The Pearl of Great Price – The Knowledge’s of the Divine Will

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (Matthew 13:45-46 RSV)

Vol. 25 – December 29, 1928
Mute heavens and suns; speaking heavens and suns. How God resumes His Creation. How Heaven will no longer be foreign to the earth.
I was following the Divine Fiat in the Creation, to accompany Its acts; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, look – how beautiful is Creation! What order, what harmony It contains. And as beautiful as It is, the heavens, the stars, the sun, are all mute – they have no virtue to say even one word. On the other hand, the heavens, the stars, the sun, the ruling wind of my Divine Will are all speaking, and have such eloquence that no one else can equal them; the angel, the saint, the learned one, before the heavens of my speaking Will, remain mute and feel ignorant. But why are these heavens and suns speaking? Because they contain life. But do you know what these speaking heavens and suns are? They are the knowledge’s which I have manifested to you about my Divine Will. My Will is not only life, but is the fount, the source and the life of all lives, therefore the heavens of Its knowledge’s could not be mute. So, each knowledge about my Divine Fiat is a heaven, a sun, it is a wind, one distinct from the other, which, having the speaking virtue and possessing the Divine Life, have the virtue of producing new heavens and suns more beautiful, and winds more mighty, such as to invests the hearts and make conquests of them by their sweet ruling moaning.

See then, my daughter, how my love surpassed the love We had in Creation, in manifesting to you the many knowledge’s about my Divine Will. In fact, in Creation, one single heaven, one sun, etc., were enough for Our love, because We wanted to display more all the ardor of Our love over ‘speaking man’, and for ‘speaking man’ We wanted to create ‘speaking heavens and suns’ in the depth of his soul. But by withdrawing from Our Divine Volition, he put a limit to Our love, and the speaking heavens no longer had life in him. But Our love did not say ‘enough’; at the most, it paused and waited. But unable to contain itself any longer, it resumed its creation of the speaking heavens and suns in the little daughter of my Divine Will. Look at them in the depth of your soul – all of my knowledge’s about my Fiat, all in order and harmony; and one is heaven, and speaks, and forms another heaven; another is sun, and speaks, and while it makes itself light and it warms, it forms another sun. Another is sea, and forms its speaking waves; and while it speaks, it forms another sea, to invest the whole world with its speaking waves, and to impose itself with its creative word so as to make itself listened to, in order to bring the new sea of peace and of joy of My Will into all. Another is wind, and now it speaks with its empire in order to knock down the hardest hearts, now it speaks with its caresses so as not to strike fears, now it speaks with loving moans so as to make itself loved; and while it speaks, it forms more winds, and its word runs to make known the Life, the Power of my Divine Will.

In sum, all my knowledge’s about It are a new creation, more beautiful, more varied than the Creation Itself – and much more beautiful, because it is a speaking one; and its word is the Life of my Divine Will which it brings to the creature. Therefore, I feel happy in your soul because I am in the midst of my speaking heavens, stars and suns; but my happiness is doubled when you make the sacrifice of writing, because I see that these speaking heavens will go out, and their word will form new heavens which will bring the Life of my Divine Fiat into the midst of creatures. Then will Heaven no longer be foreign to the earth, because these speaking heavens will form the new celestial family upon earth, and their word will place Creator and creature in communication. The winds of these knowledge’s will place the secret joys of the Most Holy Trinity in common; and as the creature becomes the owner of the Divine Sanctity and Happiness, all evils will disappear, and I will have the joy of seeing the creature happy, just as he came out of Our creative hands.”

Volume 22 – June 26, 1927
How all the things of God have equal weight. How everything that God did in Creation is pearled with His love, and this is felt by one who lives in the Divine Will.

