Her love, and all the glory that She gave Me. Therefore, I will consider you as a Mother.”

Volume 11- 4th November, 1914
I was making the Hours of the Passion, and Jesus, taken up with great pleasure, said to me : “My daughter, if you knew the great pleasure I experience whereupon seeing you repeat, repeat again, and thus always repeat these Hours of my Passion, you would rejoice. It is true that my Saints have meditated upon my Passion and have understood how much I suffered, whence they burst into tears of compassion, to the point of experiencing themselves being consumed for love of my pains; but whereas, their meditations were not made in such an orderly and continually repeated way.

Therefore, I can say that you are the first to give Me the great and special pleasure of subacting within yourself, hour by hour, my Life and that which I suffered, wherein I experience Myself being so drawn, that hour by hour, I give to you my food, which food I, Myself, partake of, thereby doing together with you that which you do. Know, however, that I shall reward you abundantly for them [these Hours] with new light and new graces; and even after your death, every time these Hours of my Passion will be made by souls on this earth, I,  in Heaven,  will continue to embellish you with new light and new glory.”

Volume 11 – 6th November, 1914
While continuing the customary Hours of the Passion, my loving Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, the world is in the continual act of renewing my Passion, and since my Immensity envelops everything,  internally and externally with regard to the creature,  I am therefore compelled, in virtue of their association, to receive nails, thorns, scourges, contempt, spit, and all else that I suffered during my Passion, and yet more. Now, whenever the creature  makes the Hours of my Passion while associating himself with these souls, I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds cauterized, and the spit removed. I feel the evils that others inflict upon Me transformed into good; and whereby, I  feeling that their association does Me no harm, but good.  lean on them all the more.”
Thereafter, when returning, Blessed Jesus began to speak of these Hours of his Passion. He said:

“My daughter, know, that in making these Hours, the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, my prayers, my desires, my affections, even my most intimate fibers, and makes them her own. And whereby, raising herself up between Heaven and earth, she performs my own office, and as co-redemptrix, says together with Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me’ [Here I am, Lord; send me out]. I want to make reparation to You for everyone, to respond to You for everyone, and to intercede for the good of everyone.”

Volume 11 – 13th October, 1916
I was making “The Hours of his Passion,  and Blessed Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, in the course of my mortal Life, thousands of Angels courted my Humanity and gathered together what I did: my words, steps, even breaths, pains, drops of my Blood, in a word, everything. They were Angels deputed to my care, to render Me honor, obedient to my every gesture; they descended and ascended to Heaven, as to present what I did to the Father.
Now, these Angels have a special office: As the soul recalls my Life, my Passion, my prayers, they place themselves round her, thus gathering together her words, her prayers, the compassion she shows Me, her tears, her offenses; whereby, uniting them to Mine, they carry them off to my Majesty, as to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. And the Angels enjoy it so much that they reverently stand in attention as to hear what the soul is saying, and they pray together with her. Therefore, with attention and respect, the soul ought to make these Hours, while remembering that the Angels hang upon her every word, as to repeat after her what she says!”….

Volume 12 – March 16, 1917
“Moreover, do you not see that if I have not said anything to you in the morning, I am waiting for the night to say a word to you?  Furthermore, when they read the applications of the [Hours of] My Passion, I, being in you, overflow the brim of your soul and speak to you of the most intimate things, which up to now I have not manifested.  Then, since the soul must follow Me in this work of Mine, these applications [of the Hours] will be the mirror of My internal Life, and who will model herself on It will reproduce in herself My same Life.  Oh, how they reveal My Love’s thirst for souls in every fiber of My Heart, in every breath of Mine, [in every] thought, etc.!
“That is why I speak to you more than ever, but when I finish I hide Myself and you, not seeing Me, tell Me that I have changed.  Rather I tell you [that] when you do not want to repeat with your voice what I tell you in your interior, you impede My outlet of Love.”

Volume 12 – May 16, 1917
Then I found myself outside of myself.  I found myself among many souls—it seemed as though they were the souls of Purgatory and the Saints—who named a person I knew who died not long ago, and they said to me:  “He feels as happy in seeing that there is no soul who enters into Purgatory who does not carry the imprint of the Hours of the Passion.  Further, helped and escorted by these Hours, he takes his position in a secure place.  Moreover, there is not a soul that flies into Paradise who is not accompanied by these Hours of the Passion.  These Hours rain continuous dew from Heaven onto the earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.”
Upon hearing this I said to myself:  “Perhaps my beloved Jesus, in order to keep His word given—that for every word of The Hours of the Passion He would save a soul—(grants that) there be no soul saved who would not have made use of these Hours.”
Afterwards, I returned into myself, and, having found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him if this were true.

