Author: DWLP

From Luisa Piccarreta Association Luisa Piccarreta Official Website – “Lady” Obedience


February 28, 1899:
“Lady” Obedience wins over Luisa!

The word “obedience” is often misunderstoodWeb Pick, because we highlight a negative feature of the relationship among people, rather than its divine feature that is true, eternal and positive.

“Obey” comes from the Latin roots ob+ audire meaning to listen closely.

So “obedience” must not be regarded as a passive zeroing of man’s will, such as a annihilation of his freedom, but as its exaltation, because it triggers the deeper mechanisms of listening and dialogue.

“Behold, I come to do your will” (Heb 10:9)

“Christ became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8)
Biblical evidences shows that Jesus is certainly aware of the dramatic end to which he freely gives Himself, in fulfilling the mission received from the Father. Jesus several times expresses the belief that adherence to God’s will, in the establishment of the Kingdom among men, involves the price of loyalty until death. The free decision of Jesus is caused by his bond of loyalty and obedience in the love of the Father which is expressed in his unconditional love for men.

Moreover Jesus is the One who accomplished it and gave testimony about it: “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him” (Hebrews 5: 8-9). Any plan for our salvation depends on a free and responsible exercise of obedience; In fact what is sin, if not a disobedience to God’s command?

Jesus in one of his talk with Luisa said that Obedience was everything for Him, Obedience made Him be born, obedience made Him die. The wounds He had on his body were all wounds and marks that obedience made to Him. Through her Jesus conquered death, He defeated hell, He released man from his chains, He opened Heaven; and like a victorious King, He took possession of His Kingdom, not only for Himself, but for all his children.

Obedience is the quintessence of love; obedience is the finest, the purest, the most perfect love, extracted from the most painful sacrifice, to destroy oneself in order to live again of God.

Being most noble and divine, obedience tolerates nothing human in the soul, and nothing which does not belong to it. Therefore, all its attention is on destroying within the soul everything which does not belong to its divine nobility – that is, love of self. And once it has done this, it cares very little about whether it alone struggles and toils on behalf of the soul, while allowing the soul to rest peacefully.

Oh, holy obedience! How strong and powerful you are!
I see you before me, in these days of martyrdom, like a most powerful warrior,
armed from head to foot with swords, darts and arrows;
filled with all those instruments which are apt to wound.
And when you see that my poor heart, tired and down, wants to be cheered,
searching for its refreshment, its life,
the center to which it feels drawn as by a magnet
looking at me with a thousand eyes, you wound me from all sides with mortal wounds.
O please, have pity on me, and don’t be so cruel with me!
But the name ‘obedience’ resounds sweetly to your hearing,
and this is why you have so much love for obedient souls”.
Luisa Piccarreta


St. Veronica Giuliani -Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul, Incorruptible

St. Veronica Giuliani

St. Veronica Giuliani -Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul, Incorruptible

About Her Diary
St. Veronica left us a spiritual treasure, her Diary, which she wrote under obedience to her confessor, Fr. Gerolamo Bastianelli. She began writing it in April, 1693 and finished writing it thirty four years later in 1727. She wrote a total of twenty-two thousand pages. This was a great penance for her. She did not neglect her other duties and would write late at night in her cell. The devil would often try to scare her to disrupt her writing. He would hide and break her pencils, and sometimes even attacked her physically: “After Matins, when I wanted to make an act of obedience and write for a quarter of an hour, I suddenly got a big punch in the eye and heard a voice saying, ‘damned writings!’” During the last fifteen years of her life, Veronica was so ill that a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows in her cell would come to life, and the Blessed Virgin Mary herself dictated to her the last chapters of the Diary.

Jesus made two promises to Veronica about this diary: “The Lord himself made me understand I should write everything; because He wanted it thus; and that these writings would be of great benefit to many souls; and that he wanted it to be for the whole of Christianity.” And on another occasion Jesus told her: “I inform you that I want to give special graces to whomever will trouble himself with this work. And I want everything, everything revealed. These are My works, My gifts, they are My singular graces, and all shall be for My glory.”

It is interesting to note that both saints and mystics have been entrusted with the publication of this diary. It was not until one hundred and fifty years later that Francois Dausse started to work on its publication, but his work remained unfinished because of his death. After this, St. Annibale Maria di Francia started working on this diary and managed to publish the first volume under the title, A Hidden Treasure, The Diary of St. Veronica Giuliani (1891-92). However, St. Annibale had to stop working on this Diary because the local Bishop asked him to start reviewing the writings of mystic, Luisa Picarreta in order to give them the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. Later, a Jesuit priest, Pietro Pizzicaria, managed to publish the next 8 volumes under the same title before he died and the last two volumes were published by Professor Umberto Bucchioni in 1927.

