2/2 – The Presentation of My Son

Jesus and MaryDay Twenty-three
The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

…My dear child, do not move from my side; follow Me everywhere. Forty days from the birth of little King Jesus are about to sound when the Divine Fiat calls us to the Temple in order to fulfill the law of the Presentation of my Son. So we went to the Temple. It was thourladyofsorrows2e first time that we went out together with my sweet Baby. A vein of sorrow opened in my Heart: I was going to offer Him as victim for the salvation of all. We entered the Temple, and first we adored the Divine Majesty; then we called the priest, and having placed Him in his arms, I made the offering of the Celestial Baby to the Eternal Father – offering Him in sacrifice for the salvation of all. The priest was Simeon, and as I placed Him in his arms, he recognized that He was the Divine Word and exulted with immense joy; and after the offering, assuming the attitude of prophet, he prophesied all my sorrows. Oh! how the Supreme Fiat sounded over my maternal Heart – thoroughly, with vibrating sound, the mournful tragedy of all the pains of my Baby Son. But what pierced Me the most were the words that the holy prophet spoke to Me: “This dear Baby will be the salvation and the ruin of many, and will be the target of contradictions.”
If the Divine Will had not sustained Me, I would have died instantly of pure pain. But It gave Me life, and used it to form in Me the Kingdom of sorrows, within the Kingdom of Its very Will. So, in addition to the right of Mother which I had over all, I acquired the right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows. Ah! yes, with my sorrows I acquired the little coin to pay the debts of my children, and also of the ungrateful children.
Now, my child, you must know that in the light of the Divine Will I already knew all the sorrows I was to suffer – and even more than that which the holy prophet told Me. But in that act, so solemn, of offering my Son, in hearing it being repeated to Me, I felt so pierced that my Heart bled, and deep gashes opened in my soul.
Now, listen to your Mama: in your pains, in the sorrowful encounters which are not lacking for you, never lose heart; but with heroic love let the Divine Will take Its royal place in your pains, that It may convert them for you into little coins of infinite value, with which you will be able to pay the debts of your brothers, to ransom them from the slavery of the human will, so as to make them enter again, as free children, into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.

The Broken Heart of Jesus!

Image of His broken Heart

Jesus said that; “His Heart was broken and slashed by the sins of mankind. But He had an even deeper wound, that people do not believe in God.”

List of Promises of our Merciful Savior to Sr. Claire Ferchaud, Loublande / France:

“I come, not to bring terror among you; I am the God of love, the God who forgives and wants to save you all.”

“My grace will work with great power on sinners who, without contrition, kneel before the picture of My Broken Heart, so that they will arise converted.”

“I will forgive their sins, even before the absolution, to those who with a true love kiss the picture of My Broken Heart.”

“My glance will touch the hearts of the indifferent and will inflame them with fervor so that they will practice goodness.”

“A single act of love, with the plea for forgiveness towards this picture, will be enough for Me to open heaven to the soul which, in the last hour, must appear before Me.”

“When some refuse to believe in the truths of the (Catholic) religion, one can put the picture of My Broken Heart in their room (dwelling) without their knowledge. It will bring, through the wonder of graces, sudden and supernatural conversions.”

This is what is said to have transpired when Jesus appeared to Claire. “He bared his sacred heart, and told her that God was on the side of France, and would lead the country to victory – so long as the country confessed its sins and rediscovered its true faith. Jesus pointed towards the wound on his heart, and explained “This signifies the official atheism of France.” Since the revolution, the French had denied their faith and substituted secular laws for the Gospel.”

NEWSLETTER – A new testimony of healing




A new testimony of healing
It is attributed to the intercession of Luisa “The Saint”

3 year old boy miraculously saved

A new testimony of healinghealing attributed to Luisa “The Saint” was given during the Open Day, on June 14, 2015 and subsequently published by “Lo Stradone” newspaper from Corato. It is about a boy who was only 3 years old.

Who tells this poignant story is Mrs. C. R, the child’s mother.

We start by saying that the family in question is not from Corato. They live in their home town Ruvo of Puglia, not far from Corato, but where the name of Luisa Piccarreta, at the time of the events, was not yet widespread.

Everything started between 2006 and 2007: the child was diagnosed with a sarcoma in the head for which he underwent three surgeries at close range of each other.