I was doing the usual round in the Divine Fiat, and while going around throughout the whole Creation, I thought to myself: ‘How much light and heat must my Creator have within Himself, if He released so much of them in creating the sun? O! how He must feel Himself burn with His own heat as He contains so much of it.’ But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, in Our things there is perfect and equal measure of everything. So, as much as is the love, the heat, the light, so much is the freshness, the beauty, the power, the sweetness, etc. One is the weight of everything, and therefore heat is nourished by freshness, and freshness by heat; light is nourished by beauty, and beauty nourishes light, in such a way that one tempers the other. Strength nourishes sweetness, and sweetness strength, and so with all the rest of Our divine things, in such a way that each of them makes Us happy. By themselves, Our qualities would oppress Us, but, together, being in perfect equality, they serve Us as happiness, as joys and as contentments, and they all compete to make Us happy. Heat brings Us the happiness of love, and freshness brings Us the joys of what is beautiful, of what is fresh. Light brings Us the joy of light, and beauty, tempering the vividness of light, brings Us the happiness of what is beautiful, good, holy, immense; it braids all of Our qualities and renders them all beautiful, lovable and admirable for Us. Strength brings Us the happiness of the strong, and sweetness, invading it completely, brings Us the joys mixed with sweetness and strength. And everything that can be seen in Creation is nothing other than outpourings of the abundance of light, of heat, of freshness, beauty and strength which We possess within Ourselves; and these outpourings were released by Us in order to nourish and delight the creatures with Our own outpourings, in such a way as to render them happy; and by dint of nourishing themselves with Our qualities, creatures would become similar to Us, and would be bearers of happiness and of joys to their Creator. How beautiful it was to be, to see them luminous like sun; beautiful, more than flowery field and starry sky; strong like mighty wind; pearled with divine freshness in such a way as to remain always new and fresh, without changing. Our Will would bring them all Our outpourings united together, which are such that one delights the other. But because man withdrew from the Supreme Fiat, he receives Our outpourings as separate from one another, and this is why the heat burns him, the light eclipses him, the cold makes him numb, the wind harms him, and many times it knocks him down and hurls him away. Not seeing in man the facsimile of his Creator, or the bond of union with the Divine Fiat, Our qualities act as separate over him, and he does not receive the happiness which they contain as united. Therefore, with My Will, the creature would have been the happiest being, while, without It, she is the unhappiest.”

Then I continued my flight in the Divine Volition, and hovering over each thought and act of creature, over each plant and flower, and over everything, I impressed my ‘I love You’ and I asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. But while doing this, I thought to myself: ‘What a long story in my poor mind, nor does it seem that I can get out of it – I must keep tracing all times, all places, all human acts, and even plants, flowers and everything, to impress an ‘I love You’, an ‘I adore You’, an ‘I bless You’, a ‘thank You’, and to ask Him for His Kingdom.’ But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, moving again in my interior, told me: “My daughter, do you think you are the one who does this? No, no – it is My Will that keeps tracing all of Its acts which It issued in Creation, pearling each of Its acts, thoughts, words, steps, with Its ‘I love you’; and this ‘I love you’ runs through each act and thought toward each creature. One who is in My Will feels this love of God spread everywhere. His love is hidden even in the plants, in the flowers, and even under the earth, in the roots; and unable to contain it, He rips the earth open, and pearls plants and flowers with His ‘I love you’, to manifest His ardent love toward the creature. And when My Will reigns in the soul, It wants to continue Its ‘I love you’ of Creation, and therefore It calls you to follow Its eternal love; and calling each thought and act, as well as all created elements, It says and makes you say ‘I love You’, and with Its very Will It makes you ask for Its Kingdom, so as to bind It once again in the midst of creatures. What enchantment, my daughter, to see your ‘I love You’ united to that of My Will, flowing in each thought and act of creature and asking for my Kingdom; to see this ‘I love You’ flowing in the might of the wind, extending in the rays of the sun, murmuring in the murmuring of the sea and in the roaring of the waves, impressing itself on each plant, and rising with the most beautiful adoration in the fragrances of the flowers; and, more than trembling voice, saying ‘I love You’ in the sweet twinkling and sparkling of the stars – in sum, everywhere.

One who does not live in my Divine Will does not hear this language of my eternal love in all of Its acts and in each created thing; but one who lives in It feels herself being called to love so many times for as many times as her Creator has loved her. All things speak with holy eloquence about my love. How ungrateful she would be, if she did not follow the speaking love of my Eternal Fiat.”


