Author: DWLP

A Retreat for Lent on the Hours of the Passion – March 14 -16

Retreat for March 14th

Retreat for March 15th The Retreat Starts after Mass at minutes 49:59

Retreat for March 15th The Retreat Starts after Mass at minutes 50:39

Happiness in the Divine Will – Luisa’s Letters

  1. To Sister M. Longina

J.M.J. – Fiat!!!

Oh, how the Divine Will wants you a saint!  But It wants you to call It continuously, in order to make the day of peace arise in your soul, and make all the miseries which prevent true sanctity, magically disappear from your heart.  The Divine Fiat awaits you, to say to you:  “Give me life in your acts and I will make you a saint.  And everything will turn into happiness.”

  1. To Mother Cecilia


Fiat! – In Voluntate Dei!

My good and dear Mother in the Divine Volition,

Thank you for your wishes, I return them to you from the heart.  But the most beautiful wish I can send you is that your will may rise again in the Divine Will, so that you may take your place of honor in the whole order of Creation, where God wants us to be.

My Mother, if we are not in the Divine Will, we are without a place, without a home, without means to live and to become saints.  If Jesus does not find His Will in us, He does not find the adaptable material to make us saints, nor can He make of us His faithful copy.  Therefore, my wish is that our will may rise again in His; in this way, you will give work to Jesus.  Oh, how happy He will be, and you too will feel His peace, confidence, love, and full abandonment in His arms.  You will feel safe, like a baby in the arms of her mama.  How happy will you be, and how happy will be dear Jesus!

My Mother, I cannot continue further.  I am really sick and almost unable to write; forgive me.  Return my wishes to Sister Remigia for me.  For now, I cannot answer her; but I recommend that she not think of herself, because the thought of ourselves removes the thought of God from us and takes away sanctity, making us grow sickly in good.

My sister kisses your hand and returns your wishes.  I leave you in the Divine Volition, and kissing your right hand, I say,

Most affectionately yours,
The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, March 28, 1940

  1. To Federico Abresch

In Voluntate Dei

Most esteemed son in the Divine Volition,

Here I am for you, to tell you to always hide in the Divine Fiat:  we will be safe in It; all evils will flee from us; we will secure sanctity.  In each one of our acts, even natural – because our nature was given to us by God – we will be invested with new beauty, with new love, with new divine strength.  If we live in the Divine Volition, even our breath, our steps, our motion, run within the breathing, in the steps and in the motion of all, to give back to God love for each breath, prayer for each step, glory for every motion.  The Divine Will is everywhere and we, by living in It, find ourselves in Heaven and on earth to love Him with all, in all, and in every place.

The Saints, the Queen of Heaven and God Himself anxiously await the “I love You” of one who lives in His Will, because it is a new gain that they make.  The “I love You” of the earth resounds in Heaven, in each Blessed, in the seas of the Celestial Mama, and says to all:  “I love You, I love You…” One can say that Heaven and earth exchange the kiss of love and celebrate together.  Therefore, may we take to heart living always in the Divine Will; in It we will form seas of love, seas of adoration, seas of glory, to give to our Creator…

I leave you in the Divine Volition, together with little Piuccio and Amelia.  Make yourselves saints, but saints of Divine Will.  It will carry you in Its womb; It will hold you tightly to Its breast; It will feed you with Its breath; It will make you feel Its Life palpitating in you… How happy you will be!

With all my heart I send you my regards together with the Fiat,

Most affectionately yours,
The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, November 4, 1941

Letters from Luisa Piccarreta – I recommend to you “The Hours of the Passion”

  1. To Mrs. Antonietta Savorani, widow from Faenza.


My good daughter in the Divine Volition,

Thank you for interesting yourself in promoting the book of the Queen of Heaven and that of the Passion:  this is nothing less than calling back the Celestial Mama and the King of Sorrows into the midst of creatures, so that we may learn to live more from Heaven than from the earth.  This would be the greatest fortune for us, so as to be able to live from the Divine Will.  So it seems that Jesus and His Mama never stop repeating,  “Thank you, thank you, my daughter!  As a reward, We will form our Heaven in your soul; We will be always with you; your life and Ours will become one.”  Therefore, what I recommend to you is to correspond to such a great good.  Be attentive to listening to sweet Jesus, Who speaks in your heart.  He wants to make of you a saint, but wants your will in His hands in order to make of it a prodigy of sanctity.

