VOLUME 12 – February 12, 1918
Churches deserted and without ministers.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen so very afflicted, and I said to Him: ‘MY LOVE, WHAT’S WRONG THAT YOU ARE SO AFFLICTED?’

And He JESUS: “Ah! my daughter, when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that

the sacrifices are offenses to Me,

the prayers insults,

the adorations irreverences,

the confessions amusements, and without fruits.






Storm Luisa with your prayers.

If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the glory of the altar, let us give her a chance to perform first class miracles.

Her holiness and the favors already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.

It is certainly permissible to pray to her in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from her.

Let us invoke her or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.

That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.


For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy


In honor of Pope Benedict XVI birthday and Baptism this day, April 16…the following are excerpts from the attached document of 2017. 

 St. Mary Magdalene and St. John are Symbolic of Luisa and the Holy Father

In addition to the Plan of Salvation, one might recognize time, Eternity and the Fullness of God’s Plan captured in the Crucifixion Scene. Our Lord Jesus is the Son of God, Redeemer and New Adam, Obeying God, Sacrificially Nailed to the Cross, a Tree, like under which Adam and Eve fell. Our Lady, Mary Most Holy is Co-Redeemer and Mother of the Church and all God’s children, New Eve, Silent and United with Her Lord. St. Mary Magdalene is faithful daughter of the Nascent Church and also represents the Third Eve, Luisa Piccarreta, mother of the little children of the Divine Will. John the Apostle is Priest offering the Sacrifice of Our Lord, faithful to the Church and leading the flock, representing the Third Adam, the Holy Father who will lead the Church and the faithful with the Third Eve Luisa, through Jesus and Mary, into the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

V4 – 12.4.02 – “…I, Priest and Victim, Lifted Up on the Wood of the Cross, Wanted a priest to be present, to Assist Me in that State of Victim – and he was Saint John, who Represented the Nascent Church. In him I Saw Everyone – Popes, bishops, priests and All the faithful together; and while Assisting Me, he Offered Me as Victim for the Glory of the Father and for the Good Outgrowth of the Nascent Church.”

“I am not abandoning the Cross, but remaining in a New Way at the side of the Crucified Lord.” – Pope Benedict XVI at his last Papal audience on February 27, 2013

April 16 – OSA – “…this Angel stands at this Cross (outward life of the Church) in the Name of Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of all mankind. But he stands just as well for John, for all members of the Corpus Christi Mysticum…”

V15 – 4.14.23 – “So, the whole Church prays; and just as the tears, the penances, the prayers to obtain the Messiah were directed toward that Excelling Virgin, Mary, whom I was to Dispose in order to Centralize such a Great Good in Her, so that they might receive their Savior, even though they did not know whom She would be – in the Same Way, Now, when the Church recites the ‘Our Father’, it is precisely for you, Luisa that the Church prays, so that I may Centralize in you all the Good that My Will Contains, the ‘way’ – the ‘how’ the Divine Will may have Life on earth as It does in Heaven.”

In 1888 Luisa became a Daughter of Mary and a Dominican Tertiary with the name of Magdalene.

According to the Gospel of St. John, the Resurrected Jesus singled St. Mary Magdalene out from all the others, charging her alone to bring the Good News of His Resurrection to His Apostles.

May the Good News in the Book of Heaven, the Fullness of God’s Holy Divine Will, through the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta, bring Conversions, Healings and Sanctification to all souls and the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth!


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Don’t let the storm Distract you from His Holy Face

From  Veil of Veronica  website.                                  

So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus; but when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord save me.”  Matthew 14:29-30

Fear is a beast.  It can make people act in ways they never would.  So for the Christian, it is imperative to not be distracted by the storms and keep your eyes on Christ in order to maintain your interior peace.  Keeping your eyes on Christ keeps you from drowning.

It’s hard right now to maintain this peace with the constant flow of media in our faces.  If you are watching endless news and counting Corona virus deaths, then you are watching the storm instead of Jesus.  It’s okay to maintain a sense of what is happening, but eating from the tree the knowledge of good and evil will leave you in a state of panic and fear.  Now is the time to fill up on the Word of God.  God is in control.  He is the giver and taker of life.  In that you can Trust, and have no fear.  Just get yourself right with Him.  Turn off the noise that distracts you and raises panic.

I read an article the other day by Sonja Corbitt called Redemption Happens in the Dark.  It was probably the best thing I have read to date about this storm we are in.  In it she outlines how God has worked in the dark using Scripture.  It is a thing of beauty.  If you have been keeping up with the daily readings, they are speaking to us for these times we live in right now.  God is calling you back to Him.  God is calling you to repentance.

I don’t know about you, but hunkering down in my home with my family has shown me all of the idols I have in my life.  These are idols that need to be purged, from slothful comfort,to vanity, to pride, one by one the Lord is showing them to me and knocking me over,  bringing me to my knees,  humbling me.   And I am grateful for it.  Yes, I said I am grateful for it.  I want anything that keeps me from Him removed from my life.  Lord purify me.  Purify my family.   Make us who you want us to be because I trust that it is greater than anything we could imagine.  Even a virus can be used to work all things for the good of those who love Jesus.

