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The Holy Innocents Martyrs – Feast -12/28

Day Twenty-four

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

A Cruel Tyrant. Little King Jesus is brought by His Mama and by Saint Joseph into a foreign Land, where They go as Poor Exiled Ones. Return to Nazareth.

The soul to her Queen, overwhelmed by Sorrow:
My sovereign Mama, your little child feels the need to come to your maternal knees to keep You a little company. I see  your face veiled with sadness, and a few fleeting tears flowing from your eyes. The sweet little Baby is shivering, and sobbing, He cries. Holy Mama, I unite my pains to yours, to comfort You and to calm the crying of the Celestial Baby. But, O please, my Mama, do not refuse to reveal to me your secret. What is it that is so gloomy for my dear Little Baby?

Lesson of the Mother Queen:
My dearest child, today the Heart of your Mama is swollen with love and with sorrow, so much so, that I cannot refrain from crying. You know of the coming of the Magi Kings, who caused rumor in Jerusalem, asking about the new King. And cruel Herod, for fear of being removed from his throne, has already given the mandate to kill my sweet Jesus, my dear life, together with all the other children.
My child, what pain! The One who has come to give life to all, and to bring into the world the new era of peace, of happiness, of grace…they want to kill Him! What ingratitude! What perfidy! Ah, my child, to what extent the blindness of the human will reaches! To the extent of becoming ferocious, of tying the hands of the Creator Himself, and of making itself the owner of the One who created it. Give Me your compassion, my child, and try to calm the crying of the sweet Baby. He cries because of human ingratitude, because, only a newborn, they want Him dead; and in order to save Him, we are forced to flee. Dear Saint Joseph has already been advised by the Angel to leave for a foreign land. Accompany us, dear child; do not leave us alone, and I will continue to give you my lessons on the great evils of the human will. Now, you must know that as man withdrew from the Divine Will, he broke off with his Creator. Everything on earth had been made by God for him – everything was his; but man, by not wanting to do the Divine Will, lost all rights, and one could say that he did not know where to place his foot. So He became a poor exiled one, a pilgrim who could not have a permanent residence; and this, not only for the soul, but also for the body. All things became mutable for poor man; and if he did possess any fleeting thing, it was by virtue of the foreseen merits of this Celestial Baby. This, because the whole magnificence of Creation was destined by God for all those who would do His Will and live in Its Kingdom. All others, if they manage to take anything, are the true petty thieves of their Creator; and with reason: they do not want to do the Divine Will, but they want the goods which belong to It?
Now, dear child, listen to how much this dear Baby and I love you: at the first dawn of His life, He goes into exile, and into a foreign land, in order to free you from the exile in which your human will placed you; to call you to live, not in a foreign land, but in your fatherland – the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat – which was given to you when you were created. Child of my Heart, have pity on the tears of your Mother, and on the tears of this sweet dear Baby – crying, We ask you never to do your will. But We beg you, We implore you: come back into the bosom of the Divine Will, which so much longs for you! Now, dear child, in the midst of the sorrow for human ingratitude, and in the midst of the immense joys and happinesses that the Divine Fiat gave us and the feast that all Creation made for the sweet Baby, the earth became green and flowery again under our steps, to give homage to its Creator. The sun fixed on Him, and praising Him with its light, it felt honored to give Him its light and heat. The wind caressed Him; the birds, almost like clouds, alighted around us, and with their trills and songs, made the most beautiful lullabies for the dear Baby, to calm His crying and favor His sleep. My child, since the Divine Will was in us, we had power over everything.
So we arrived in Egypt, and after a long period of time, the Angel of the Lord told Saint Joseph that we should return to the house of Nazareth, because the cruel tyrant had died. So we repatriated to our homeland. Now, Egypt symbolizes the human will – a land full of idols; and wherever Baby Jesus passed, He would knock down these idols and cast them into hell. How many idols does the human will possess! Idols of vainglory, of self-esteem and of passion, which tyrannize the poor creature! Therefore, be attentive; listen to your Mama. I would make any sacrifice never to let you do your will; and I would also lay down my life, to give you the great good of living always in the bosom of the Divine Will.