Three things I recommend to you:  firmness in good, perennial peace, filial trust.  Trust will make you live like a little baby in the arms of her mama, and Jesus and the Celestial Mama will take care of all the things you need.  They will tell you with facts:  “Think about living from Our Will, and We will take care of everything, even the salvation of your brothers.”  Aren’t you happy?

You ask me whether your friends can write me.  My daughter, it is hard for me to answer; it is better if they pay attention in reading the book of the Blessed Mother.  Oh, how many things will the great Lady tell them of what they would like to hear from me!  And then, there is the book of the Passion in which Jesus speaks heart to heart.  In this fifth edition which I am sending you, you will find new things, and, doubled, the “Treaty on the Divine Will.”  Read it, and you will be able to tell me the great good it does to you.

I recommend that all of you pray to the Lord that all may recognize such a great good; and the face of the earth will be changed.  On my part, I would like to give my life so that all may know the Divine Will.  I commend myself to your prayers and to those of your good friends; and leaving you in the place of honor of the Divine Will, sending you Its kiss of Light and Love, I say,

The little daughter of the Divine Will

  1. To Mrs. Copparo La Scola from Termini Imerese, Palermo.

In Voluntate Dei!

Most esteemed and blessed daughter in the Divine Volition,

Here I am to make you content.  I believe that the Queen of Heaven and the great King of sorrows will reward you for your great goodness and charity, and will be generous to you with celestial favors, as you interest yourself so much in promoting His Passion and that which regards His Divine Will.  Greater love cannot be given to the Lord.

Now let’s come to us.  You say you have many crosses.  Good sign, my daughter.  Crosses are divine jealousies and little coins that our Lord gives us.  His jealousy is the great love He has in making of us saints; He takes everyone away from us and He Himself, God, Maker and Martyr, with little crosses and with His own hands, works our souls and makes of them His images.  What love for us, as we can say, through little and large crosses,  “I am similar to my dear Jesus”!

But do you want to know why you feel the weight of your miseries?  Because many times you do not try to be together with Jesus and to convince yourself that He is already with you, and you do not unite the pains of Jesus with yours.  Before the pains of Jesus, yours lose hardness, empty themselves of their weight, become small, and almost smile, because they love to adorn our souls with the same ornaments as those with which we see Jesus being adorned.  What pleasure, what joy, to be able to say:  “You have suffered for me, and I for You”!  Together with Jesus, pains change their look, miseries disappear; and from pains, miseries and weaknesses the most beautiful conquests, celestial riches and the strength of God arise, and the very Angels and Saints envy our lot.

Therefore, my daughter, here is the secret to becoming a saint:  be together with Jesus, never deny Him anything, and in everything you do, even in necessary things of life – in the pains you suffer, in the prayers you say, in the work, in the food, in the sleep, say to Him from the heart:  “Jesus, I want to do always your Will.”  In this way, you will always keep the Fiat on your lips, in your mind, and in your heart.

If you do this, you will form the joy of the Heart of Jesus, and He will not be able to deny you anything, not even the sanctity of your children… It seems that you are very much concerned for them.  Do not fear; place them in the hands of Jesus and on the lap of the Celestial Mama.  Advise them to read often the book of the Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and you will see the great things the Lord will do with them.

I finish by recommending that you never lose peace… Be careful not ever to be disturbed, not even for your miseries, and not even for the illness of your husband.  Let us adore the judgments of God, just and holy, Who disposes everything for our good and to make us holy.

I commend myself to your prayers, and from the heart I will do it for you and for all those who buy the book, so that all may become saints.  I leave you in the sea of the Divine Volition, and with a thousand regards, I say,

most affectionately yours,

The little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, November 25, 1934

  1. To Mrs. Concettina Camoniero, from S. Giovanni a Teduccio, Napoli


May the Holy Will of God bind us so much as to put every worry to flight.