Upon awakening after the third surgery, the child said he had dreamt an old and perfumed lady. The family immediately thought of the sorrowful Virgin, most likely because of the child’s health. Meanwhile, without their knowledge, some of their relatives began to entrust to the Little Daughter of the Divine Will their prayers.

After child’s dream there was that of a relative of theirs, the aunt of Mrs. C.’s husband: it was Luisa who said “it’s all good for the child.”

The reference was clear and the family decided to visit the house-museum of Luisa. My son was almost 4 years, and when he saw the picture of Luisa Piccarreta he immediately said to me:” ‘This is the lady I dreamed! “, Mrs. C. continues ” and from that moment we began to read up on Luisa … for me the book The 24 Hours of the Passion has become my creed. “

There was still no mention of full recovery, the disease was very aggressive, but within the family the confidence in Luisa and her intercession was growing.

A new sign that Luisa had not been inactive during those years was given in 2014, when the family was invited by some friends to lunch in the countryside. Here are the exact words that Mrs. C. granted to “Lo Stradone” newspaper: “After lunch we went for a walk and our friends led us to “the Holy “. I did not think in any way of Luisa. Along the way, we found ourselves on a path, while the children (my son and the children of our friends) proceeded on the sides, in the cornfields.

At a certain point my son, who was 11, left the group and going farther than the others, he arrived early at the place. When we arrived we found him at the foot of the big mulberry tree where Luisa loved to pray and where there was a small and faded picture of Luisa. He stayed there for a while, he looked me and my husband in the eyes, without saying word. His look said: “I found Luisa!”.

The reference area is “Torre Disperata”, the place where the family of Luisa moved from spring to autumn in order to cultivate the land.

Together with his friends, the child picked some flowers and placed them in front of the picture of Luisa as a token of his affection and gratitude, but on the way back, he complained to his parents about “the absence of an altar or a crucifix showing the sacredness of that place. “

Today that child is a boy of 12 years old, very discreet, who, aware of the grace he received, has been keeping for years a relic of Luisa, as a treasure, under his pillow, being careful to put it back there, at each change of sheets.

This new testimony could help, along with others already published on this website, to speed up the cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta, but it is not for us to decide.

Here below what don Sergio Pellegrini, assistant ecclesiastical of the association “Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will” said in an interview, last November, to “Lo Stradone” newspaper: “However we would need before an opinion of a medical specialist, then with the consent of the Holy See, the Archbishop could proceed with the canonical process, just as it will happen, in an extraordinary way, for the case of Ms Margarita Chavez who told her testimony on the last day of the conference. The process will begin in Florida in late November and will end in mid-January. The procedure for registering a testimony is long and very complex. For the time being as regards the history of Mrs C., we register that there was a grace.”



Our Lady of America, Sr. Ephrem prayer

Sr Mary EphremSister Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil)


Sister Mary Ephrem writes to her Spiritual director Fr. Leibold concerning the composition of this prayer:…

“I was getting some things ready for the following morning, In the Midst of it I was seized with an indescribable impulse. Thoughts of the Trinity and being conformed to the likeness of Christ filled my mind and my heart… My whole longing was to live a life of complete adoration, in union with Christ.
I was suffering a great deal for I was inconsolable at the thought of my own ingratitude and of the crimes which sinners commit against God.”

Prayer to Our Lady of America, Patroness of our Land
Written at the behest of Our Lady, October 5, 1956
by Sister Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil)

Oh Immaculate Mother, Queen of our country, open our hearts, our homes, and our land to the coming of Jesus, your Divine Son. With Him, reign over us, O heavenly Lady, so pure and so bright with the radiance of Gods light shining in and about you. Be our leader against the powers of evil set upon wresting the world of souls, redeemed at such a great cost by the sufferings of your Son and of yourself, in union with Him, from that same Savior,
Who loves us with infinite charity.
We gather about you, O chaste and holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved Land, determined to fight under your banner of holy purity against the wickedness that would make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without your loving maternal care.
We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to your Most Pure Heart, O great Queen, that the kingdom of your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us.
We ask no special sign of you, sweet Mother, for we believe in your great love for us, and we place in you our entire confidence. We promise to honor you by faith, love,
and the purity of our lives according to your desire.
Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart and your most chaste Heart be ever enthroned and glorified among us. Use us, your children of America, as your instruments of peace among men and nations. Work your miracles of grace in us, so that we may be a glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us.
May your valiant spouse, St. Joseph, with the holy Angels and Saints, assist you and us in “renewing the face of the earth.” Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother, and as our Victorious Queen, lead us to the eternal kingdom, where your Son
reigns forever as King.