The soul:
Most sweet Mama, how much I thank You for making me understand the great evil of the human will. And so, for the sake of the sorrow You suffered in the exile of Egypt, I ask You to free my soul from the exile of my will, and to let me repatriate to the dear fatherland of the Divine Will.

Little Sacrifice:
Today, to honor Me, you will offer your actions united with mine, in act of gratitude to the Holy Baby, praying Him to enter into the Egypt of your heart to change it completely into Will of God.

Ejaculatory Prayer:
My Mama, enclose little Jesus in my heart, that He may reorder it all in the Divine Will.

Christmas Novena – Nine Excesses of Love – Starts Dec 16

Christmas Novena – Nine Excesses of Love

Link to PDF Download

Praying for all this Christmas time, in the Name of Jesus, under the Mantle of Mary and through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

The Christmas Novena written by Luisa, which begins December 16th.

V25 – 12.16.28– I was doing my meditation, and since today it was the beginning of the Novena of Baby Jesus, I was thinking about the nine excesses of His Incarnation, which Jesus had narrated to me with so much tenderness, and which are written in the first volume…“why do you want to oppose the reading of the nine excesses? Ah! You do not know how much Life, how much Love and Grace they contain. You Must Know that My Word is Creation, and in narrating to you the Nine Excesses of My Love in the Incarnation, I not only Renewed My Love which I had in Incarnating Myself, but I Created New Love in order to invest the creatures and conquer them to give themselves to Me. These Nine Excesses of My Love, Manifested with So Much Love of Tenderness and Simplicity, Formed the Prelude of the many Lessons I was to give you about My Divine Fiat, in order to form Its Kingdom…”

St. Annibale said of this Novena:

“…I also tell you that in reading the nine Exercises of Christmas, of which we have already prepared the proofs, one remains astounded at the immense Love and the immense suffering of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ for love of us, and for the salvation of souls.  I have never read in any other book on this topic a Revelation so touching and penetrating!”
St. Annibale Maria Di Francia Feb. 14, 1927

May we all come to know and love Our Lord, Our Lady and all our brothers more and more, and prepare well for the coming of Jesus Who yearns to Reign in our hearts!

Fiat Voluntas Tua!

Christmas Novena – Nine Excesses of Love

Link to PDF Download


The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Click the Picture for the Video about the Mantle
Incredible Discovery: Music Found Hidden on the Mantle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Here is the Melody!

Several scientific discoveries have been revealed around the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe; This is one of them; music was found in the Mantle of the Virgin forming musical notes with the stars and flowers of her dress. The researcher Fernando Ojeda made a scientific study on the position of stars and flowers in the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe where he checks through the geography, geometry, astronomy and music (associated with mathematics) the veracity of the piece, this allowed music experts to discover the composition of celestial music. Rafael Mariae Hernandez

1st Sunday of Advent

1st Sunday of Advent

Starting the Rounds For Advent

12/3/21 – Vol. 13 Redemption is salvation;
the Divine Will is Sanctity.

I was feeling all doubtful and annihilated about all that my Jesus says of His Divine Will, and I thought to myself:  ‘How is it possible that He let so many centuries pass without making known these prodigies of the Divine Will, and that He did not choose, among so many Saints, one who would give rise to this Sanctity, fully divine?  Yet, there were the Apostles, and many other great Saints, who made the whole world stunned.’

Now, as I was thinking of this, not giving me time and interrupting my thought, He came and told me:  “The little daughter of My Will does not want to convince herself.  Why do you still doubt?”

‘Because I see myself bad, and the more You say, the more annihilated I feel.’