The church is walking a Passion.  I do have to say the greatest ache in my life was having the Eucharist removed.   The Sacraments taken away from us in this hour of immense need.  But as a friend of mine used to say, “these things must come.”  We have, as a church, been violating our covenant with God which brings curse.  From molestation, to cover up, to liturgical abuse, to abuse of the Eucharist, to bowing down to idols, and laying in bed with communist governments, God is fully aware of our sin.  He is making it transparent and he is dealing with it Himself.   Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta said over 100 years ago the following;

Deserted churches, and without ministers.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen so very afflicted, and I said to Him: ‘My Love, why are You so afflicted?’ And He: “Ah! my daughter (Luisa), when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that the Sacrifices are offenses for Me, that the prayers are insults, the adorations irreverences, the confessions amusements, and without Fruit. Therefore, no longer finding My Glory, but offenses, nor any Good for them – making no use of them, I take them away. But this tearing ministers away from the Sanctuary means also that things have reached the ugliest point, and that the variety of scourges will multiply. How hard man is – how hard!”  Volume 12 February 12, 1918

This has all been predicted and should give us great pause.  It is a chastisement.  It is a cleansing.  But not because God is mean and unloving, because He is the opposite of that and He sees how the choices we have made have brought destruction.  He wants to bring us life abundantly.  For you personally he wants to pour gifts over you and He will use many means to purify your soul so that you can receive these gifts to the fullest.  Trust in that.

When Mass was cancelled it felt as though Jesus was falling the first time, and I suspect we will see a rapid succession of our Passion as a church.  This is not meant to scare you.  It is meant to strengthen you.  Remember what happened after the Cross?  Resurrection.  God knows we are weak and he can lift us up and do the impossible.  We must hand everything to him.  Our fear, our jobs, our health, all of it.  Examine your conscience and if you still can get to confession.  If not, make a heartfelt Act of Contrition with the resolve to get to confession whenever you can.  Do not look to your own false expectations of what God should be doing and instead just Trust Him.  Trust that He loves you more than you can fathom.

Let go of hatred and rage, even that directed towards our authority.  We must forgive everything as Jesus did, trust that he takes care of the sin, and we must fight Satan with all that we have.  Do not give into the poison arrows of fear he is flinging at you.  Renounce and rebuke it.  Use your Sacramentals, your holy water, blessed salt and holy oil.  And pray.  Pray every single day.  In this time of the absence of Sacraments, Prayer is the most powerful remedy at your disposal.

Prayer of Command

In His name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and to send them back where they came from, if it be His holy Will.  I beseech thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us and our families, which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit.  I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction , interplay or communications.  I place (Name a person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which he shed for us.  Amen.  – Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Liaty

The Birth of the Little Infant Jesus was Universal

Benjamin Gerritsz. Cuyp – Adoration of the Shepherds

December 25, 1932
The birth of the little Infant Jesus was universal; He was born in everything and in everyone. How, in order to keep us safe, He came to cover us with the garment of His Humanity. Example of the sun.
My abandonment in the Fiat continues. Today, on the day of Holy Christmas, I spent the whole night without seeing my Celestial Baby, and I felt a pang in my heart without the One who forms my life and my all. Ah! to live without Him is like living as if one had no life – tortured, without strength, without supports, which forms the most terrible of deaths for my poor and little soul. And amid the anxieties and the fear, I prayed the Supreme Volition to unveil to me the One who loved me and who formed my hard martyrdom. Then, while in this state, my mind remained as though captivated by an immense light which filled Heaven and earth; and – oh! marvel, I saw the little Divine Baby reborn in each created thing, in each heart, in everything; the little Infant Jesus, multiplied, bilocated, reborn in the infinite manner, in everything and in each one. So, all had the good of feeling within them, being born, the Celestial Baby. O! how beautiful it was to see Him, tiny little One, in the sun, in the stars, in all the elements, in all creatures; and all sang His praises and had the great honor, the immense good, of His being reborn in each one, and of possessing, as their own, the sweet pledge of little Baby Jesus.

Then, between amazement and stupefaction, I saw that the One whom I was looking for with so many sighs and anxieties, was born in me also, and I squeezed Him so very tightly in my arms; and He let me do it – even more, He enjoyed my doing that; and, all tenderness, told me: “My daughter, love Me, love Me. I am born to love and to be loved; and to do it as God, my birth is universal. I would not have acted as God had I not been born in a universal manner, in a way that all can say, with facts: ‘The Celestial Infant is born for me, He is mine; and this is so true, that I already possess Him.’ My love would remain hampered had I not been able to be reborn for all; my power would have been limited, my immensity restricted, if my re-birth were not universal. And this is no wonder: since my Divinity filled Heaven and earth, in the same way, by incorporating Itself into my little Humanity, It multiplied It and bilocated It, in such a way as to make Me be reborn in all and in each one. These are Our divine and infinite ways that We have, such that all must take the good that We do, and be pregnant with Our works. More so since, having descended from Heaven to earth, I wanted to take on human flesh in order to glorify completely the glory of the Celestial Father, to make up for all that man had not done. Here, then, my little Humanity wanted to be reborn also in the created things, because man had not given Us the glory, the requital of the love for Our having created a heaven, a sun and many other things; and my Humanity, being reborn in them, glorified my Celestial Father completely for the whole work of Creation. Man, by rejecting my Divine Will, had rendered himself impotent to everything; and I came to be his Savior, Repairer, Glorifier, Defender, and I covered him inside the garment of my Humanity, to keep him safe, and to answer for him, I Myself, in each thing, before my Celestial Father. My love was so great, that my Divinity, in order to give vent to my love, led Me to be born in each heart and in all things; and this is so true, that the first to recognize Me and sing my praises were the created things, because, feeling my birth in them, they exulted with joy and made feast for Me. But do you know who the ones are who make feast for Me as I am born in their hearts? Those who possess my Divine Will. These immediately perceive that I am born in their hearts, and they make perennial feast for Me; while the others make Me cry, give Me sorrow and, by sin, prepare for Me the knife with which to wound Me, or to kill Me.”