Mons. Felice Posa Passes Away

On  October 24, 2017, Fr. Felice Posa returned to the Father’s house after 62 years of priesthood. He was a spiritual son of Fr. Pasquale Uva and ordained a priest on August 14, 1955. He became Vicar General for the diocese of Bisceglie, Director of the “Don Uva” Health Institute in Bisceglie and a close associate of Fr. Pasquale.

Fr. Felice was Prothonotary. For years he was the Judge of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal and professor of canon and ecclesiastical law. He  served as a parish priest of the churches of St. Lucia and St. Augustine. He was the Director of the Miulli Hospital Research Center, Treasurer of the Chapter in Acquaviva and Director of the Chapter Archive.

On August 9, 1994, Fr. Felice was appointed first Postulator of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, and held this office until 2001.

The Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will fondly remembers his moral qualities and the praiseworthy commitment made by him in setting up the works on the Cause, supported by his faith and love for the spirituality of the Divine Will. We entrust Him to the mercy of God. We are confident that our Heavenly Father welcomed him in the Kingdom of His Supreme Fiat giving him the greatest joy: living in Him and in His Will.

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

St. Francis of Assisi


St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis was born in Assisi, Umbria, Italy, in 1182, and was baptized John. His father was Pietro di Bernardone, a wealthy textile merchant, and after returning from a business trip to France, and to mark his esteem for that country, he began calling his son Francis. Francis’s youth was spent in comfort and fine clothes. During Assisi’s war with Perugia, Francis joined his city’s forces. But when Assisi was defeated, Francis was unfortunately taken prisoner and remained such for a year. After his release, he volunteered to fight with the papal army in southern Italy, but while passing through Spoleto, on his way south, he had a dream in which a voice told him “to follow the master and not the man.” Thus he returned to Assisi and began to change his way of life. Then in the fall of 1205, while praying in the Church of San Damiano, a short distance from Assisi, he heard a voice coming from the crucifix telling him: “Francis, go and repair my church, which as you see is in ruins.” To purchase the materials needed to repair that church’s fabric, he sold some of his father’s cloth. Because his father did not agree with his son’s action, Francis left home and spent the following two years praying, repairing churches, and visiting the poor and sick.
Sometime in 1208 or 1209, he heard a passage from Matthew’s Gospel (10:5–14) read in church, in which our Lord sent his apostles out to preach and they were to take nothing with them. In imitation of this, Francis lived a life of simplicity, poverty, and humility, and constantly went about preaching God’s love. His joy in following Christ was so evident and attractive that others soon joined him, and thus he wrote a rule for them, with the gospel as their way of life. He called his group Friars Minor, but they are better known as Franciscans. In 1212, he founded an order of nuns, known today as Poor Clares, after St. Clare of Assisi (see August 11). Others also wanted to follow his manner of life—prayer and penance—and for these he established what is known as the Third Order of St. Francis.
In 1219, Francis traveled to the Middle East with the Fifth Crusade, in a vain attempt to convert Sultan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt. Then, on September 14, 1224, he received the stigmata on Mount Alvernia; he is the first individual known to have received it. Throughout his life, Francis remained a deacon—he felt himself unworthy to be ordained a priest. He died at the Portiuncula (St. Mary of the Angels), the cradle of his order, in Assisi, on October 3, 1226, and was canonized two years later (1228) by Pope Gregory IX. Francis was the most extraordinary saint of the Middle Ages and is one of the most attractive of saints. Today’s opening prayer tells us that St. Francis reflected the image of Christ, through his life of poverty and humility, and asks that we too may imitate his joyful love.

Tylenda, J. N. (2003). Saints and Feasts of the Liturgical Year (pp. 212–214). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Novena to your Guardian Angel Starts 9/23 Feast Day 10/2

Novena to your Guardian Angel:

[A novena is made by saying a prayer for nine days in succession.]

O HOLY ANGEL, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors, I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies. Keep me away from all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena. [Here mention your petition.] Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of my Creator in the mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.