(200 days)
Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D.
Imprimatur: +Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, Jan. 25, 1963


in the

Volume 20 – January 1, 1927
I was meditating on the old year which was setting, and the New Year which was rising.
My state continued in the Flight of the Light of the Divine Will, and I prayed to the pretty Little Baby Jesus that, just as the old year was dying never to be born again, that He, Jesus would make my human will die and live no more; and take as Gift for the New Year, that He, Jesus would give me His Most Holy Divine Will, just as I gave Him my human will as gift, placing my human will as footstool at His tender little feet, that I might have no life but His Most Holy Divine Will as Life alone.
Now, while I was saying these and other things, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and told me:
“Luisa, daughter of My Divine Will, how I, Jesus Love, Want and yearn that your human will may end in you.
O, how I, God accept your gift! How pleasing it will be for Me to keep your human will at my feet as a soft footstool.
In fact, as long as the human will remains in the creature, outside of its center, which is God, the human will is hard; but when the soul Enters Once Again Into The Center from which it came, serving as footstool at the feet of its Little Baby Jesus, it becomes soft, and I, God use it to amuse Myself. Is it not fair that, being little, I have My amusement?
And that in the midst of so many sorrows, privations and tears, I, Jesus, may hold your human will to make Me smile?
Now, You Must Know that Luisa, the one (and also the souls linked to Luisa) who puts an end to his human will, Returns to the Origin from which he came, and the New Life, the Life of Light, the Perennial Life of My Divine Will, begins in him.


News Letter 12-15-2015 – Christmas Novena


  Christmas Novena

The Nine Excesses that led Jesus to incarnate Himself.



“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). With these words our thoughts immediately turn to Christmas that is coming and the desire to live, always with new emotions, the day when God made himself visible to man, in the likeness of a Child.

We know that the time of Advent is a time of grace to prepare ourselves spiritually to the Event, being careful to put the spotlight on the conception of the Holy Child, on His Incarnation.

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38): This is the Fiat of Mary, “insignificant” woman in the eyes of her contemporaries, without which the Holy Trinity couldn’t make the Eternal Word descend upon earth and give rise to Redemption.

Mary, by possessing the Divine Will, had found grace before God and became the worthy dwelling to fulfill the miracle of the Incarnation: The Holy Trinity,  by removing Justice and covering Themselves with the mantle of Mercy overflowed in her with love to form in her womb, through the encounter of the two Fiat, the creature would have to save humanity.

With a Novena of Holy Christmas (December 16 to 24),  since the age of seventeen, Luisa prepared herself spiritually for the Feast of Holy Christmas, by contemplating and meditating on the excesses of love that led Jesus to incarnate Himself.

They are the first step towards the knowledge of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. They contain love and grace as they spring directly from the source of God’s love.  They are the flames of His love that rise to create new love with which to conquer creatures.

Love, then, that renews and multiplies itself whenever new hearts are invested.

They are the treasure chest that contains all the merit of the Incarnation trough which Jesus comes to divinize man, to purify him. From His conception, taking all sins upon Himself, He comes to embody His Divinity on the Cross, starting His Way of the Cross, with the final triumph of Love !!

Every year Luisa remembered all phases of the mystery of the Incarnation, meditating and honoring the nine months that Jesus stood in the womb of Mary, in the following order that we briefly mention:

First Excess, Trinitarian Love: The angel announces to Mary that the Holy Trinity is sending upon earth the Son of Man who promptly obeys the Will of the Father and she, through the Holy Spirit,  is the depository of this mystery and of goods that will spring.

Second Excess, Humble Love:  A God so great and infinite who descends from Heaven and is restricted into the maternal womb. There He will stay for nine months, but His Divinity will remain imprisoned in His Humanity, for thirty three years, and then in the Eucharist.

Third Excess, Devouring Love: Flames of Love that rise to reach all generations, from the first to the last man. Seas (of Love) without boundary in which souls can swim freely.

