Author: DWLP

I Bless this Title

Volume 19 – August 29, 1926: 

“My daughter, how beautiful on your lips is the prayer for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will.

It is the echo of My Own Prayer, of My Sighs and of all My Works.

Now I Want to see what you wrote about the Title to be given to the writings about My Divine Will.”

And as He was saying this, He took this Book in His Hands, and He seemed to be reading what is written on August 27th.

As He was reading, He remained pensive, as though placing Himself in Profound Contemplation,
in such a way that I did not dare to tell Him anything;

I could only hear that His Sacred Heart was beating very, very strongly, almost wanting to explode.

Then He pressed the Book to His Breast, saying:

“I Bless this Title – I Bless It from My Sacred Heart, and I Bless All the Words that regard My Divine Will.” 

And raising His right hand, with Enchanting Majesty, He Pronounced the Words of the Blessing.

Having done this, He disappeared.

Novena for Luisa’s Birthday begins Today!

Novena for Luisa’s Birthday


For the Gift of Living In the Divine Will one with Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will

From April 14 to April 23 – Birthday of Luisa

 The Command Prayer

(recite after each days prayer)

Abba Father, In the Name of Jesus, in the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary, with all the Angels and Saints, through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command, that all be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will. Fiat! Amen!


Day 1

The Mystical Marriage –  “The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. …He drew near me, took my heart in His hands,…He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a garment of immense beauty, …and He clothed me with that garment. …He bejeweled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a crown of immense value,…Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” (V1)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 2

“Sometimes, carrying me with Him, He (Jesus) would take me (Luisa) to Paradise… I will just say that sometimes, while finding myself in that Blessed Fatherland, I would be strolling together with Jesus in the midst of the Choirs of Angels and the Saints; and since I was newly-espoused, all the Blessed would unite together to participate in the joys of our marriage. …Jesus would show me to the Saints, saying to them: “See this soul – she is a Triumph of My Love; My Love has surpassed everything in her.”

Other times, then, He would make me stay at the place which was going to be mine, and He would say to me: “Here is your place – no one can take it away from you.” (V1)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


 Day 3

“While I am outside of myself, my Adorable Jesus continues to show me my heart inside of His – but so transformed, that I can no longer recognize which one is mine and which one is Jesus’. …I seemed to see my Beloved Jesus occupied with preparing the place in which He was to put the heart, perfuming it and bejeweling it with many different flowers. And while He was doing this, He told me: “My beloved, since you must live from My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake a more perfect way of living. Therefore, from you I want:

  1. Perfect conformity to My Will, because you will only be able to love Me perfectly if you love Me with My own Will.
  2. Profound humility, placing yourself, in front of Me and of creatures, as the last among all.”  (…)  (V4 – 11.20.00)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 4

  1. Purity in everything, because any slightest fault against purity, both in loving and in operating, is reflected all in the heart, and it remains stained. …if all your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are adorned with the celestial dew of purity, you will weave a sweet enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the Whole of Heaven.
  2. Obedience, which must be connected with My Will, because if this virtue regards the superiors I have given you on earth, My Will is obedience which regards Me directly; …However, both of them have the same value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you must love both one and the other in the same way.”

“Know that from now on you will live with My Heart, and you must see things the way My Heart does, that I may find My satisfactions in you. Therefore be careful, for this is no longer your heart, but Mine.”   (V4 – 11.20.00)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 5

“…See, in order to make the creature ascend again into the Firmness, into the Perennial Good, into the unshakeability of My Will, I want to Establish My Kingdom in their midst. See then, in what point I have placed you—in the Firmness and unshakeability of the Fiat, so as to allow you to lay this Kingdom of Mine within It. And just as My Will Triumphs of everything with Its Firmness, so will you Triumph of everything with Its Firmness and in the unshakeability of Its Acts, and you will reorder the Divine Order between the two wills—the Divine Will shall be reintegrated in Its Glory, and the human will shall place itself again in the order established by God.”   (V20 – 1.13.27)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 6

‘Tell me, my Life, who is my Family? What is my dowry and Yours?’ And smiling, He continued: “Your family is the Trinity. Don’t you remember that in the first years of bed I took you to Heaven and we Celebrated our Union before the Most Holy Trinity…We, the Three Divine Persons, Descended from Heaven, took Possession of your heart, and formed Our Perpetual Residence in it. We took the reins of your intelligence, of your heart, and of all of yourself; and everything you did was an Outpouring of Our Creative Will over you, and the Confirmation that your will was animated by an Eternal Will.  (V13 – 12.5.21)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 7