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch (36 – 42)

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch (36 – 42)


Saint_Peters_Church_AntiochSaint Peter’s Church at Antioch (from the 4th or 5th century)

Antioch, in Syria, was the city where the first Pope of the Catholic Church, Saint Peter, set up his Chair after his departure from Jerusalem. This was at the house of a noble Gentile Christian named Theophilus, the one to whom Saint Luke dedicates his two books: the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Nearly seven years later, in the year 42, Saint Peter set up his Chair at Rome, at the home of Saint Pudens, a senator, and his mother, Saint Priscilla. Saint Peter occupied his Chair at Rome for twenty-five years, from the year 42 to the year 67, when he was crucified for the Faith.

From Luisa Piccarreta Association Luisa Piccarreta Official Website


The 24 Hours of the Passion

The Value and Benefit of Meditating them.


The desire to represent the sacred, to give form to the mystery of God revealed in Jesus, is not only legitimate, but also responds to the needs of the Catholic faith that recognizes in the incarnation of the Son of God, the full and definitive revelation of the Father. The incarnation of the Son for the redemption of all past, present and future generations.  A return to origins, to the creation, to the state of grace in which Adam had lived.

Well, in the representation of the movie “The Passion” by Mel Gibson, it begins with a passage from the prophet Isaiah: “As many were astonished at him, his appearance was so marred, beyond human resemblance…” “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…” ” like a lamb that is led to the slaughter.” (Is 52:14; 53:4; 53:7) The film director shows all the realism of the event on the last hours of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ in a very visual way compared to the various artistic expressions (painting, sculpture, writing).

What better introduction to the work of Luisa, the Hours of the Passion? The reading of this work is a hymn to the strength, tenacity, resignation, obedience, to our Lord’s exhortation addressed to all the creatures, which highlights that His sacrifice is an act of love, and all the acts done in his earthly life, were destined to the salvation of all mankind. Here then the need to learn every day to live in the Divine Will through our acts that are aimed at the One Act, that is the reunion between God and his creatures.

For years, at night, Luisa entered the contemplation of the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the addition of distinct information about many scenes of the Passion, of His last 24 hours of life on earth. It all starts with the Legal Supper and ends with Jesus’ death on the cross, thus giving future generations  this magnificent work which is important for a good meditation.

The key message of this meditation, in the light of the Divine Will, is repairing  all the acts that fail to give glory, praise and thanksgiving to God and for the salvation of souls. And where there are those who meditate these hours new graces will come down from heaven for the benefit of all creatures.

The satisfaction that Jesus receives from the meditation of these Hours is great: it would happen as if Jesus heard His own voice and His prayers being reproduced in those reparations, just as the ones He raised to His Father during His sorrowful Passion with the purpose to placate the Divine Justice.

On Ash Wednesday, the Association Little Children of the Divine Will, in the footsteps of Luisa, begins the meditation of “The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”, which lasts until Good Friday, with the creation, as in other parts of the world, of “living clocks”, so that Jesus in every suffering has souls at His side.

Therefore, we invite all those who want to start this sublime meditation to form living clocks to give more satisfaction to our Lord when he falls repeatedly in an orderly and continuous way, as Luisa did, all the moments of His Passion.


Remember This!

beatification-pic-of-jp-iiCardinal Karol Wojtyla, whom the world now remembers as Saint John Paul II. In an address given during that 1976 Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia spoke some words which are prophetic:

“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. I do not think that the wide circle of the American Society, or the whole wide circle of the Christian Community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the antichrist. The confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence. It is, therefore, in God’s Plan, and it must be a trial which the Church must take up, and face courageously.”

Prayer of the little children of the Divine Will

Luisa Rosery Prayer of the little children of the Divine Will

For each day from Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday

For The Jubilee Year of Mercy


Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, In the Unity, Love and Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary Our Blessed Mother, with all the Angels and Saints, and through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, we, the little children of the Divine Will, echo her Prayer to help fulfill her task, to repair and re-do all the acts, thoughts, words and deeds of all souls, past, present and future, and to hasten the Salvation and Sanctification of mankind, and with our voice, give You, Triune God, the Divine Glory as if it was done by all in a Divine Manner, as You Originally Wanted from Adam and his children. And so we say:

‘Heavenly Father, we come to Your Throne to bring to You Your dear children, broken and separated from You, so that You may bind and re-tie once again that Divine Will which was severed from You by Adam. We the little children of Your Most Holy Divine Will asks this of You and we take on the commitment to satisfy You for everyone. Please bind again the human will with the Divine Will bringing the Kingdom of Your Will so that It may come and Reign upon earth as it is in Heaven. Nothing is denied to Your little ones because what they ask is nothing other than the Echo of Your Own Divine Will and of what You Yourself Want.’