And Jesus:  “And this is what I want – your annihilation; and the more I speak to you about My Will, since My Word is Creative, it Creates My Will in yours; and yours, before the Power of Mine, remains annihilated and lost – here is the reason for your annihilation.  Know that your will must dissolve within Mine, just as the snow dissolves at the rays of a burning sun.

Now, you must know that the greater is the work I want to do, the more preparations are needed.  How many prophecies, how many preparations, how many centuries did not precede my Redemption?  How many symbols and figures did not anticipate the conception of My Celestial Mama?  Then, after Redemption was accomplished, I had to strengthen man in the goods of Redemption; and for this I chose the Apostles as the strengtheners of the fruits of Redemption, in which, with the Sacraments, they were to seek after the lost man and lead him to safety.  So, Redemption is salvation – it is to save man from any precipice.  This is why I told you another time that making the soul live in My Will is greater than Redemption Itself – because being saved by living a life in the middle, now falling and now standing up, is not so difficult after all.  And this was impetrated by My Redemption, because I wanted to save man at any cost; and this I entrusted to My Apostles, as depositories of the fruits of Redemption.  So, having yet to do the lesser, I left out the greater then, reserving other times for the fulfillment of My High Designs.

Now, the Living in My Will is not only Salvation, but is Sanctity which must rise over all other sanctities, and which must carry the Mark of the Sanctity of its Creator.  Therefore, minor sanctities were to come first, as cortege, bearers, messengers, preparations for this Sanctity, Fully Divine.  And just as in Redemption I chose My Incomparable Mama as Link of Connection with Me, from which were to descend all the Fruits of Redemption, so I chose you as link of connection from which the Sanctity of Living in My Will was to have Its beginning; and having come out of My Will to bring Me the Complete Glory of the purpose for which man was Created, It was to return along the same step of My Will, in order to return to Its Creator.  What is your wonderment then?  These are things established ab æterno[1], and no one will be able to move them.  And since the thing is great – it is to establish My Kingdom in the soul also on earth – I have acted like a king when he must take possession of a kingdom.  He does not go there first, but first he has his royal palace prepared; then he sends his soldiers to prepare the kingdom and to dispose the peoples to his subjection; then follow the guards of honor, the ministers – and the last one is the king.  This is decorous for a king.  So I have done:  I had my Royal Palace prepared, which is the Church; the soldiers have been the Saints, to make Me known to the peoples; then came the Saints who have sowed miracles, as the most intimate ministers.  Now I Myself come to reign as King; therefore I had to choose a soul in whom to make My first dwelling, and to found this Kingdom of My Will.  So, let Me reign, and give Me full freedom.”

[1] From eternity.

Happy Thanksgiving!

From Volume 6 – December 22, 1903

…after a little while He came back in the act of His Passion when He was covered with opprobriums, with ignominies, with spit, and I said to Him: ‘Lord, teach me what I could do in order to move these opprobriums away from You, and give You back honors, praises and adorations.’ And He said to me: “My daughter, around my throne there is a void, and this void must be filled with the glory that Creation owes Me. So, one who sees Me despised by the other creatures, and honors Me, not only for herself, but for others, makes honors for Me arise again in this void. When she sees Me unloved, and loves Me, she makes love for Me arise again. When she sees that I fill creatures with benefits, while they are not grateful to Me and do not even thank Me, and she is grateful to Me as if those benefits were given to her, and she thanks Me, she makes the flower of gratitude and of thanksgiving arise again for Me in this void; and so with all the rest that Creation owes Me, but denies to Me with awful ingratitude. Now, since all this is an overflow of the charity of the soul – who gives Me not only what she herself owes Me, but does for others what overflows from herself – since this glory and these flowers that she sends to Me into this void around my throne are the fruit of charity, they receive a tint more beautiful and more pleasing to Me.”

Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Divine WIll 11/21

Below is an Excerpt from The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Day Thirteen

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will departs for the Temple and gives example of Total Triumph in the Sacrifice.