Good daughter,

With blessed Jesus, It takes trust and love; the braver we are, the more He loves us.  Your fear of receiving Communion comes from the enemy; he would be pleased if we formed more firewood for hell, otherwise he would not have told you this, or caused so many fears within you.  On the contrary, I tell you that when you abstain because of fear, you form firewood for Purgatory, and the Communions you do not receive on earth, you will receive with fire in Purgatory, because Jesus burns with love in the Most Holy Sacrament and wants to come into our hearts in order to pour out His flames; while if we abstain, He burns more, becoming fidgety and delirious, and with Justice He will make us burn more in Purgatory.  Therefore, think only of loving Jesus, of how to make Him happier, and love will destroy all the wood and, as celestial dew, will cover you and purify you of everything.  Fears, doubts, agitation, are laces which bind us to ourselves, and take the freshness of love away from us; even more, they make it wither and snatch us from the arms of Jesus.

I recommend to you “The Hours of the Passion”.  Form continuous chains of reparation around Jesus; unite all your actions to them, so that this sweet chain of reparation may never be broken.  These times require it; if we don’t want to be spectators of worse evils, promote it as much as you can.  Commending myself to your prayers, I pray to Jesus that He may bless you and give you peace.

The little daughter of the Divine Will

First Sunday of Lent

Volume 9 – March 23, 1910
Living in the Divine Will is greater than Communion Itself.
As I was in my usual state, and lamenting because of His privations, He came just in passing and told me: “My daughter, I Recommend that you not get out of My Will, because My Will contains such power as to be a new Baptism for the soul – and even more than Baptism itself. In fact, while in the Sacraments there is part of my Grace, in My Will there is the whole fullness of It. In the Baptism, the stain of original sin is removed, but passions and weaknesses remain. In My Will, since the soul destroys her own volition, she also destroys passions, weaknesses and all that is human; and she lives of the virtues, of the fortitude and of all the Divine qualities.”
On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘In a little while He is going to say that His Will is greater than Communion Itself.’ And He added: “Of course, of course, because the Sacramental Communion lasts a few minutes, while My Will is perennial communion; even more, eternal – entering eternity in Heaven. The Sacramental Communion is subject to some obstacles, either because of illness, or necessity, or because of those who have to administer It; while the Communion of My Will is not subject to any hindrance. If the soul only wants it, all is done. No one can prevent her from having such a great good which forms the happiness of the earth and of Heaven – neither demons, nor creatures, and not even my Omnipotence Itself. The soul is free; no one has any right over her at this point of My Will. This is why I push It, and I want so much that creatures take It: It is the most important thing for Me; the thing which I cherish the most. All other things do not interest Me as much, not even the holiest ones. And when I obtain that the soul live in My Will, I feel triumphant – because this is the greatest good which can exist in Heaven and on earth.”

Making the Truths known

  1. To Mrs. Costanza Benedetta Pettinelli from Siena

In Voluntate Dei!

My most dear daughter in the Divine Volition,

How many blessings will your good daughter receive as she interests herself in promoting the Divine Will!  Now let’s come to us.  I repeat to you my “thank you” in the name of the Celestial Lady and the King of sorrows, for all that you are doing for the Divine Will.  You will see it in Heaven and you will also feel it down here – in the depth of your heart – the love they have for you and the glory that awaits you up there.  You must know that He is the one who leads you, and the Celestial Mama, squeezing you to Her maternal Heart – the one who is pushing you to promote them.  They use you as an ambassador to make the Divine Will known, and when they see that you are about to speak about It – oh, how they rejoice, how they celebrate and love you more!… But you tell me:  “For us, the sea and the heavens are always stormy.”  Your enemies make fun of you; so much the worse for them!  Jesus too was mocked in His pains, but it was then that He triumphed; and by means of pains, He conquered our souls.  Don’t you want to be like Him?  You must know that your pains are written in the pains of Jesus, as triumph of His Love toward you, and that for every pain you suffer, sweet Jesus adds one more degree of sanctity and one more touch of His likeness; aren’t you happy?  Yet, on some occasions you have said to dear Jesus that you wanted to suffer together with Him, so He took your words and made facts.  But, in spite of this, be sure that beloved Jesus will be jealous that you don’t lack what is necessary, and even the storms will calm down.  Send everything – pains, bitterness, strains – into the Divine Will; tell Him from the heart that you want nothing but His Will, and look at all things as bearers of a Will so holy, and you will see that the Fiat will defend you.  Don’t get discouraged, do not fear, do not lose peace, abandon yourself more than ever in the arms of the Divine Will, and be tranquil, waiting in full confidence for the helps and means which are necessary to you.