We pledge to pray these prayers each day from Ash Wednesday

to Divine Mercy Sunday, for the complete healing and restoration

of all Your children and situations:


February 10 – For Our Holy Father Pope Frances, and for all Popes from Peter to the last

February 11 – For all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Deacons of all time

February 12 – For all Seminarians, all Religious men and women of all time

February 13 – For all teachers and Promoters of the Faith of all time

February 14 – For all Fathers, Adoptive Fathers, Grandfathers, throughout the generations

February 15 – For all Mothers, Adoptive Mothers, Grandmothers throughout the generations

February 16 – For all the unborn, newborns, infants, toddlers, and all children

February 17 – For all young people, teenage, young adult, and all seeking their vocations

February 18 – For all the single men and women and for all elderly

February 19 – For all the infirm and suffering, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally

February 20 – For all souls before death, at any age and circumstance

February 21 – For all soldiers, law enforcement, fire protectors, service persons of all types

February 22 – For all farmers, workers, slaves of all time

February 23 – For all Your chosen people, the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews

February 24 – For all Patriarchs, Prophets, saints of the Old Testament

February 25 – For the Apostles, disciples, for all saints of the New Testament

February 26 – For all missionaries and martyrs

February 27 – For all Saints having aided Redemption and Sanctification

February 28 – For all Catholics of the East, of the West, of all Rites

February 29 – For all Protestants and all Christians

March 1 – For all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and for all who do not know You, O God

March 2 – For all sinners and all in need of Your Infinite Mercy

March 3 – For all leaders, from Kings to politicians, from high authority to low

March 4 – For all medical persons, lawyers, professors, business persons of every sort

March 5 – For all astronomers, scientists, intellects of every degree

March 6 – For all handicapped and all suffering imperfections of mind and body

March 7 – For all abandoned, outcast and unwanted

March 8 – For the poor, homeless, week, the unloved everywhere

March 9 – For the cancellation of all debts and curses in all family lines

March 10 – For the generational healing of all family lines

March 11 – For the exorcism of all demons in souls and in or on the earth anywhere

March 12 – For the Angels to descend upon earth in the aid and protection of all Your chilren

March 13 – For the Angels of the Last Times to come and fulfill Their Tasks according to the Divine Will

March 14 – For all displaced people, those in refuges and in transition

March 15 – For all homosexuals and those uncertain of their Divine dignity

March 16 – For all addicts of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, entertainment, sex and of every vice

March 17 – For all aborted babies at any stage of development

March 18 – For all persons in having supported abortion by politics, human reasoning or indifference

March 19 – For all mothers, fathers, medical or evil persons responsible for killing any unborn child

March 20 – For the conversion of all souls, for their Salvation and Sanctification

March 21 – For the Proclamation 5th Dogma of Our Lady Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate

March 22 – For Our Lady, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will, to Honor Her as such

March 23 – For Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, to Honor Her as such

March 24 – For the Gift of the Divine Will be given to the Holy Father

March 25 – For the release of all souls from Purgatory

March 26 – For the Unification of the East and the West Churches under the Roman Pontiff

March 27 – For the intentions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the fulfillment of all Her Requests

March 28 – For the Glorification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

March 29 – For the blessing of the little family of which we are members.

March 30 – For the Book of Heaven to be known, loved and possessed by all

March 31 – For the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Second Coming, all for His Glory

April 1 – For the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Second Pentecost

April 2 – For One Church, One Flock, One Shepherd

April 3 – For the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven


The Command Prayer

 Abba Father,

In the name of Jesus

In the Unity and Power

of the Holy Spirit,

under the Mantle of Mary

with all the Angels and Saints

through the Intercession of

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

please take my humble prayer

of Today

and make it Your Command.

that all be accomplished and completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.



NewsLetter from Official Luisa Piccarreta Website


Family reconciliation

It is attributed to Luisa “The Holy”.


In a time when families are struggling to stay together, the testimony which follows is a message of hope.

From the beginning of his pontificate Pope Francis has emphasised the theme of mercy and underlined the importance of the family, which he calls the first and most important school of mercy.

The story received at our Association a few months ago, offers us a concrete example of the theme that is very dear to our Pope

Who testifies this “special healing” is the mother of one of the protagonists. With faith she attribute it to the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and we faithfully report it with the hope that this year becomes the special year of family reunification.