And He“These Hours are the order of the universe and put Heaven and earth into harmony, as well as keep Me from destroying the world.  I feel My Blood, My Wounds, My Love, and all that I did, put into circulation; and they flow upon all to save all.  Further, as souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel My Blood, My Wounds, and My anxieties to save souls come to life, and I feel My Life repeated to Me.
“How can creatures obtain any good, if not by means of these Hours?  Why do you doubt it?  The thing is not yours, but Mine.  You have been the constrained and weak instrument.”

Volume 12 – July 12, 1918
I was praying with a certain fear and anxiety for a dying soul, and my amiable Jesus, coming, said to me:  “My daughter, why are you afraid?  Do you not know that for every word on My Passion—for every thought, compassion, reparation, [and] memory of My pains—so many (ways like) electrical communications open themselves between Me and the soul, and therefore so many various beauties adorn the soul?
She did the Hours of My Passion and I will receive her as a daughter of My Passion, dressed with My Blood and adorned with My wounds.  This flower has grown in your heart, and I bless it and receive it into Mine as a predilect flower.”
Then, while He said that, a flower went out from my heart and took flight toward Jesus.

Volume 22 – June 17, 1927
After this, I found myself outside of myself, and while looking for my sweet Jesus I encountered Father Di Francia.  He was all cheerful, and he told me:  “Do you know how many beautiful surprises I found?  I did not think it would be so when I was on earth, though I thought I had done good by publishing the Hours of the Passion.  But the surprises I found are marvelous, enchanting, of a rarity never before seen:  all the words regarding the Passion of Our Lord changed into light, one more beautiful than the other – all braided together; and these lights grow more and more as creatures do the Hours of the Passion, so more lights add to the first.  But what surprised me the most were the few sayings published by me about the Divine Will:  each saying changed into a sun, and these suns, investing all the lights with their rays, form such a surprise of beauty that one remains enraptured, enchanted.  You cannot imagine how surprised I was at seeing myself in the midst of these lights and these suns – how content I was; and I thanked our Highest Good, Jesus, who had given me the occasion and the grace to do it.  You too, thank Him on my behalf.”

The Day of The Palms

Vol 4 – March 31, 1901 – Inconstancy and volubility.
This morning, feeling all embittered, I saw myself still so bad, that I almost did not dare to go in search of my highest and only Good. But the Lord, looking not at my miseries, still deigned to come, telling me: “My daughter, is it Me that you want? Well then, I have come to cheer you – let us be together but let us remain in silence.” After staying for some time, He transported me outside of myself, and I saw that the Church was celebrating the Day of the Palms; and Jesus, breaking the silence, told me: “How much volubility, how much inconstancy! Just as today they cried out ‘Hosanna!’, proclaiming Me as their King, another day they cried out ‘Crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ My daughter, the thing that displeases Me the most is inconstancy and volubility, because this is the sign that the truth has not taken possession of these souls. Even in things of religion, it may be that they find their satisfaction, their own convenience and interest, or that they just find themselves in that party; but tomorrow these things may be missing, or they may find themselves involved in other parties – and here is how they deviate from religion, and with no regret they give themselves to other sects. Indeed, when the true light of Truth enters a soul and takes possession of a heart, she is not subject to inconstancy. On the contrary, she sacrifices everything for love of It and to let herself be mastered by It alone; and with unconquered heart she despises everything else which does not belong to the Truth.” And while saying this, He cried over the condition of the present generation, worse than in those times, subject to inconstancy according to wherever the winds blow.

Vol 6 – April 16, 1905 – Suffering is reigning.
Continuing in my usual state, my lovable Jesus made Himself seen for a little, with a nail inside His Heart; and drawing near my heart He would touch it with that nail, and I would feel mortal pains. Then He said to me: “My daughter, it is the world that drives this nail deep inside my Heart, giving Me a continuous death. So, by justice, just as they give Me continuous death, I will allow that they give death among themselves, killing one another like many dogs.” And while saying this, He made me hear the screams of the rioters, to the point that I remained deafened for four or five days. Then, as I was very much in suffering, He came back a little later and told me: “Today is the Day of the Palms in which I was proclaimed King. All must aspire to a kingdom, but in order to acquire the Eternal Kingdom it is necessary for the creature to acquire the regimen of herself through the dominion of her passions. The only means is suffering, because suffering is reigning; that is, through patience, man puts himself in his place, becoming king of himself and of the eternal kingdom.”