The Importance of the Command Prayer

the Command Prayer during these uncertain and trying times: 

The Command Prayer

Abba Father,
In the name of Jesus,
In the Unity and Power
of the Holy Spirit,
under the Mantle of Mary
with all the Angels and Saints
through the Intercession of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
take my humble prayer
and make it Your Command.
That all be accomplished and completed
In Your Most Holy Divine Will.
We Believe, We Receive.


BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer


Hurricane Harvey first made landfall as a Category 4 storm near Rockport, Texas, on the evening of August 25, 2017.  The storm has since devastated communities in both Texas and Louisiana, claiming many lives, inflicting countless injuries, destroying or damaging tens of thousands of homes, and causing billions of dollars in damage.  The entire Nation grieves with Texas and Louisiana.  We are deeply grateful for those performing acts of service, and we pray for healing and comfort for those in need.

Americans have always come to the aid of their fellow countrymen — friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger — and we vow to do so in response to Hurricane Harvey.  From the beginning of our Nation, Americans have joined together in prayer during times of great need, to ask for God’s blessings and guidance.  This tradition dates to June 12, 1775, when the Continental Congress proclaimed a day of prayer following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and April 30, 1789, when President George Washington, during the Nation’s first Presidential inauguration, asked Americans to pray for God’s protection and favor.

When we look across Texas and Louisiana, we see the American spirit of service embodied by countless men and women.  Brave first responders have rescued those stranded in drowning cars and rising water.  Families have given food and shelter to those in need.  Houses of worship have organized efforts to clean up communities and repair damaged homes.  Individuals of every background are striving for the same goal — to aid and comfort people facing devastating losses.  As Americans, we know that no challenge is too great for us to overcome.

As response and recovery efforts continue, and as Americans provide much needed relief to the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are reminded of Scripture’s promise that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  Melania and I are grateful to everyone devoting time, effort, and resources to the ongoing response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.  We invite all Americans to join us as we continue to pray for those who have lost family members or friends, and for those who are suffering in this time of crisis.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and for our National Response and Recovery Efforts.  We give thanks for the generosity and goodness of all those who have responded to the needs of their fellow Americans.  I urge Americans of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds to offer prayers today for all those harmed by Hurricane Harvey, including people who have lost family members or been injured, those who have lost homes or other property, and our first responders, law enforcement officers, military personnel, and medical professionals leading the response and recovery efforts.  Each of us, in our own way, may call upon our God for strength and comfort during this difficult time.  I call on all Americans and houses of worship throughout the Nation to join in one voice of prayer, as we seek to uplift one another and assist those suffering from the consequences of this terrible storm.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.


Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – August 19th

Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – August 19th

In honor of the August 19 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children:

“I Myself will Gather the remnant of My Flock from all the lands
to which I have Banished them and Bring them Back to their folds;
there they shall be Fruitful and Multiply.”
– Jer 23:3

V12 – 12.16.18 – Now I want to tell you something consoling. Italy and France now lose, while Germany wins. All nations have some black stains, and All of them deserve Humiliations and Crushings. There will be a general uproar – confusion everywhere. I will Renew the world with the Sword, with Fire and with Water, with sudden deaths, and with contagious diseases. I will make New Things. The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel; they will reach the point of being unable to understand one another; the peoples will revolt among themselves; they will no longer want kings. All will be Humiliated, and Peace will Come Only from Me. And if you hear them say ‘peace’, that will not be True, but apparent. Once I have Purged Everything, I will Place My Finger in a Surprising Way, and I will Give the True Peace. Then, all those who are Humiliated will return to Me. Germany will be Catholic; I have Great Designs upon for her. England, Russia, and all the places where blood has been shed, will rise again to Faith, and will be incorporated into My Church. There will be Great Triumph and union among peoples. Therefore, Pray – and it takes Patience, because this will not be so soon, but it will take time.”