«My son, R. and his wife were separated in 2012, after a very intense argument which resulted in his wife, J. calling the police, resulting in R. being charged with assault and preventing an emergency call. With the authorities involved, the entire incident escalated, resulting in the separation. From that point, their married life was in jeopardy and I had no contact with his wife J. an d my two grand children. The only contact with J. was to se e her in court, which only stirred up a great deal of pain.

Over a period of time, J. filed for a divorce and we knew their family was crumbling and nothing we could say or do would make a difference in saving this marriage. Throughout this separation, R. only saw his children and wife once a week for an hour. These visitations went on for months. During this time, J.’s family was pressuring her to go on with the divorce.

In the state we live in, married couples must be separated for one year, and as the months passed on, there was no hope for a reconciliation.

My husband and I decided to attend the National Divine Will Conference in 2013. On that day, after the conference concluded, I decided to go to confession. I confessed my sins and then asked the father if I could beg Luisa to intercede to save my son’s marriage. He said “Of course.” From that day forward, my husband and I made a commitment to pray the “Hours of the Passion and to also pray the “Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” daily.  I started off my daily prayer begging Luisa to help to reconcile R. and J.’s marriage. I would sincerely petition Luisa by reciting the prayer to implore the Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta prayer numbers one, two and three. I poured my heart out to her. I believe she heard my every plea.

On 14 September 2013, on the feast of the Exultation of the Cross, I went to confession with another priest. I explained to him in confession that my son, R.t had been arrested again and we would not see him for two years because of a restraining order that had been placed on him at the request of his wife, J. I explained to the priest that all these accusations J. accused R. of were exaggerated. He asked me to notify J. that he would like to talk to her. I left confession thinking it would be very unlikely that J. would agree to meet with the priest.

I picked up the phone and called J. to see if she would agree to meet with the priest so that he could pray over her to provide healing far the affects of being married to an alcoholic, which R. was. Up until this point, J. was completely committed to going through with the divorce. She would not consider nor even talk about the possibility of a reconciliation.

J. met with the priest  for three hours, primarily listening to his advice. After their meeting, R. was contacted by J. saying that she desired to reconcile. She contacted her lawyer and had all charges against R. dropped and immediately stopped the divorce process. Additionally, R. has not had any alcohol since their reconciliation. J. also conceived their third child within two months or so of their reconciliation.

I believe with all my heart that it was Luisa who interceded for J. and R. through the priest».



2/2 – The Presentation of My Son

Jesus and MaryDay Twenty-three
The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

…My dear child, do not move from my side; follow Me everywhere. Forty days from the birth of little King Jesus are about to sound when the Divine Fiat calls us to the Temple in order to fulfill the law of the Presentation of my Son. So we went to the Temple. It was thourladyofsorrows2e first time that we went out together with my sweet Baby. A vein of sorrow opened in my Heart: I was going to offer Him as victim for the salvation of all. We entered the Temple, and first we adored the Divine Majesty; then we called the priest, and having placed Him in his arms, I made the offering of the Celestial Baby to the Eternal Father – offering Him in sacrifice for the salvation of all. The priest was Simeon, and as I placed Him in his arms, he recognized that He was the Divine Word and exulted with immense joy; and after the offering, assuming the attitude of prophet, he prophesied all my sorrows. Oh! how the Supreme Fiat sounded over my maternal Heart – thoroughly, with vibrating sound, the mournful tragedy of all the pains of my Baby Son. But what pierced Me the most were the words that the holy prophet spoke to Me: “This dear Baby will be the salvation and the ruin of many, and will be the target of contradictions.”
If the Divine Will had not sustained Me, I would have died instantly of pure pain. But It gave Me life, and used it to form in Me the Kingdom of sorrows, within the Kingdom of Its very Will. So, in addition to the right of Mother which I had over all, I acquired the right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows. Ah! yes, with my sorrows I acquired the little coin to pay the debts of my children, and also of the ungrateful children.
Now, my child, you must know that in the light of the Divine Will I already knew all the sorrows I was to suffer – and even more than that which the holy prophet told Me. But in that act, so solemn, of offering my Son, in hearing it being repeated to Me, I felt so pierced that my Heart bled, and deep gashes opened in my soul.
Now, listen to your Mama: in your pains, in the sorrowful encounters which are not lacking for you, never lose heart; but with heroic love let the Divine Will take Its royal place in your pains, that It may convert them for you into little coins of infinite value, with which you will be able to pay the debts of your brothers, to ransom them from the slavery of the human will, so as to make them enter again, as free children, into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.