My good daughter, how bad did your words sound to me,  “I am afraid to be lost”!  Don’t you know that sufferings are the certainty, the seal, of our salvation?  Sufferings form the carriage which brings us to Heaven, and the more the sufferings, the faster it will go.  So, each additional pain is a faster ride which takes us soon and straight to Heaven.

Therefore, courage, courage.  All other things are left; while sufferings are brought to Heaven, and form our most beautiful throne and never ending glory.  Now I repeat my refrain:  continue to promote the Divine Will.  I expect a great deal from you, and so does Jesus and the Celestial Mama.  I commend myself to your prayers, and I will not forget to keep you locked in the Divine Will as the dearest of my daughters.

Accept my respectful regards, as I say,

most affectionately yours,
the little daughter of the Divine Will

Reflections and Practices – Twenty-Third Hour of the Passion – From 3 to 4 PM Jesus, dead, is pierced by the thrust of a lance.

July 4, 1910  Volume 9
The greatness and sublimeness of death.

“…Six are the hours of my Passion which I gave to men in order to die well:  the three in the Garden were for help in the agony; the three on the Cross for help at the very last sigh before death.  After this, who could not look at death with a smile?  More so for one who loves Me, for one who tries to sacrifice himself on my very cross.  Do you see how beautiful death is, and how things are changed?  In life I was despised; the very miracles did not produce the effects of my death; even up to the Cross there were insults.  But as soon as I breathed my last, death had the power to change things:  all beat their breasts, confessing Me the true Son of God; my very disciples plucked up courage, and even those who were hidden became brave and asked for my body, giving Me honorable burial.  Heaven and earth, in full voice, confessed Me the Son of God.  Death is something great, something sublime; and this happens also for my own children:  in life they are despised, oppressed; those very virtues which, like light, should make those who are around them start, remain half-veiled; their heroisms in suffering, their abnegations, their zeal for souls, cast lights and doubts in those who surround them; and I Myself permit these veils, so as to preserve with more safety the virtue of my dear children.  But as soon as they die, I withdraw these veils since they are no longer necessary, and the doubts become certainties, the light becomes clear, and this light makes others appreciate their heroism – they pay esteem to everything, even to the smallest things.  Therefore, what cannot be done in life, is made up for by death.  This, as for what happens down here.  That which happens up there, then, is truly surprising and enviable to all mortals.”

 Reflections and Practices

Twenty-third Hour
From 3 to 4 PM
Jesus, dead, is pierced by the thrust of a lance.
The deposition from the Cross

 Reflections and Practices

After His death, Jesus wanted to be wounded by a lance for love of us.  And we – do we let ourselves be wounded in everything by the love of Jesus; or do we rather let ourselves be wounded by the love of creatures, by pleasures, and by attachment to ourselves?  Also coldness, obscurity and mortifications, both interior and external, are wounds which the Lord makes to the soul.  If we do not take them from the hands of God, we wound ourselves, and our wounds increase passions, weaknesses, self-esteem – in a word, every evil.  On the other hand, if we take them as wounds made by Jesus, He will place His love, His virtues and His likeness in these wounds, which will make us deserve His kisses, His caresses and all the stratagems of a divine love.  These wounds will be continuous voices which will call Him and force Him to dwell with us continuously.

O my Jesus, may your lance be my guard which defends me from any wound of  creatures.