V15 – 3.23.23 – “My daughter, I was the First King of Sorrows, and being Man and God, I had to Centralize Everything within Me in order to have Primacy over Everything, even over sorrows. Those of My Mama were nothing other than the Reverberations of Mine which, being Reflected in Her, made Her Share in All My Sorrows which, Piercing Her, Filled Her with such Bitterness and Pain that She felt Herself Dying at each Reverberation of My Sorrows. But Love Sustained Her and Gave Her Life again. Therefore, not only for Honor, but also by Right of Justice, She was the First Queen of the Immense Sea of Her Sorrows.” While He was saying this, I seemed to see my Mama in front of Jesus, and Everything that Jesus Contained, the Sorrows and the Piercings of that Most Holy Heart, were Reflected in the Heart of the Sorrowful Queen. At those Reflections, many Swords Formed in the Heart of the Pierced Mama; and these Swords were Marked by a Fiat of Light, in which She was Circumfused, in the Midst of So Many Fiats of Most Refulgent Light which gave Her So Much Glory that there are no words to narrate it.

Then, Jesus continued, Saying: “It was not the Sorrows that Constituted My Mama as Queen and made Her Shine with So Much Glory, but it was My Omnipotent Fiat, which was Braided to Her every Act and Sorrow, and Constituted Itself Life of each of Her Sorrows. So, My Fiat was the First Act that Formed the Sword, giving Her the Intensity of Pain It Wanted. My Fiat could Place All the Sorrows It Wanted in that Pierced Heart, adding Piercings upon Piercings, Pains upon Pains, without a shadow of the slightest resistance. On the contrary, She felt Honored that My Fiat would Constitute Itself Life of even a Heartbeat of Hers; and My Fiat gave Her Complete Glory and Constituted Her True and Legitimate Queen.

Now, who will be the souls in whom I can Reflect the Reverberations of My Sorrows and of My Very Life? Those who will have My Fiat as Life. This Fiat will make them absorb My Reflections, and I will Be Generous in Sharing with them that which My Will Operates in Me. Therefore, in My Will do I Await souls, to Give them the True Dominion and the Complete Glory of each Act and pain that they may suffer. The operating and suffering outside of My Will I do Not Recognize; I could say: ‘I have Nothing to Give you; what is the will that animated you in doing and suffering this? Get your reward from that one.’ Many times, doing good or suffering, if My Will is not Present in them, can be miserable slaveries which degenerate into passions, while it is My Will Alone that Gives True Dominion, True Virtues, True Glory, Such as to Transform the human into Divine.”

V15 – 4.2.23 – Now, while He was Saying this, Together we went Round the earth for a little while, but – oh, what fright! Many wanted to wound my Beloved Jesus – some by knife, and some by sword. And among them, there were bishops, priests, religious, who wounded Him Deep into His Heart, but with such torture as to strike fright. Oh! how He Suffered and threw Himself into my arms to be Defended. I pressed Him to myself and prayed Him to let me Share in His Pains. He made me content by Piercing my heart through with such Vehemence, that I felt a deep wound within me for the whole day, and Jesus Came back repeated times to Wound me.

Now, the following morning, as I was feeling strong pain, my Sweet Jesus Came back, Saying to me: “Let me see your heart.” And while He was Looking, He told me: “Do you want Me to Heal you in order to relieve you from the pain you are suffering?” And I: ‘My Highest Good, why do You want to Heal me? Am I not worthy of suffering for You? Your Heart is All Wounded, and mine, compared to Yours – oh! how scarce is my suffering. Rather, if it pleases You, Give me more pains.’ And He, Squeezing me All to Himself, Continued to Pierce my heart through with more pain, and then He Left me. May Everything be for His Glory.

Abba Father,
In the Name of Jesus,
in the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,
Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
with All the Angels and Saints,
through the intercession
of the little daughter of the Divine Will,
Luisa Piccarreta,
Please Accept this Solemn Act
of Reparation and Consecration
of Russia, the United States and All Nations,
with All peoples, past, present and future,
as we Honor the 100th Anniversary
of Our Lady of Fatima.

On behalf of all mankind we beg You,
Come Holy Spirit!
May this Consecration hasten the

Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
and the Eucharistic Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the Coming of the Kingdom,
and of the Fulfillment of the prayer to You,
Our Heavenly Father,
“May Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
be accomplished and completed
in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

Fiat! Amen!