(…) “My daughter, courage, let Me finish to manifest to you all that is necessary, regarding the Kingdom of My Will, so that nothing may be missing in order to form It in the midst of the human family.  …Its full Triumph you will see from Heaven.  …We will do It together, My daughter.  Your pains, your long sacrifices, your incessant prayers that My Kingdom may come soon, and My Manifestations about It – I will Unite everything together with Me and will form the foundations.  Once I have completed everything, I will Entrust My Kingdom to My ministers, so that, like second Apostles of the Kingdom My Will, they may be the criers of It.  (V20 – 11.6.26)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 8

“Live always in your precious Inheritance, that was given to you with so much Love.  It is yours—It will always be yours, inseparable from you; nor will I ever permit that My little daughter not feel the heartbeat of My Light, the breath of My balsamic Air, the Life of My Divine Will.”

(…)“Now, My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will possesses the rights of her creation, and therefore, more than sun, she lives in the Unity of her Creator; she is the reproducer of the effects of the Divine Unity.  In this Unity she gathers everything, embraces everyone, warms everyone, and with the breath of the Divine Unity she produces in the hearts of creatures all the effects that are present in the Kingdom of Grace…” (V27 – 11.14.29)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Day 9

“One who lives in My Will is the True Sun, that is such that apparently one sees nothing but light and feels nothing but heat, but how many goods are there not inside that light and heat?  How many effects?  The life and the goods of the earth are enclosed inside that light and heat.  In the same way, with one who Lives in My Divine Fiat, apparently one sees a creature, but inside there is a Divine Will that sustains everything—Heaven and earth, and does not want to keep inactive she who possesses such a great good.” (V27 – 11.14.29)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


Saturday April 23, 2017

Luisa’s Birthday

V3 – April 23, 1900 – This morning, finding myself outside of myself, I saw my sweet Jesus suffering very much, and I prayed Him to share His pains with me; and He said to me:  “You too suffer.  Rather, I will take your place and You will do for me the office of a nurse.”  So it seemed that Jesus placed Himself in my bed, and I, beside Him, began to check His head, removing the thorns which were driven into it one by one.  Then I moved on to His body and I visited all His wounds; I dried up the blood, I kissed them, but I had nothing with which to salve them so as to mitigate the spasm, when I saw that oil was coming out from me.  I took it and I salved the wounds of Jesus, but with some concern, as I did not understand what the meaning was of that oil coming out from me.

But blessed Jesus made me understand that resignation to the Divine Will is oil which, while salving and mitigating our pains, salves and mitigates the spasm of the wounds of Jesus at the same time.  Then, after performing this office for my dear Jesus for quite some time, He disappeared and I came back into myself.

Prayer – Lord, we pray that Your Eternal Fiat be Known, and just as it Reigns Triumphantly in Heaven, it may Come to Reign Triumphantly in the Midst of Creatures. We also pray that we may be anointed and salved with the Oil from Luisa so that we may all be Resigned to the Most Holy Divine Will.  Fiat!  Amen.


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Tantum Ergo

Down in adoration falling,
Lo! the sacred Host we hail;
Lo! o’er ancient forms departing,
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith for all defects supplying,
Where the feeble senses fail.
To the everlasting Father,
And the Son who reigns on high,
With the Holy Spirit proceeding
Forth from each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty. Amen.

V. You have given them bread from heaven,

R. Having all delight within it.

Let us pray.

O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament
left us a memorial of your Passion:
grant, we implore you,
that we may so venerate
the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood,
as always to be conscious of the fruit of your Redemption.
You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

The Divine Will and Its Triumph “in the midst of Creatures”

St Michael

Yesterday on Palm Sunday we began a series of 33 Holy Masses in honor of the Divine Will and Its Triumph “in the midst of Creatures” (Vol 20:10/26/26):

And even when, triumphant, I entered into Jerusalem, in the midst of the triumph of the crowds, surrounded with honor and glory, it was the Triumph of My Will that I established in the midst of the peoples. 