 The soul to the Triumphant Queen:

Celestial Mama, today I come to prostrate myself before You, to ask for Your Invincible Strength in all my pains; and You know how my heart is filled with them, to the point of feeling drowned with pains. O please! If You love so much to act as my Mother, take my heart in Your hands and pour into it the Love, the Grace and the Strength to triumph in my pains, and to convert them all into Divine Will.

Lesson of the Triumphant Queen:

My daughter, Courage, do not fear; your Mama is all for you, and today I was waiting for you so that My Heroism and My Triumph in the sacrifice may infuse in you Strength and Courage, that I may see My daughter triumphant in her pains, and with the heroism of bearing them with love and in order to do the Divine Will.

Now, My daughter, listen to Me: I had just turned three years old when My parents made known to Me that they wanted to consecrate Me to the Lord in the Temple. My heart rejoiced in hearing this—that is, consecrating Myself and spending My years in the house of God. But beneath My Joy there was a sorrow—for a privation of the dearest persons one can have on earth, which were My dear parents. I was little, I needed their maternal cares; I was depriving Myself of the presence of two great saints. Moreover, I saw that as the day approached on which they were to deprive themselves of Me, who rendered their lives full of joy and of happiness, they felt such bitterness as to feel themselves dying. But, though suffering, they were disposed to make the heroic act of taking Me to the Lord.

My parents loved Me in the order of God, and considered Me a great gift, given to them by the Lord; and this gave them the strength to make the painful sacrifice. Therefore, My daughter, if you want to have Invincible Strength to suffer the hardest pains, let all your things be in the Order of God, and hold them as precious gifts given to you by the Lord.

Now, you must know that I, with Courage, prepared Myself for My departure for the Temple, because, as I delivered My will to the Divine Being and the Supreme Fiat took Possession of My whole being, I acquired all Virtues as My own Nature. I was Dominator of Myself; all Virtues were in Me like many Noble Princesses, and according to the circumstances of My Life, they promptly showed themselves, to do their office without any resistance. In vain would they have called Me Queen, had I not possessed the Virtue of being Queen over Myself. Therefore, I had in My Dominion Perfect Charity, Invincible Patience, Enrapturing Sweetness, Profound Humility, and the whole endowment of the other Virtues. The Divine Will rendered My little earth of My humanity fortunate, always flowery, and without the thorns of vices.

Do you see then, dear daughter, what it means to Live of Divine Will? Its Light, Its Sanctity and Power convert all Virtues into one’s nature; nor does It lower Itself to Reign in a soul where there is a rebellious nature—no, no. It is Sanctity, and It wants the nature in which It must Reign to be Ordered and Holy. Therefore, by the Sacrifice of going to the Temple, it was Conquests that I made; and over this Sacrifice, the Triumph of a Divine Will was formed in Me. And these Triumphs brought into Me New Seas of Grace, of Sanctity and of Light—to the extent of feeling Happy in My Pains, in order to be able to Conquer New Triumphs.

Now, My daughter, place your hand upon your heart, and tell your Mama: do you feel your nature changed into virtue? Or, do you feel the thorns of impatience, the noxious herbs of agitations, the bad humors of affections which are not holy? Listen—let your Mama do it; place your will into My hands, determined in not wanting it any more, and I will make you be Possessed by the Divine Will, which will banish everything from you; and what you have not done in many years, you will do in one day, which will be the beginning of True Life, of Happiness, and of True Sanctity.

The soul:

Holy Mama, help your daughter; make a visit to my soul, and with Your Maternal hands, snatch from me everything You find which is not Will of God. Burn away from me the thorns, the noxious herbs, and You Yourself, call the Divine Will to Reign in my soul.

 Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will call Me three times to visit your soul, and will give Me all the freedom to do with you whatever I want.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Sovereign Queen, take my soul in Your hands, and transform it completely into Will of God.