Consecration to Our Lady of Loreto

Loreto: Sanctuary of the Incarnation

by Msgr. Vincenzo Faraoni – Link to web page

THE SANCTUARY of Loreto has always been regarded as the greatest Sanctuary of the Christian West. Practically all the Supreme Pontiffs from the year 1330 to John Paul II have considered it so. As such it has been venerated by thousands upon thousands of the faithful coming from every land who come to kiss the walls of what was at one time the Holy House of Nazareth.

This Sanctuary, the glory and pride of Italy, is truly a part of the Holy Land. It is the first temple of the living God on earth, the sanctuary of sanctuaries, the temporal paradise on earth. “Hic Verbum caro factum est” (Here the Word was made flesh.) The thrill that pervades the pilgrim who reads these words is not a simple emotion but an indefinable and irresistible attraction towards the heights of the Infinite.

In coming to the Loreto Basilica for the first time, no one thinks of the imposing lines of the basilica, of the cupola of Sangallo, of the marble structure that surrounds the Holy House no one recalls the beautiful facade, the beautiful fountains, the welcoming double Loggia of the apostolic palace that encloses the square of Roman serenity. The apses of the chapels rise as gigantic bulwarks crowned by a passage for sentinels dominating the hills and the sea. Are enemy armies coming by land? Are pirates still threatening from the sea? No. The formidable towers of the apses defend and hide the rectangular structure of sculptured marble that portrays prophets and Angels, the biblical world and the classical world, foretelling the Incarnation. And this jewel of art in turn protects and conceals the poor room recalling to mind the great mystery of Mary. “Hic Verbum caro factum est.”

These bare and naked walls heard the “yes” of Mary, that mysterious assent which opened Paradise to misfortunate humanity, stained and wounded by Original and actual sin. It saw the flourishing infancy and adolescence of Jesus, the serene work of Joseph, the sweet and gentle relations of the Holy Family. That humble and unknown girl from a humble and unknown land was greeted as “full of grace.” Here, she heard the eternal God ask her consent to fulfill the greatest mystery of all timethe Incarnation of the Word. God had chosen her alone because of her humble virginity and her virginal humility to be the “light of the East”so sang the Prophetsfrom which the Redeemer would appear in the world. And the Word of God was made flesh through her liberating words: “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.” (Be it done to me according to Thy Word.”) At the creation of the universe, the “fiat” of the omnipotent God was enough. For the redemption of mankind, God asked the “fiat” of this little Virgin, His favored and Immaculate One, so that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity could be made man, through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of the Blessed Virgin. It was in this Holy House of Loreto, transplanted miraculously from Nazareth, that the eternal Word was made flesh. Indeed, as Pope Pius XI expressed it, this shrine “holds the first place among all the churches dedicated to the Mother of God.” Thus, we are children of two “fiats”: created by the first, redeemed by the second and therefore sons of God and sons of the Virgin. From the “fiat” of God, our human nature was created, from the “fiat” of Nazareth, grace was restored. Here then was accomplished the greatest event in history for Christ is indeed the center of the universe, of history, of theology, of all life. Vito Fornari writes: “The universe inasmuch as it is a mystery knows and explains everything, because everything is a sign of Christor yearning for Christ; He is the reason and truth of everything. He is the ultimate purpose for the entire planetary system as well as for the atom, for the human species as well as for a blade of grass or a flower.” History shows everything in the continuous advancing of the ship of Christ: “from the lake of Tiberias to the Mediterranean Sea, to the ocean; from the ocean to the infinite heavens without distinction of worlds or succession of time.” And French poet Peguy adds: “The incarnation, this eternal adventure of God, of the Word, is the only interesting story.” Full of emotion we therefore enter the Holy House and with the faith of love and the love of faith let us kiss those burnished walls, brighter and clearer than the sun.

Taken from Loreto Magazine


Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Loreto

O Immaculate Virgin Mary, we come to thee with confidence: welcome this day our humble prayer and our act of consecration.

O Mother, thou didst carry thy Divine Saviour in thy most pure womb: receive our homage of faith and filial love as we come in spirit into thy Holy House. It is also, by the presence of the Holy Family, the holy home par excellence. And it is our wish that every Christian family be inspired by it.

From Jesus, all children learn to obey and to work. From thee, O Mary, all women learn humility and the spirit of sacrifice. From Joseph, who didst live for Jesus and for thee, all men learn to believe in God, to live in and for you, all men learn to believe in God, to live in the family and in society with fidelity and honesty. O Mary, we pray for our Pope and for the Universal Church, for our country and for all the nations of the world, for the suffering souls for all sinners. And we all wish to consecrate ourselves to thee.

Spiritually present in the Holy House, where thou didst conceive by the Holy Spirit, we want to repeat with lively faith the words of the Archangel Gabriel: “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee!” We want to invoke thee still, saying: “Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church!”