Tomorrow we are going to begin the 31 days of “The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” (in order to finish on May 12th,) in order to then consecrate the entire Church Militant to the Divine Will on May 13th, as well as Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Will you join us and get the word out to as many of our Divine Will prayer group members as possible? May it hurry the Coming of God’s Kingdom “on earth as It is in Heaven” throughout the entire Church Militant, especially in Her Beloved Priests!

We will also be honoring Saint Michael on his Feast Day of May 8th, as “Prince of the Heavenly Legions” and “Our Community’s Guardian Angel” preparing the way for Our Blessed Mother’s Appearance on May 13th! (since he came at both Fatima and Garabandal) Consecrating a beautiful statue in his Honor and asking for his Consecration of our Center and all our homes.

The study on the deification of man

Fr. Andrew speaks about the deification of man.

This talk gives an exciting overview of the central, although misunderstood or simply ignored, Christian doctrine that God the Father, through the Incarnation of the Son and the sending of the Holy Spirit into our hearts, transforms our humanity so as to allow us to share in divinity.

Grave objections that challenge the notion of deification as un-Christian are considered, and answers given from Scripture, holy witnesses to Tradition from both East and West, and the Magisterium.

Remember This From 1989

From the Marin Movments of Priests

406     June 13, 1989   Dongo (Como, Italy)

Anniversary of the Second Apparition at Fatima

The Beast Like a Lamb

“Beloved sons, today you are calling to mind my second apparition, which took place in the humble Cova da Iria in Fatima, on June 13, 1917.  Even as of then I foretold to you that which you are living through in these times.  I announced to you the great struggle between me, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, and the huge Red Dragon, which has brought humanity to live without God.

I also foretold to you the subtle and dark work, carried out by Freemasonry with the purpose of separating you from the observance of the Law of God and thus making you victims of sins and of vices.

Above all, as Mother, I have wanted to warn you of the grave dangers which threaten the Church today, because of the many and diabolical attacks which are being carried out against it to destroy it.

To attain this end, there comes out of the earth, by way of aid to the Black Beast which arises out of the sea, a beast which has two horns like those of a lamb.

The lamb, in Holy Scripture, has always been a symbol of sacrifice.  On the night of the exodus, the lamb is sacrificed, and, with its blood, the doorposts of the houses of the Hebrews are sprinkled, in order to remove them from the punishment which on the contrary strikes all the Egyptians.  The Hebrew Pasch recalls this fact each year, through the immolation of a lamb, which is sacrificed and consumed.  On Calvary, Jesus Christ sacrifices Himself for the redemption of humanity; He Himself becomes our Pasch and becomes the true Lamb of God who takes away all the sins of the world.

f   The beast has on its head two horns like those of a lamb.  To the symbol of the sacrifice, there is intimately connected that of the priesthood: the two horns.  The high priest of the Old Testament wore a headpiece with two horns.  The bishops of the Church wear the mitre with two horns to indicate the fullness of their priesthood.

The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy.  This masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church.  If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church.

h  Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God; He is the Word incarnate; He is true God and true Man because He unites in his divine Person human nature and divine nature.  Jesus, in the Gospel, has given his most complete definition of Himself, saying that He is the Truth, the Way and the Life.

  Jesus is the Truth, because He reveals the Father to us, speaks his definitive word to us, and brings all divine revelation to its perfect fulfillment.

j   Jesus is the Life, because He gives us divine life itself, with the grace merited by Him through redemption, and He institutes the sacraments as efficacious means which communicate grace.

k  Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel which He has given us, as the way to follow to attain salvation.

l   Jesus is the Truth because it is He — the living Word — who is the font and seal of all divine revelation.  And so ecclesiastical Masonry works to obscure his divine word, by means of natural and rational interpretations and, in the attempt to make it more understandable and acceptable, empties it of all its supernatural content.  Thus errors are spread in every part of the Catholic Church itself.  Because of the spread of these errors, many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to fulfillment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima: ‘The times will come when many will lose the true faith.’  The loss of the faith is apostasy.  Ecclesiastical Masonry works, in a subtle and diabolical way, to lead all into apostasy.

m Jesus is the Life because He gives grace.  The aim of ecclesiastical Masonry is that of justifying sin, of presenting it no longer as an evil but as something good and of value.  Thus one is advised to do this as a way of satisfying the exigencies of one’s own nature, destroying the root from which repentance could be born, and is told that it is no longer necessary to confess it.  The pernicious fruit of this accursed cancer, which has spread throughout the whole Church, is the disappearance everywhere of individual confession.  Souls are led to live in sin, rejecting the gift of life which Jesus has offered us.

Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel.  Ecclesiastical Masonry favors those forms of exegesis which give it a rationalistic and natural interpretation, by means of the application of the various literary genres, in such a way that it becomes torn to pieces in all its parts.  In the end, one arrives at denying the historical reality of miracles and of the resurrection and places in doubt the very divinity of Jesus and his salvific mission.

After having destroyed the historical Christ, the beast with the two horns like a lamb seeks to destroy the mystical Christ which is the Church.  The Church instituted by Christ is one, and one alone: it is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, founded on Peter.  As is Jesus, so too is the Church founded by Him which forms his Mystical Body, truth, life and way.

The Church is truth, because Jesus has entrusted to it alone the task of guarding, in its integrity, all the deposit of faith.  He has entrusted it to the hierarchical Church, that is to say, to the Pope and to the bishops united with him.  Ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy this reality through false ecumenism, which leads to the acceptance of all Christian Churches, asserting that each one of them has some part of the truth.  It develops the plan of founding a universal ecumenical Church, formed by the fusion of all the Christian confessions, among which, the Catholic Church.

q  The Church is life because it gives grace, and it alone possesses the efficacious means of grace, which are the seven sacraments.  Especially it is life because to it alone is given the power to beget the Eucharist, by means of the hierarchical and ministerial priesthood.  In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is truly present with his glorified Body and his Divinity.  And so ecclesiastical Masonry, in many and subtle ways, seeks to attack the ecclesial devotion towards the sacrament of the Eucharist.  It gives value only to the meal aspect, tends to minimize its sacrificial value, seeks to deny the real and personal presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host.  In this way there are gradually suppressed all the external signs which are indicative of faith in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, such as genuflections, hours of public adoration and the holy custom of surrounding the tabernacle with lights and flowers.

r   The Church is way because it leads to the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit, along the way of perfect unity.  As the Father and the Son are one, so too must you be one among yourselves.  Jesus has willed that his Church be a sign and an instrument of the unity of the whole human race.  The Church succeeds in being united because it has been founded on the cornerstone of its unity: Peter, and the Pope who succeeds to the charism of Peter.  And so ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy the foundation of the unity of the Church, through a subtle and insidious attack on the Pope.  It weaves plots of dissension and of contestation against the Pope; it supports and rewards those who vilify and disobey him; it disseminates the criticisms and the contentions of bishops and theologians.  In this way the very foundation of its unity is demolished, and thus the Church becomes more and more torn and divided.

s   Beloved children, I have urged you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and to enter into this, my motherly refuge, above all in order to be preserved and defended against this terrible snare.  In this way, through the act of consecration of my Movement, I have urged you to renounce every aspiration of building up a career.  Thus you will be able to remove yourselves from the strongest and most dangerous snare, made use of by Masonry in order to associate in its secret sects so many of my beloved children.  I bring you to a great love for Jesus-Truth, making you courageous witnesses of the faith; to Jesus-Life, leading you to great holiness; to Jesus-Way, asking you to be in life the Gospel alone, lived out and proclaimed to the letter.

t   Then I lead you to the greatest love for the Church.

u  I bring you to love the Church-truth, making of you strong proclaimers of all the truths of the Catholic faith, as you set yourself in opposition, with strength and courage, to all errors.

v  I make of you ministers of the Church-life, helping you to be faithful and holy priests.  Be always available for the needs of souls, lend yourselves, with generous abnegation, to the ministry of Reconciliation, and be burning flames of love and of zeal for Jesus present in the Eucharist.  In your churches may you once again hold frequent hours of public adoration and reparation to the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar.

w  I transform you into witnesses of the Church-way, and I make of you precious instruments of its unity.  For this reason, I have given you, as a second pledge of my Movement, a special unity with the Pope.  By means of your love and of your fidelity, the divine plan of perfect unity in the Church will once again shine forth in all its splendor.

Thus to the dark force which ecclesiastical Masonry is today exercising to destroy Christ and his Church, I am opposing the powerful splendor of my priestly and faithful army, so that Christ may be loved, listened to and followed by all, and that his Church may be more and more loved, defended and sanctified.

In this there shines forth above all the victory of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, and my Immaculate Heart attains its most luminous triumph.”