Fourth Excess, Operative Love: Jesus, just newly “conceived”, takes upon Himself all souls and the burden (sins, ingratitude, passions) of each one of them. So, His Passion starts. His little head already feels the stings of the thorns that will surround his head and His immobility in the maternal womb anticipates His Crucifixion.

Fifth Excess, Lonely Love: God is forced to be alone, despite his several calls. He would like to speak to every soul to communicate and pour His love into her, but alas He is forced into silence. He descends from heaven to be in company of the creature but very few are those who welcome His coming and share His joys, His sorrows.

Sixth Excess, Repressed Love: Jesus, restricted in the prison and in the darkness of the maternal womb, can’t not show His love, His Light. All around is darkness and the sins of creatures add new darkness in which He is compelled to remain.

Seventh Excess, Supplicating Love:  The ingratitude of man is the sharpest thorn for God, our Creator. However human obstinacy doesn’t stop His love from generating  new excesses with imploring attitudes.

Eighth Excess, Begging Love: Even if God’s supplications don’t move the creature to love Him, He does not cease to have care of her and to conquer her, He passes on a greater excess and come to ask for a little love, to beg just as a poor man on the roadside.

Ninth Excess, Winner Love:  Finally, Love will win. God remains faithful to Himself even at the cost of waiting for centuries. He will continue to dart through hearts with rays of sweetness and tenderness.  He will conquer the creature and there will be the triumph of the Kingdom of His Divine Will.

Let us allow ourselves to be moved and taking advantage of this appropriate time, let us dispose ourselves to say with courage and faith our Yes, just like Mary with Her “Fiat” and Jesus with His “Here I am,” so that we can accomplish the project that our Heavenly Father has for each one in particular and for humanity in general, being always aware that we are all called to fulfill our Christian duty: to proclaim the Kingdom of God for the salvation of souls.

Mary, Virgin and Mother,
you who, moved by the Holy Spirit,
welcomed the word of life
in the depths of your humble faith:
as you gave yourself completely to the Eternal One,
help us to say our own “yes”
to the urgent call, as pressing as ever,
to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

(From Evangelii Gaudium of the Holy Father Francis)


December 8th – Mary Immaculate: Patroness of the United States

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Hour of Grace from 12 Noon to 1 PM


1. Day and time of Hour of Grace – December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception – to be started at 12 noon and will continue until 1 PM (one full hour of prayer)

2. During this hour the person making the ‘Hour of Grace’ either at home or in the Church must put away all distractions (do not answer the telephone or answer any doors or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this Special Hour of Grace)

3. Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms. Psalm 51 can be found below.

4. The rest of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent communication with God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus saying the Holy Rosary, praising God in your own way or by using favorite prayers, singing hymns, meditating upon other Psalms, etc.

Paslm 51[50]

1 Have mercy on me, O God,

   according to your merciful love;

   according to your abundant mercy

   blot out my transgressions.


2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,

   and cleanse me from my sin!


3 For I know my transgressions,

   and my sin is ever before me.


4 Against you, you only, have I sinned,

   and done that which is evil in your sight,

   so that you are justified in your sentence

   and blameless in your judgment.


5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,

   and in sin did my mother conceive me.


6 Behold, you desire truth in the inward being;

   therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.


7 Purge me with hyssop,

   and I shall be clean; wash me,

   and I shall be whiter than snow.


8 Make me hear joy and gladness;

   let the bones which you have broken rejoice.


9 Hide your face from my sins,

   and blot out all my iniquities.


10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,

     and put a new and right spirit within me.


11 Cast me not away from your presence,

     and take not your holy Spirit from me.


12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,

     and uphold me with a willing spirit.


13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,

     and sinners will return to you.


14 Deliver me from bloodguilt, O God,

     O God of my salvation,

     and my tongue will sing aloud of your deliverance.


15 O Lord, open my lips,

     and my mouth shall show forth your praise.


16 For you take no delight in sacrifice;

     were I to give a burnt offering,

     you would not be pleased.


17 The sacrifice acceptable to God a is a broken spirit;

     a broken and contrite heart,

     O God, you will not despise.


18 Do good to Zion in your good pleasure;

     rebuild the walls of Jerusalem,


19 then will you delight in right sacrifices,

     in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings;

     then bulls will be offered on your altar.