We turn to thee O Mary. Receive our consecration to thine Immaculate heart. Totally thine, we wish to confirm by this act of love our unlimited love for Jesus, thy Son, and our hope in thee, our Mother. And thou, O Queen and Mother of Mercy, grant to thy children an abundance of heavenly blessings. Amen.

As The little Virgin Queen was Conceived

As The little Virgin Queen was Conceived, the Kingdom of the DIVINE Fiat WAS CONCEIVED IN HER; in being born, She gave back to us the rights to possess It.

Book of Heaven
Volume 24; September 16, 1928

My abandonment in the Fiat is continuous; and while I was following Its acts, my poor mind paused to think about the Conception of the Celestial Queen and Her great fortune of being exempted from original sin.

And my Beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the seed with which the Celestial Sovereign was conceived was taken from the human stock, because She too had Her human life as all other creatures, as I too had.  However, there is this great difference, not conceded to any other creature:  before Her beautiful soul was conceived, My Fiat, with Its omnipotence, concentrated Its rays in this seed, and with Its light and heat It annihilated the evil that was in it, and made it die, purifying the seed completely, and rendering it pure and holy, and exempt from original sin; and then, the Immaculate Baby Girl was conceived in this seed.

“So, the whole portent of the Immaculate Conception was operated by My Divine Will.  It did not make another human seed, nor did It destroy it, but It purified it; and with Its heat and light It removed from it all the humors that this seed had contracted from the sin of Adam, and It restored in Her the human seed, just as it had come out of Our creative hands.  Therefore, as the little Virgin Queen was conceived, the Kingdom of My Divine Will was conceived in Her and in the human generations, because in forming and giving surprising graces to one creature, in her We look at the whole humanity of the human family, as if it were one alone.  See, then, as the Virgin was conceived in this seed exempt from every stain—which was all work of the Divine Fiat—Its Divine Kingdom was conceived again within humanity; and as the Immaculate little Virgin was born, the right to be able to possess It was given back. 

“Now, when I came upon earth to take on human flesh, I made use of the seed of the Sovereign of Heaven, and it can be said that We worked together to form again this Kingdom of Ours in the human generations.  So, there is nothing left but to know It in order to possess It, and this is why I am manifesting what belongs to My Kingdom and to My Divine Will, so that the creature may cover Its ways, follow Our steps, and take possession of It.  And My Divine Will, with Its light and heat, will repeat the prodigy of removing the bad humors that the human seed possesses; and in order to be sure, It will place the seed of Its light and heat, and will constitute Itself life of that seed.  And so they will exchange possession:  My Divine Will will take possession of the seed in order to form in it Its life of light, of heat and sanctity; and the creature will return to take new possession of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat.

“See then, My daughter, everything is ready—nothing else is needed but to make It known.  And this is why I so much yearn that what regards My Divine Will become known—to cast into creatures the desire to possess a good so great, so that My Will, drawn by their desires, may concentrate Its luminous rays and, with Its heat, perform the prodigy of giving back the right to possess Its Kingdom of peace, of happiness and of sanctity.” . . .

Advent to Christmas Novena from November 30 to December 25

Hail and Blessed be the hour Christmas Novena

From the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle to the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ one may begin a special prayer, simply called the “Christmas Prayer” to obtain favors if one’s requests are in accordance with God’s Holy Will.
It is believed that whoever recites the following prayer with a pious heart 15 times a day from November 30th (this year December 1) to December 25th, will obtain whatever is asked.
This Christmas prayer carries an Imprimatur from Archbishop Michael Augustine of New York City during the Pontificate of Pope Leo XIII on February 6, 1897.

“Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God
was born of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary at midnight, in Bethlehem,
in the piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God,
to hear my prayer and grant my petitions,
through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.”

Since one should say this short prayer 15 times a day, it is recommended to memorize it so you can say it wherever you are.
Clip and put in your missal or on your mirror to say 15 times a day.


This day in Corato, Italy 1948, Archbishop Addazi granted the Title “Servant of God” to Luisa Piccarreta – one year after her transit into Heaven. Simultaneously, he granted prayer cards with relics for public use for the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

V20 – 11.27.26 –  I was all abandoned in the Arms of the Adorable Will, and I prayed my Sweet Jesus to make use of an Act of His Power so that the Supreme Volition might Invest the human generations, and binding them to Itself,   It might Form Its first children, so Longed for by It.   

“…Now, My daughter, in order to be daughter of My Will, you have been generated in It; in It you have been formed, and, in forming you, the Light, the Love of My Will, more than blood, has grafted in you Its Ways, Its Attitude, Its Operating, making you embrace everyone and everything.    This is So True that, you being a birth from It, It calls you now ‘ n ewborn of My Will,’   now Its “ little daughter.’    Now, only one who has been generated by It can generate the children of My Will; therefore, you will be the mother of the generation of Its children.”