Jesus allows Himself to be deposed from the Cross into the arms of His Mama.  And we – do we deposit all of our fears, our doubts and our anxieties in the arms of our Mama?  Jesus rested on the lap of His divine Mother.  Do we let Jesus rest by casting away our fears and our agitations?

Letters of Luisa Piccarreta – It takes a Firm decision

  1. To Mrs. Mazari, from Bari

In Voluntate Dei!

My good daughter of the Divine Volition,

Thank you for so much of your affection and attention, which I do not deserve.  May Heaven, dear Jesus and our Queen and Mother reward you for everything; even more, in exchange I will pray that they may give you the royal garment of the Divine Will, and cover you and warm you with the mantle of love.  But you must dispose yourself to receive it and to be clothed with this royal garment, which will make you stand out as a favorite daughter of the Divine Volition, while Jesus and Mama, with their divine hands, will cover you with the shining mantle of Love.  Do not think it is difficult to obtain this great good; rather, it is very easy, as long as you want it with a firm decision to live from the Divine Volition, converting everything you do into Divine Will.

Dear Jesus and the Most Holy Queen will put themselves at your disposal, remaining inside and outside of you, to be your guide, light and strength; and if they see your weakness (not your will), they will make up for anything you cannot reach.  Do you want do know something?  The Queen committed Herself with her Divine Son to assisting and raising those who want to live from the Divine Will with the same love with which she raised and assisted her Son Jesus.  So, it takes will; the rest will come by itself…

Therefore, courage.  Don’t lose heart because of the difficulties and the circumstances of life; they are steps which make us go higher in the Divine Volition.  Especially in painful circumstances, dear Jesus takes us by the hand to make us rise higher and achieve beautiful conquests – not human, but divine and of infinite value.  Oh, how I’d love to hear that you are always in the Divine Will!

(…) I prayed for your needs, especially for good Carmela.  Who knows how many hugs and kisses the Lord will give you – to the one who suffers and to the one who sees the other suffering; because it is better to suffer than watch someone else suffering.  So, return these hugs and kisses with your own, and tell Him from the heart:  “Jesus, take our will and give us Yours.”  He wants to give It, and He loves that it be sought after (…)

The little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, December 3, 1937

  1. To Mrs. Caterina Valentino, from S. Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia

Most esteemed one in the Lord,

Thank you for your letter.  To reward you, may dear Jesus keep you inside the waves of the Divine Volition, in such a way that you may look at nothing, and want nothing else but the life of the Supreme Fiat.  Oh, how beautiful it is to be able to say:  “I do not want or know anything but the Divine Will.”  May It be our hiding place, so that, if they look for us, they would find us only within Its divine boundaries.  Therefore, let us allow nothing to escape us – even our little trifles, the little actions of our life – without letting them enter into Its divine sea; and in everything we can do and suffer, may It be our only purpose, for the triumph of the Divine Will to live and reign triumphantly within our souls and in the souls of all… How happy we will be; each one of our acts will be a divine conquest.  We will see His finger, which has marked our act and has enclosed in it, with its divine strength, Suns more refulgent and Heavens more beautiful than those which can be seen in Creation.

Therefore, let us be attentive; it takes nothing but a firm decision of wanting to live in the Holy Will.  It is Jesus who wants it; He will cover us with His Love, hide us within His Light, and will reach the extent of making up for us in all that we are unable to do.

I commend myself to your prayers.  Tell Padre Pio to pray very much for us, as the storm shows no sign of ceasing; we are always under lightening and thunders, which seem to want to burn us up.  Fiat!  Let us remain always in the Divine Will.  With heartfelt obsequies I say,

the little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, April 27, 1939

  1. To a Nun


In Volunatate Dei!

My good daughter in the Divine Volition,

I write you a few lines.  I beg you to never put aside the Divine Will.  Let It be your life, your breath and heartbeat.  If you want to make yourself a saint, if you want peace and to give peace to all, if you want a divine power to invest you and transform you into Jesus Himself – I beg you to think of nothing else but to live in the Divine Will. 

I return my regards to Mother Superior and to Sister Dionisia; and leaving you all in the Divine Volition, I greet you with the love of the Fiat,

Most affectionately yours,

The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, April 1945