Humility – From the Writings of Luisa


Ah, yes, Humility draws grace,

Humility breaks the strongest chains, which are sin.

Humility surmounts any wall of division between the soul and God, and brings her back to Him.

Humility is a little plant, but always green and flowery, not subject to being gnawed by worms; nor will winds, hail or heat be able to do harm to it, or make it wither, even slightly.

Though being the littlest plant, humility produces very high branches, which penetrate even into Heaven, braiding around the Heart of Our Lord; and only the branches which come from this plant have free access into that adorable Heart.

Humility is the anchor of peace during the storms of the sea waves of this life.

Humility is the salt which spices all virtues and preserves the soul from the corruption of sin.

Humility is the little grass which sprouts along the way treaded by wayfarers; while being treaded, it disappears, but soon one can see it sprout again, more beautiful than before.

Humility is like a gentle graft, which renders the wild plant gentle.

Humility is the sunset of guilt.

Humility is the newborn of grace.

Humility is like the moon, which guides us in the darkness of the night of this life.

Humility is like that shrewd merchant who knows well how to trade his riches, and wastes not even one cent of the grace that is given to him.

Lent Meditation – 3/16


Volume 19 – June 20, 1926
“Ecce Homo”.  Jesus felt as many deaths for as many as were those who cried out:  “Crucify Him!”  One who lives in the Divine Will takes the fruit of the pains of Jesus.  The ideal of Jesus in Creation was the Kingdom of His Will in souls.

After going through most bitter days because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, I felt I could take no more; I moaned under a press that crushed my soul and body, and I longed for my Celestial Fatherland, in which not even for one instant would I be without the One who is all my life and my highest and only Good.  Then, when I reduced myself to the extremes without Jesus, I felt myself being filled completely with Him, in such a way that I remained like a veil that covered Him.  And since I was thinking about the pains of His Passion and accompanying Him, especially in the act in which Pilate showed Him to the people, saying, ‘Ecce Homo’, my sweet Jesus told me:  “My daughter, as Pilate said ‘Ecce Homo’, all cried out:  ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him – we want Him dead!’  And so did my very Celestial Father and my inseparable and pierced Mama, and not only those who were present, but all the absent and all generations, past and future.  And if someone did not say it with words, he said it with facts, because there was not a single one who said he wanted Me alive, and to keep silent is confirmation of what others want.

This cry of death from all was so very painful for Me; I felt as many deaths for as many as were the people who cried out:  ‘Crucify Him!’  I felt as though drowned with pains and with death; more so, since I could see that each death of mine would not bring life to each one, and those who received life because of my death would not receive all the complete fruit of my Passion and Death.  My sorrow was so great, that my moaning Humanity was about to succumb and breathe Its last; but while I was dying, with Its all-seeingness my Supreme Will made present to my dying Humanity all those who would let the Eternal Volition reign in them with absolute dominion, who would take the complete fruit of my Passion and Death.  Among them there was my dear Mother, as their head.  She took all the deposit of all my goods and of the fruits contained in my Life, Passion and Death – not even one breath of mine did She allow to be lost, nor did She fail to keep its precious fruit in Her custody.  And from Her they were to be transmitted to the little newborn of my Will and to all those in whom the Supreme Volition would have Its Life and Its Kingdom.

When my extinguishing Humanity saw the complete fruit of my Life, Passion and Death placed in safety and secured, It was able to resume and continue the course of Its sorrowful Passion.  So, it is my Will alone that brings all the fullness of my goods and the complete fruit contained in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification.  Wherever It reigns, Our works are all full of life – nothing is halved or incomplete; while where It does not reign, even if some virtues were present, everything is misery, everything incomplete, and if they produce any fruit at all, it is unripe and without maturity.  And if they take the fruits of my Redemption, they take them with measure and without abundance, therefore they grow as weak, sick and feverish; and if they do a little bit of good, they do it strained and they feel crushed under the weight of that bit of good that they do.  On the other hand, my Will empties the human will and in that void It places the divine strength and the life of good.  Therefore, one who lets It reign within herself does good without strain, and the life she contains leads her to operate good with an irresistible strength.  So, my Humanity found life in my Passion and Death, and in those in whom my Will would reign; therefore Creation and Redemption will always be incomplete until my Will has Its Kingdom in souls.”