And I:    “My Jesus, what are You saying?    I am not good at being daughter—how can I be mother?”

And Jesus:    “Yet, from you Must come the generation of these children.    What mother has suffered so much?    Who has been confined in a bed for forty years and more, for the love of forming a birth from herself, and of giving birth to the generation of her children?    No one.    What mother, as good as she might be, has sacrificed her whole entire existence to the point of enclosing within herself the thoughts, the heartbeats, the works, so that everything might be reordered in the birth that she carried, wanting to give life to it—not once, but as many times for as many acts as her child does?    No one.

“Do you yourself not feel within yourself the generations of these children, by following their thoughts, words, works, steps, to reorder them all in My Will?    Do you not feel yourself wanting to give life to each one, as long as they know My Will and be regenerated in It?    Everything that you do in your interior, and that you suffer, is nothing other than the formation and the maturation of this birth, all of Heaven .    This is why I have told you many times:    your Mission is Great, there is no one who can equal it, and highest attention is needed.”

Please see the attached document – “Feed My Lambs”

“These little lambs that you see in My Arms are the Children of My Divine Will” V14 – 11.5.22 


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Feed My lambs”]

A letter From Luisa – In every circumstance, let us never lose peace, and let us run into the arms of Jesus as our refuge.

  1. In Voluntate Dei

Most esteemed Francesca,

I don’t know how to thank you for your goodness and charity toward me, the poorest of all creatures.  May Heaven reward you, and may the Queen Mama hold you in her arms to keep you and to make you good and holy, as sweet Jesus wants.

My good daughter, it is necessary to die to everything in order to rise again to all goods and to true sanctity.  But it is so sweet to be able to say:  “Crucified You, O my Jesus – crucified I.  Slandered, despised, abandoned by all, You – slandered, despised and abandoned I.  So, O Jesus, we look alike.”

You are right in what you say to me, and I add:  what we should care about is to live dissolved in the Holy Will.  In each one of our acts done in the Divine Will, also natural, in the most tiny things, even in one breath, we can form a martyrdom, not human, but divine – more noble, more holy than the martyrdom of shedding our blood, to offer to Jesus His infinite Love, His Sanctity which has no beginning and no end.  And Jesus will see His Most Holy Will operating in our tiny act.  In His operating Will, He will find in us infinite material in order to form His Life.  What joy, what happiness!  Therefore, let us never move away from His Will, even at the cost of our lives… It is true that sometimes the storms are such that we feel like succumbing – and even from people we did not expect; but dear Jesus helps us and sustains us, in such a way that everything ends up in His Holy Will.  Therefore, in every circumstance, let us never lose peace, and let us run into the arms of Jesus as our refuge.  In this way we will be safe.

I like to hear that you always receive Communion.  Never leave it, either out of disturbance, or distress, or fears.  Nothing which is not peace ever comes from God, but always from our enemy, who gains a lot when he sees us disturbed.  And we lose true trust; we lose our arms to take refuge in Jesus.  Therefore, in order to become saints, nothing is needed but courage, trust and peace, in order to live in the immense sea of the Divine Will.

Thanking you again, I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a saint.  Pray for me, for I so much need it, and from the heart I will do it for you.  Greeting you with the affection of the Holy Divine Will, I say,

Most affectionately yours,
The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, August 10, 1941

Open Letter to POTUS

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Open_Letter_to_POTUS 10-2020″]

An uninterrupted, continuous broadcast of the Complete 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 

Dear little Family of Luisa in the Most Holy Divine Will, 


Monday, November 2, 2020 at 5 pm CENTRAL TIME

there will be an uninterrupted, continuous broadcast of the Complete 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ we pray with the intention that the outcome of our 2020 United States Elections may Perfectly Align With and Perfectly Fulfill God’s Thrice Holy Divine Will in our great country that is founded upon all men being Created Equal in the Eyes of God and Endowed with certain Inalienable Rights: 

the Rights to Life, Liberty and the (authentic) pursuit of Happiness (God).

The aim of this broadcast is to have the view of a unique Adoration Chapel during each Hour, with the Meditations for Each Hour being read in the background during each particular Hour.  

There is also a plan for this zoom meeting to be broadcast live through the Fiat Luisa YouTube Channel found at this link:

If you would like to “sign up” to attend virtually for at least one specific Holy Hour, please reply to this email or contact Juanita at: ,

as she is creating that list for our family group. Zoom Link information:


24 Hours of the Passion for the 2020 United States Election


Praying that the United States Election outcomes Align Precisely and Completely with the Thrice Holy Will of God. Fiat! Amen!

Meeting ID: 879 4768 2167

Passcode: Passion

(remember it is a CAPITAL letter P)


Dial by your location:


+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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Meeting ID: 879 4768 2167

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