After this, I remained all immersed in His love. The moving scene of the birth of the Celestial Baby, so universal and in each one, made me comprehend who knows how many things. But I believe it is better to let them pass in silence, because, incapable of saying them well, I might speak nonsense. Then, to make feast to the Celestial Infant, I abandoned all of myself in the Divine Will; and He, coming back again, was so very graceful, of a beauty so rare, such that no other can be found similar to it. And, all love, enclosing Himself in my heart as the place of His birth, He repeated in me His baby crying, the loving moans, His repeated sobs. O! how touching it was to see Him now crying, now sobbing, now wailing. He made His first entrance of re-birth in each one and in everything, with the weapons of His tears, with the stratagems of His sobs, with the pleas of His wailing. By this, He rendered Himself captivating, and by dint of captivating with the strength of a God that He possessed, He entered into the hearts to form His new re-birth. O! Heavens – bow down and, together with me, love and adore the Celestial Infant.

But while my mind was wandering in a mystery so great, the sweet little Baby, amid tears and sobs, mixed with a celestial attitude of smile, added: “Blessed daughter, not only was my birth universal – since, as God, I could not do otherwise – but I found Myself in the condition of the sun, such that, whether they want it or not, all created things, the whole Creation and all creatures must receive its light, its heat. From the height where it descends with its empire of light and with its supremacy, which it holds over everyone and over everything, in its muteness, yet more loudly than if it were speaking, the sun seems to say: ‘Either you receive me with love, or I will invest you with the rights that I possess to give you light. And if you do not want to receive me, I will surround you from all sides, in such a way that you will not be able to escape my light, and I will have the great glory that I have given my light to all.’ The sun, symbol of my birth, since it too is reborn every day for everything and for each one; and I, not only am I reborn in a universal way, but, while being reborn, I make an invasion – not only am I reborn in the heart, but I invade the mind with my thoughts, the eyes with my tears, the voice with my wailing, in such a way as to make the universal invasion of all creatures. I take her from all sides, that she may not be able to escape Me. If they receive Me with love, my life is not only reborn in them, but grows in a surprising way; but if they do not receive Me with love, I am reborn in them with my rights of God that I possess, but I do not grow in them, I remain small and lonely, and I stay there in reserve, waiting that, who knows, with my wailing and tears, they might be induced to love Me. And if I do not succeed, my life changes into justice for them; and – oh! how tortured is my little Heart in seeing my birth, all love, changed into justice for the poor creature. So, since I am born in you, give Me the good of letting Me grow; in this way you will change my tears and my wailing into joys.”


4 Rules for A More Perfect Way of Living

Vol. 4 – 11/20/00
Since Luisa Must Live from the Heart of Jesus, He gives her Rules in order to undertake a More Perfect Way of Living.

“My beloved, since you Must Live from My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake a More Perfect Way of Living.

Therefore, from you I Want:

      1. Perfect Conformity to My Will, because you shall only be able to Love Me perfectly if you Love Me with My Own Will.
        …by Loving Me with My Own Will, you shall arrive at Loving Me, and your neighbor, with My Same Way of Loving.
      2. Profound Humility, placing yourself, in front of Me and of creatures, as the last among All.
      3. Purity in Everything, because any slightest fault against Purity, both in Loving and in Operating, is reflected All in the heart, and it remains stained….I Want Purity to be like dew upon the flowers at the rising of the sun, which, its rays reflecting upon them, Transmutes those little drops   into as Many precious pearls, such as to enchant the people.
        In the same way, if All your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are adorned with the Celestial dew of Purity, you shall weave a sweet enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the whole of Heaven.
      4. Obedience, which Must Be Connected with My Will, because if this Virtue regards the superiors I have Given you on earth, My Will is Obedience which regards Me directly; So Much So, that it can be said that both one and the other are Virtues of obedience – with this difference alone:
                      One Regards God, and the Other Regards Men.
        However, both of them have the Same Value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you Must Love both one and the other in the Same Way.”

…”Know that From Now On you shall Live with My Heart, and you Must See Things the Way My Heart does, that I may Find My Satisfactions in you.

Therefore be careful, for this is no longer your heart, but Mine.